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AS Tallink Grupp Unaudited Consolidated Interim Report Q1 2020



In the first quarter (1 January – 31 March) of the 2020 financial year, Tallink Grupp AS and its subsidiaries (the Group) carried 1.6 million passengers, which is 15.6% less than in the first quarter last year. The number of cargo units transported increased by 7.0% in the same comparison. The Group’s unaudited consolidated revenue decreased by 13.4% or EUR 23.9 million to a total of EUR 154.9 million. Unaudited EBITDA was EUR -1.3 million (EUR 3.8 million in Q1 2019) and unaudited net loss was EUR 30.2 million (net loss of EUR 25.3 million in Q1 2019).In the first quarter, the Group’s revenue and operating results were impacted by the following operational factors:Increase in the number of carried passengers in January and February, 12.4% and 8.0%, respectively.Drastic decrease in volumes in March due to Covid-19 resulting in 59.3% less passengers.Planned dockings of five ships, totalling 69 days, which is 48 days less than in the first quarter last year.Operations of 7 vessels and 3 hotels suspended since the travel restrictions were imposed in mid-March.Impact of coronavirus disease Covid-19Due to the global outbreak of Covid-19, the state of emergency declared in most of the Group’s home markets and the restrictions imposed by the authorities, the Group’s operating environment has deteriorated significantly subsequent to the end of reporting period.Given the uncertainty regarding the duration of the crisis and the course of the post-crisis recovery, it is not possible to assess the financial impact of the Covid-19-related crisis reliably at the moment. Significant impact of the Covid-19 situation started only late in the quarter, resulting the number of passengers decline by 59.3% in March but only a 15.6% decrease for the entire quarter. More in line with the passenger development the first quarter revenue also declined by only 13.4% which contributed to net result to decline by EUR 6.9 million compared to last year’s normalised result (excluding one-off expenses). The true extent of the impact on our operations and results is more visible in our April passenger statistics – down 95.9% compared to last year.In the current situation, the focus has shifted to cost and cash flow management to ensure the sustainability of the Group’s core business. Thus, we have scaled down on non-critical costs and investments.Travel restrictions
To minimise the costs in the situation of lowered demand and imposed restrictions the Group made several operational changes.
Operations of Tallinn-Stockholm route vessels, Baltic Queen and Victoria I, were suspended from 15 March, Latvia-Sweden route vessels, Romantika and Isabelle, from 16 March and Helsinki-Stockholm route vessels, Silja Serenade and Silja Symphony, from 19 March. Operations of Tallinn-Helsinki route cruise ferry Silja Europa was suspended from 17 March and shuttle vessel Star from 18 March. Three hotels – Tallink City Hotel, Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel and Tallink Hotel Riga – have been closed since 18 March 2020. Tallink Express Hotel in Tallinn has remained open in limited capacity.  Estonia-Finland routes shuttle vessel Megastar and cargo vessel Seawind, Paldiski-Kapellskär route cargo vessel Regal Star and Turku-Stockholm route cruise ferries Baltic Princess and Galaxy continued operating to ensure international movement of cargo.In cooperation with Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cruise ferry Romantika performed an evacuation trip to Germany to bring home Estonians and Latvians who were not able to return home due to closed borders in Europe. In cooperation with Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, shuttle vessel Star was rerouted to Paldiski-Sassnitz route from 19 March to 18 April to ensure continuing transportation of goods between the Baltic and the Nordics and western Europe.Changes concerning workload and remuneration of personnel
Due to the Covid-19 situation the following decisions relating to personnel were made in the first quarter of 2020:
the workload and remuneration of all Estonian personnel reduced to 70% for two months;most of the Finnish personnel are on unpaid leave, except the staff on duty on vessels;the workload of Swedish personnel reduced to 40% and remuneration reduced to 50%, except for the staff on duty on vessels;the workload and remuneration of all Latvian personnel reduced to 70%;the Members of Supervisory Board of Tallink Grupp AS waived their remuneration for three months;the Chairman of the Management Board has requested his salary to be reduced to 50% and other Management Board Members’ salaries have been reduced to 70%.After the reporting period, collective redundancies process was commenced, including among others hotel personnel and Latvian onboard personnel. To date the redundancies have affected approximately 10% of the Group employees.Support measures
The Group has, after the reporting date, applied for temporary salary compensation measures offered by the states.
