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I – Full accounting review in North America satisfactorily completed

II – First half 2021 results

  • Order entry at € 5,569 million, Book to bill at 103% (Q2 at 109%)
  • Revenue at € 5,424 million

1.0% at constant currency (Q2 at 0.0%)
-2.7% organic (Q2 at -1.5%)

  • Digital, Cloud, Security & Decarbonization at 52% of revenue (Q2 at 53%)
  • Operating margin at € 302 million, 5.6% of revenue
  • Free cash flow at €-369 million
  • Normalized net income at 1.48

III – Strategy: Group repositioning on Digital, Cloud, Security & Decarbonization and first achievements

  • German turnaround plan agreed with social partners
  • 3 new bolt-on acquisitions in Digital and Cloud
  • Strategic portfolio review finalized: Decision to look for partners for c. 20% of Group revenue scope

IV – 2021 adjusted objectives issued on July 12, 2021 and Mid-Term targets confirmed

Paris, July 27, 2021 – Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, today announced its financial results for the first half of 2021.

Elie Girard, CEO, said: 2021 is definitely a year of transition for Atos. Further to the strong Cloud acceleration post-Covid, we have decided to accelerate our transformation and focus significantly more of the Group’s resources around our key business areas: Digital, Cloud, Security & Decarbonization.


The Spring program, aimed at implementing an Industry-led and customer-centric organization, matching the business needs of our customers, has been completed in the first semester. Hiring, training and certification programs in key areas are being strengthened. Classic Infrastructure activities are being optimized across the Group: in Germany we have reached an agreement with our social partners on a turnaround plan associated with the reduction of circa 1,300 of Infrastructure staff. A deep cultural change program called Leap has also been initiated throughout the Company.

This profound and fast transformation also requires a change of scope for the Group. We will continue to intensify our bolt-on acquisition program – 3 more announced today – and we are aiming to augment the Group’s capabilities with mid-size assets that will support our mid-term plan and growth agenda. Equally importantly, we have finalized our strategic portfolio review and decided with the Board of Directors to look for partners for several classic Infrastructure activities representing a total scope of c. 20% of Group revenue

Last but not least, the full accounting review we decided to perform in North America has been completed. It did not reveal any material misstatement for the Group consolidated financial statements. Moreover, the statutory auditors have completed their usual limited review of the half-year condensed consolidated financial statements and an unqualified auditor’s report is in process to be issued.

With all those ongoing programs, change is on its way at Atos. I am deeply convinced that the relevance of our portfolio of offerings in the key segments, our customer relationships based on mutual trust, combined with the dedication and passion of our 105,000 employees will allow the Company to achieve its mid-term targets for the benefit of our shareholders and all our stakeholders.

I – Full accounting review in North America satisfactorily completed


The Company, with the support of external advisors, has completed the full accounting review of the two U.S legal entities on which there was a qualified opinion in the report of the auditors for the 2020 consolidated financial statements. The work performed, which has been reviewed by the auditors as part of their half-year procedures, did not reveal any material misstatement for the Group consolidated financial statements.

Moreover, the Atos Board of Directors in its meeting held on July 27, 2021, has reviewed the Group half-year consolidated financial statements closed at June 30th, 2021. The Statutory Auditors have completed their usual limited review of the half-year condensed consolidated financial statements and an unqualified Auditors’ report is in process to be issued.

The remediation and prevention plan was completed and is being rolled-out. The main actions set-up in the plan covered the following topics: preventive controls, guidelines and documentation, HR review, skilling and organization, and awareness and training. The aim of the plan is remediation in North America and prevention in all regions.

II – H1 2021 results

H1 2021 performance by Industry


Revenue in the first semester of 2021 reached € 5,424 million, –1.0% compared to the first semester of 2020 at constant currency, -2.7% organically. Revenue during the first half was impacted by Cloud acceleration on Legacy Infrastructure business as well as a stronger decrease in Unified Communications & Collaboration, with associated consequences on operating margin, at 5.6% compared to 7.8% in the first half of 2020.

  Revenue Operating margin Operating margin %
In € million H1 2021 H1 2020* Evolution at constant currency H1 2021 H1 2020* H1 2021 H1 2020*
Manufacturing 980 1,006 -2.6% 47 13 4.7% 1.3%
Financial Services & Insurance 1,095 1,041 +5.2% 94 121 8.6% 11.7%
Public Sector & Defense 1,190 1,233 -3.5% 30 115 2.5% 9.4%
Telecom, Media & Technology 748 761 -1.7% 34 70 4.6% 9.3%
Resources & Services 778 814 -4.5% 32 42 4.1% 5.2%
Healthcare & Life Sciences 633 622 +1.9% 65 65 10.3% 10.4%
Total 5,424 5,477 -1.0% 302 427 5.6% 7.8%
* At constant currency              

With 18% of the Group revenue, Manufacturing reported a revenue of € 980 million, representing a decrease by -2.6%. In the second quarter, the revenue came back to stability. The Industry performance was penalized by the still challenging situation of the sectors that were heavily impacted by Covid-19, particularly in Central Europe, with significant volume reduction including Siemens in several geographies, and some non-repeatable deals realized in the first semester of 2020. Operating margin reached € 47 million, representing 4.7% of revenue. The margin increased by +340 basis points, underpinned by a comprehensive cost optimization program.