From late March the operations of Megastar and Turku-Stockholm route vessels have been backed by Finland’s National Emergency Supply Agency’s to ensure the cargo supply. The support is of crucial help to cover the operating expenses, however, there is no contribution to earnings.Estonian parliament has approved change in legislation granting exemption from ships’ fairway dues for twelve months starting from April 2020.Activities to improve liquidity
The Management Board has decided to propose to the Supervisory Board not to pay dividends from net profit for 2019.
An instalment for the construction of shuttle vessel MyStar, originally scheduled for the second quarter of 2020, was postponed to the third quarter of 2020 after negotiations with the shipyard.To the date of the report the Group has been carrying out constructive negotiations with financial institutions regarding waivers of loan covenants and payment schedules.To ensure sufficient liquidity the Group has, to the date of the report, been in consultations and negotiations with various financing institutions and State of Estonia regarding obtaining additional financing. Based on such activities the financial report has been prepared according to going concern principle.Sales and segmentsIn the first quarter of 2020, the Group’s total revenue decreased by EUR 23.9 million to EUR 154.9 million. Total revenue in the first quarter of 2019 and 2018 was EUR 178.9 million and EUR 184.2 million, respectively.Revenue from route operations (core business) decreased by EUR 25.8 million to EUR 143.7 million. Starting from March the passenger operations and segment results on all routes were significantly affected by Covid-19 situation and travel restrictions. Increase in cargo units was affected by changes in pricing policy.The number of passengers carried on the Estonia-Finland routes decreased by 15.0% compared to last year but the number of transported cargo units increased by 8.3%. Estonia-Finland routes’ revenue decreased by EUR 11.2 million to EUR 59.2 million. The segment result decreased by EUR 3.7 million to EUR 3.3 million.The number of passengers carried on the Finland-Sweden routes’ decreased by 16.9% but the number of transported cargo units increased by 4.6%. The route’s revenue decreased by EUR 10.7 million to EUR 57.2 million and the segment result decreased by 61.3% or EUR 3.1 million to EUR -8.2 million.On Estonia-Sweden routes’ the number of passengers carried decreased by 9.6% but the number of transported cargo units increased by 14.9%. Despite the 7.4% decrease in the routes’ revenue, the segment result decreased by 2.2% to EUR -4.7 million. The results were supported by the absence of the lengthy maintenance and repair works cruise ferry Baltic Queen had in the first quarter of 2019.On the Latvia-Sweden route the transported passengers and cargo units decreased by 21.3% and 20.3%, respectively. The route’s revenue decreased by EUR 2.5 million compared to last year and amounted to EUR 10.1 million. The segment result decreased by EUR 1.3 million to EUR -5.3 million.Revenue from the segment other increased by a total of EUR 1.8 million and amounted to EUR 12.5 million. The increase was mainly driven by higher sales from onshore shops and revenue from stevedoring services at the Tallinn Old City Harbour as a result of winning a public tender.EarningsIn the first quarter of 2020, the Group’s gross profit decreased by EUR 10.7 million compared to the same period last year, amounting to EUR -0.2 million. EBITDA decreased by EUR 5.0 million and amounted to EUR -1.3 million.The Group’s first quarter result was positively impacted by the increase in passenger volumes in January and February as well as the absence of nonrecurring costs such as in the first quarter of 2019. However, the fear surrounding the virus and travel restrictions in force across Europe had a significant negative impact.Amortisation and depreciation expense increased by EUR 0.1 million to EUR 24.8 million compared to last year.Net finance costs decreased by EUR 0.2 million compared to the first quarter last year. The change includes a decrease of EUR 0.2 million in interest expense.The Group’s unaudited net loss for the first quarter of 2020 was EUR 30.2 million or EUR 0.045 per share compared to a net loss of EUR 25.3 million or EUR 0.038 per share in 2019 and net loss of EUR 19.6 million or EUR 0.029 per share in 2018.InvestmentsThe Group’s investments in first quarter of 2020 amounted to EUR 27.1 million. In the first quarter there were planned dockings of five vessels: Seawind, Megastar, Romantika, Silja Europa and Silja Symphony. The planned service breaks of five vessels totalled 69 days in the first quarter of 2020 (117 days in the first quarter of 2019).Investments were made in the ships’ technical maintenance, upgrades of public areas and a number of energy efficiency projects as well as projects to reduce emissions such as the trial of a wind-assisted ship propulsion unit on Regal Star and the installation of the ballast water treatment system and the replacement of the vessel’s provision cooling system on Silja Europa.The Group’s investments included a prepayment of EUR 12.4 million for a new LNG shuttle vessel, MyStar.Investments were also made in the development of the online booking and sales systems as well as other administrative systems.DividendsDue to a deteriorated operating environment after the reporting date and considering the Company’s long-term interests, the Management Board has decided to propose to the Supervisory Board not to pay dividends from net profit for 2019.Financial positionIn the first quarter, the Group’s net debt increased by EUR 35.5 million to EUR 574.5 million and the net debt to EBITDA ratio was 3.5 at the reporting date.At the end of the first quarter, total liquidity buffer (cash, cash equivalents and unused credit facilities) amounted to EUR 79.2 million (EUR 112.9 million at 31 March 2019). At the same time, the current trade and other payables amounted to EUR 100.7 million exceeding the liquidity buffer 1.27 times. The respective figures for the end of the first quarter of 2019 were EUR 97.8 million and 0.87.At 31 March 2020, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 16.5 million (EUR 47.8 million at 31 March 2019) and the Group had EUR 62.7 million in unused credit lines (EUR 65.1 million at 31 March 2019).Economic EnvironmentThe Group operates shipping routes to and from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia and therefore considers these countries its home markets. As nearly half of all the passengers are Finnish, the Group is exposed the most to the economic developments in Finland. Similarly, the Group faces high exposure to the economic developments in Estonia and Sweden.In the first two months of 2020, the economic environment was favourable for our passenger operations. Less docking days compared to 2019 and stable consumer confidence reflected in the number of carried passengers improving 10% in January-February. From March, the environment has significantly deteriorated and has been defined by the outbreak of Covid-19 and the extensive travel and other restrictions applied across our home markets from mid-month. The combined effects from lower demand, travel restrictions and decreased supply to minimise the costs, resulted in the 59% drop in the number of passengers carried in March 2020. The developments around Covid-19 and the various containment measures will continue to be the key aspect of the operating environment with the impact visible first hand in our passenger volumes, as truly evident in the 96% decline in the number of passengers carried in April 2020.Although the confidence of businesses had started to recover from the lengthy deterioration and a low point reached in the preceding quarter across our home markets, the overall cargo market remained weak in the first quarter of 2020, particularly January and February. Our volumes were largely supported by adjustments in the pricing policy and the sudden spike in demand for consumer goods in March. The current halt of the economies is expected to start weighing on the consumer and business confidence, implied also by the already rising unemployment across our home markets. Therefore, the environment for our cargo operations is expected to weaken in the coming periods.The concerns regarding decreasing demand due to Covid-19 related global economic slowdown combined with oil-politics fuelled increase in the supply, resulted in a sharp decline in global fuel prices from mid-March. The effective market prices of the relevant fuels (in euros) were in the first quarter of 2020, on average, 20% lower compared to last year’s prices. As a combination of the changes in the market prices and our price-fixing agreements, the effective average fuel price in the first quarter of 2020 was 5% lower than this time last year.Currently, the key risk has to do with global and regional developments with the Covid-19 situation and related restrictions on travel and other economic activities. In addition, the duration of the situation and its economic damage and its impact on local and international trade.Events in Q1Fuel price risk management
In the first quarter of 2020, the Group entered into agreements with its main fuel suppliers and fixed the purchase price of fuel equivalent to about 65% of its total estimated fuel volume for 2020. The average agreed price was about 5.5% lower compared to the average price of similar agreements for 2019.
Due to the Covid-19 situation, more flexible terms were negotiated and agreed with one of the fuel suppliers in April, according to which we are purchasing fuel at market prices until our performance recovers to an agreed level. From the other supplier we continue to purchase at fixed price, but as per our contractual notification in April, only in the volume of our actual consumption.Changes in the Group structure
In February 2020, Hansatee Cargo AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tallink Grupp AS, was merged with the Group company Tallink AS and thereafter deleted from the Commercial Registry.
Signing the Memorandum of Understanding
On 26 February 2020, Tallink Grupp AS, the Group’s largest shareholder Infortar AS and the City of Tallinn signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the city owned architectural monument Tallinn City Hall and its adjacent properties into a top conference and concert centre in the Baltic Sea region with an accompanying Tallink port in the city centre to improve the attractiveness of Tallinn as a tourist destination and to offer local citizens new recreational opportunities.
According to the memorandum, the project parties agreed to establish a joint venture in which the City of Tallinn will hold a 34% stake and both the Group and Infortar AS will hold a 33% stake, and upon establishment, to make initial contributions pro rata to their shareholding and in the total amount of EUR 1 million.Events after the reporting period and outlookDevelopments with the new shuttle vessel MyStar
The physical production process of MyStar started on 6 April 2020 in Rauma shipyard in Finland. Prepayment in the amount of EUR 49.4 million will be made in the third quarter of 2020.
Increase of overdraft limit
In April, the Group extended its existing overdraft facility with Danske Bank A/S by EUR 20.0 million. The increase of the overdraft facility helps to improve the Group’s liquidity.  
Changes in the Audit Committee
The Supervisory Board of Tallink Grupp AS has decided to recall Luke Staniczek from the Audit Committee. From 17 April, the Audit Committee continues with three members including Meelis Asi (Chairman of the Audit Committee), Ain Hanschmidt and Mare Puusaag.
Tallink Ekspress e-shop
On 20 April 2020, a new Tallink Ekspress e-shop was opened, in which different food products, alcohol and non-alcohol drinks as well as basic necessities are sold. Home delivery service is provided by Tallink Takso.
Changes in the Group structure
In April 2020, TLG Agent OÜ, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tallink Grupp AS, was renamed LNG Shipmanagement OÜ. The main activity of the subsidiary is to provide crewing service. 
The Group’s earnings are not generated evenly throughout the year. The summer period is the high season in the Group’s operations. In management’s opinion and based on prior experience most of the Group’s earnings are generated during the summer (June-August).
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation the earnings outlook for 2020 has become highly uncertain and will be largely subject to external factors such as the states’ decisions regarding the timing of lifting of the travel restrictions, allowing passenger traffic as well as the duration of the recovery period.Research and development projects
Tallink Grupp AS does not have any substantial ongoing research and development projects. The Group is continuously seeking opportunities for expanding its operations in order to improve its results.
The Group is looking for innovative ways to upgrade the ships and passenger area technology to improve its overall performance through modern solutions. The most recent project, in collaboration with ports in the Baltic Sea area, involves making preparations for the use of high-voltage shore connection during the vessels’ port stays. Another ongoing collaboration project with Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) involves the development of smart car deck solutions.In addition, the Group is participating in a programme, funded by the European Space Agency, with a goal to develop techniques for autonomous navigation for ships, using a combination of different sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence.Risks
The Group’s business, financial position and operating results could be materially affected by various risks. These risks are not the only ones we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us, or that we currently believe are immaterial or unlikely, could also impair our business. The order of presentation of the risk factors below is not intended to be an indication of the probability of their occurrence or of their potential effect on our business.
Covid-19 situation and developmentsAccidents, disastersMacroeconomic developmentsChanges in laws and regulationsRelations with trade unionsIncrease in the fuel prices and interest ratesMarket and customer behaviour
Key figures
1 Alternative performance measures based on ESMA guidelines are disclosed in the Alternative Performance Measures section of this Interim Report.
2 Does not include additions to right-of-use assets.
EBITDA: result from operating activities before net financial items, share of profit of equity-accounted investees, taxes, depreciation and amortization
EBIT: result from operating activities
Earnings per share: net profit / weighted average number of shares outstanding
Equity ratio: total equity / total assets
Shareholder’s equity per share: shareholder’s equity / number of shares outstanding
Gross margin: gross profit / net sales
EBITDA margin: EBITDA / net sales
EBIT margin: EBIT / net sales
Net profit margin: net profit / net sales
Capital expenditure: additions to property, plant and equipment – additions to right-of-use assets + additions to intangible assets
ROA: earnings before net financial items, taxes 12-months trailing / average total assets
ROE: net profit 12-months trailing / average shareholders’ equity
ROCE: earnings before net financial items, taxes 12-months trailing / (total assets – current liabilities (average for the period))
Net debt: interest-bearing liabilities less cash and cash equivalents
Net debt to EBITDA: net debt / EBITDA 12-months trailing

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

Consolidated statement of financial position

Consolidated statement of cash flows
 Veiko Haavapuu
Financial Director
AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn, Estonia
E-mail [email protected]
AttachmentsTallink Grupp 2020 Q1 ENGTallink Grupp 2020 Q1 Financial DataTallink Grupp 2020 Q1 Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence

How AIoT shapes the future of mobility: Hikvision at ITS World Congress 2024




HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Hikvision made a significant impact at the ITS World Congress in Dubai with its captivating theme, “Embrace AIoT for safer, smarter, and greener mobility.” Its booth became a hub of innovation, where visitors explored AIoT solutions that are reshaping the transportation landscape, sparking deep conversations on the future of urban mobility.

Road safety revolution: harnessing AIoT for secure transportation
Hikvision’s commitment to road safety was on full display at its booth through the impressive array of AIoT solutions designed to create secure and reliable traffic environments. The company’s technology provides 24/7 traffic monitoring, ensuring continuous oversight of motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, pedestrians and environmental factors. This comprehensive, real-time information collection enables traffic managers to prevent accidents and enhance road safety. Among the showcased products was the 20 MP IR ANPR Checkpoint Capture Unit, renowned for its high-definition capture capabilities, bolstering traffic safety measures.
A standout innovation was the integration of advanced radar and camera technologies, ensuring uninterrupted, comprehensive detection even in adverse weather conditions. The Radar-Video Fusion Incident Detection Cameras, featured prominently in the product experience area, enable early detection and warning of potential hazards. They are particularly effective in challenging situations such as curved roads, blind spots at intersections, and obstacles beyond visual range.
Attendees also engaged with onboard monitoring products on the simulated bus, including dome network cameras, which is designed to enhance passenger safety. Driving assistance products, such as the Driver Status Monitor (DSM), were demonstrated to mitigate unsafe driving behaviors and ensure safer journeys.
Urban mobility redefined: smart traffic innovations
In the realm of smarter mobility, Hikvision showcased its multidimensional sensing technology, which integrates visible light sensors, infrared sensors, radar, and sonar. This technology expands perception capabilities, significantly improving traffic management and situational awareness. The use of AI-powered comprehensive sensing elevates incident monitoring and violation detection to unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency.
A major attraction was the Radar-Video Fusion TandemVu PTZ Camera, which integrates millimeter-wave radar with high-resolution cameras for extensive traffic detection and data analysis. AI-based algorithms combine these two systems to enhance target information, detecting up to 16 types of incidents. This leads to the development of a large-scale fusion model that merges spatial physical data with image semantic information. The result is ultra-long-range perception, achieving over 95% accuracy in vehicle trajectory detection. This robust system improves traffic violation management and optimizes traffic flow, significantly enhancing road efficiency.
At the simulated bus station, visitors observed how AI-assisted people counting automated the collection of passenger flow statistics at peak stop hours and bus line frequency during busy periods. Paired with smart bus stop digital signage, the solution improves bus service quality, operational efficiency, passenger experience, and overall public transport effectiveness.
Sustainable transportation: leading the charge for greener cities
Hikvision’s commitment to sustainable urban mobility was evident through its innovative green wave technology and eco-friendly checkpoint solutions. Green wave technology efficiently manages traffic flow to reduce congestion and lower carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals. Visitors were particularly impressed by a case study showcasing a green wave solution implemented in Zhoushan, China. Over a stretch of 21 kilometers and 34 intersections, this main road cut travel times by 50%.
The use of DarkFighterX technology in checkpoint cameras also received significant attention. This technology senses both visible and invisible light, resulting in more accurate and realistic images. It enhances traffic violation enforcement efficiency while minimizing the need for high ambient light levels, thus reducing light pollution. The 9M DarkfightX ANPR Checkpoint Camera exemplified this dedication to environmental stewardship.
Frank Zhang, President of Hikvision MEA, remarked, “Hikvision supports sustainable urban planning by empowering traffic departments to address congestion and transportation challenges.” He further emphasized, “Our system’s openness fosters a secure and reliable platform for developing smart and green cities. Additionally, our solar technology is extensively utilized in remote areas, while our smart street lighting solutions reduce energy consumption by 20-30%, promoting intelligent urban transportation and advancing global sustainability objectives.”
Hikvision’s presence at the ITS World Congress in Dubai underscored its leadership in integrating AIoT technologies to drive safer, smarter, and greener mobility solutions. The engaging presentations and advanced product demonstrations captured significant attention from industry partners and customers, reaffirming the company’s role as a pioneer in shaping the future of urban transportation. As the world moves towards more intelligent and sustainable transportation systems, Hikvision remains at the forefront, embracing AIoT to create a safer, smarter, and greener future for all.
To find out more about Hikvision’s advanced traffic and public transport solutions, please explore the Hikvision official website.
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Anti-Drone Market worth $7.05 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The global anti-drone market was valued at USD 2.16 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 7.05 billion by 2029; it is expected to register a CAGR of 26.7% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Increasing government spending on counter-drone technologies, rising incidence of critical infrastructure security breaches by unauthorized drones, and surge in adoption of aerial remote sensing technologies to safeguard critical infrastructure are attributed to the demand for anti-drone.

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Anti-Drone Market Report Scope:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2024
$ 2.16 billion
Estimated Value by 2029
$ 7.05 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 26.7%
Market Size Available for
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Million/Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
By System Type, Application, Platform type, Vertical, and Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World
Key Market Challenge
Vulnerability to hacking
Key Market Opportunities
Emphasis on improving unmanned aircraft systems technology
Key Market Drivers
Growing number of illicit activities
By System Type: Hybrid systems to account for the larger market share in the forecasted year.
The hybrid segment accounted for the largest share of the anti-drone market in 2029. The trends of integrating multiple anti-drone technologies are rising since they are most effective in detecting, tracking, and neutralizing drone threats. These systems merge electronic, kinetic, and lasers, providing a comprehensive defense solution against UAVs. Hybrid systems use electronic, kinetic, and laser-based countermeasures to offer optimum protection against drones. These systems are designed to detect, track, identify, categorize, and mitigate drones at operational wide ranges ranging from a few km up to tens of km.
By Platform: The ground-based segment accounted for the largest market share in the forecast year.
The ground-based segment will hold a major share of the anti-drone market in 2029. Many ground-based anti-drone systems use several electronic technologies, such as radar, IR sensors, acoustic systems, and RF & GNSS jammers. MESA radar solutions are used mostly for counter-UAS purposes, protecting critical infrastructure, military camps, and other security-sensitive sites from unauthorized drones. One such solution is EchoGuard, a ground-based airspace management solution that contains a software-defined 3D radar that can be specific to the site. This system can identify single or multiple off-chance drones, including swarms in unauthorized areas. They provide accurate and sustained airspace surveillance for the field of view (FOV) they are configured, and both human and AI-monitored visual checks. The system can be easily transported and integrated directly with the command-and-control centers or another identification sensor for portable use, and multiple units of the system can be combined to cover vast areas or lengths of borders. Major providers of ground-based counter-drone systems include companies like EchoDyne Corporation, DeTect, Meteksan Defense, and WhiteFox Defense. Acoustics-based Discovair G2 utilizes patented microphone arrays. With 128 interconnected microphone elements, the Discovair sensor units can establish azimuth and elevation to the target in real-time using advanced digital signal processing.
Inquiry Before Buying:
By Region: Americas are expected to hold the largest share of the anti-drone market during the forecast period.
Americas is expected to capture the largest share in the anti-drone industry during the forecast period. The growth can be attributed to protecting crucial infrastructure in the region. Governments, particularly in the US, invest in anti-drone systems for military bases, borders, and critical infrastructure. For Instance, in April 2023, RTX secured a USD 237 million contract from the US Army to provide Ku-band Radio Frequency Sensors (KuRFS) and Coyote effectors. These systems are designed to detect and neutralize unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The contract includes stationary and mobile systems and a specified quantity of effectors, all aimed at enhancing the Army’s operations within the US Central Command region.
Key Players-
The key companies offering anti-drone companies include RTX (US), Lockheed Martin Corporation (US), Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy), Thales (France), and IAI (Israel).
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CluePoints Launches Medical & Safety Review (MSR) Software to Revolutionize Clinical Data Review




CluePoints furthers its commitment to delivering innovative solutions that enhance clinical trial efficiency with this latest addition to its enterprise software platform.
KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — CluePoints continues to transform clinical trial review and leverage its industry-leading software to enhance the interrogation, analysis and presentation of data with the launch of its latest application, Medical & Safety Review (MSR).

The tool simplifies and streamlines the medical analysis of study data through user-friendly dashboards, data manipulation and cleaning, query management and full transparency over the data history. This not only improves efficiency and communication in medical oversight, but also elevates patient safety, differentiating MSR as a smarter and unique solution.
Designed by, and for Medical and Safety Reviewers, MSR converts the manual analysis of patient outcomes, which can be prone to inefficiency and error, into an accurate, efficient process. MSR tackles time-consuming study preparation for specific visualizations by featuring a comprehensive standard visualization library as well as the ability to copy and reuse dashboards across different studies, enabling the identification of outlying values, change tracking, and improved communication for smarter clinical trials.
Other benefits of MSR include:
Enhanced medical review efficiency and reduced human errors via automated checksReduced time spent by clinical and data management teams in reviewing dataImproved collaboration with integrated review workflows across departmentsEnsured record quality and accountability with comprehensive change trackingDriving faster decision making with the proactive detection of trends and safety issuesEnsuring regulatory compliance with rule-based detection and user assignmentsAndy Cooper, Chief Executive Officer at CluePoints, commented, “We are thrilled to announce the launch of Medical & Safety Review to our growing product offerings. MSR is the latest application addition to the CluePoints platform, which includes products such as Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) and our Site Profile & Oversight Tool (SPOT). Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to clinical trial optimization, enhancing data integrity, ensuring regulatory compliance, and accelerating drug development. The creation of MSR ensures a more streamlined review process while prioritizing patient safety at every step and empowers medical teams to swiftly identify outliers, track data changes, and improve communication.”
To learn more about CluePoints’ award-winning solutions, please visit
About CluePoints
CluePoints is the premier Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) and Data Quality Oversight Software provider. We are leveraging the potential of Artificial Intelligence using Advanced Statistics and Machine Learning to determine the quality, accuracy, and integrity of clinical trial data both during and after study conduct. Aligned with guidance from the FDA, EMA, and ICH E6 (R2), CluePoints is deployed to support central and on-site monitoring, medical review, quality risk management and to drive a holistic Risk-Based strategy in all trials. Coupled with thought leadership and consulting expertise to aid pre-study risk assessment, identification of risk controls and solution implementation, you now have everything you need to adhere with global regulatory guidance. The result is positive clinical development outcomes, increased operational efficiency, lower costs and reduced regulatory submission risk as part of the industry paradigm shift to RBQM.

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