Financial Services & Insurance revenue reached € 1,095 million during the first semester of 2021, representing 20% of the Group revenue. The Industry grew by +5.2%. The growth was mainly driven by the ramp-up of some large contracts signed last year. Operating margin reached € 94 million, representing 8.6% of revenue, a reduction of -310 basis points. The profitability was impacted by some revenue decrease in Banking and Financial Services, but also some new projects required the use of additional specific subcontractor experts to secure delivery.

Public Sector & Defense was the largest Industry of the Group with € 1,190 million, representing 22% of the Group revenue. The Industry revenue decreased by -3.5%, mainly coming from volume reduction in North America. The High Performance Computing (HPC) deals slightly grew, led by a project with an Italian research consortium compensating non-repeatable large HPC deliveries in H1 2020 to a research institution in Germany as well as to Indian authorities. Operating margin reached € 30 million, representing 2.5% of revenue, -690 basis points at constant currency. The profitability was penalized by lower revenue combined with a less favorable business mix.

Telecom, Media & Technology represented 14% of the Group revenue with € 748 million revenue, decreasing by –1.7%. During the second quarter, the Industry grew by +1.8% year-on-year. The contribution of a large contract with a technology company could not totally compensate Unified Communications & Collaboration business decrease. Operating margin reached € 34 million, representing 4.6% of revenue, a decrease of -470 basis points compared to last year at constant currency impacted by lower revenue in North America and Central Europe as well as a less favorable business mix.


Revenue generated by Resources & Services in the first semester of 2021 reached € 778 million, representing 14% of the Group revenue. The Industry revenue decreased by -4.5%, with -2.5% in the second quarter. The Industry performance was penalized by volume reduction and the still challenging situation of Retail, Transportation, & Hospitality sectors. Operating margin reached € 32 million, representing 4.1% of revenue, -110 basis points at constant currency compared to the first semester of 2020. The reduction was mainly due to the revenue decline while cost saving programs allowed to mitigate partly this effect.

Representing 12% of the Group revenue, Healthcare & Life Sciences revenue was € 633 million, increasing by +1.9% at constant currency compared to the first semester of 2020 and with a second quarter roughly stable year on year. The Industry grew in most geographies except North America, where the positive contribution of the ramp-up of some new contracts did not offset volume reduction with some customers. Operating margin was € 65 million, representing 10.3% of revenue and stable compared to last year. The Industry benefitted from a positive volume impact which was even augmented by strong profitability on new projects. This improvement in the project margin allowed the Industry to invest in additional commercial resources.

H1 2021 performance by Regional Business Unit

  Revenue Operating margin Operating margin %
In € million H1 2021 H1 2020* Evolution at constant currency H1 2021 H1 2020* H1 2021 H1 2020*
North America 1,170 1,240 -5.6% 138 188 11.8% 15.2%
Northern Europe 1,402 1,359 +3.1% 91 100 6.5% 7.4%
Central Europe 1,240 1,368 -9.4% 21 42 1.7% 3.1%
Southern Europe 1,231 1,147 +7.3% 46 94 3.7% 8.2%
Growing Markets 382 363 +5.3% 45 43 11.8% 11.9%
Global structures +0.0% – 39 -41 -0.7% -0.7%
Total 5,424 5,477 -1.0% 302 427 5.6% 7.8%
* At constant currency              

A majority of the Regions grew in the first semester of this year benefiting from the economic recovery, except North America and Central Europe. In North America, the positive contribution of the new acquisitions and the recent ramp-up of some large contracts in Digital transformation, Cloud and Cybersecurity spaces could not offset volume reduction in Legacy Infrastructure in Public Sector & Defense and project delays from some customers. Central Europe was affected by Cloud migration acceleration impacting Legacy Infrastructure and by a revenue decrease in the classic Unified Communications & Collaboration business; in addition, Manufacturing did not yet totally recover from the Covid impacts and in Public Sector & Defense some large HPC deals realized in 2020 could not be repeated this year.

Operating margin reached 302 million, representing 5.6% of Group revenue, decreasing by -220 basis points compared to the first semester of 2020 impacted by the revenue decline in activities with a low short-term flexibility.
This affected the Regional Business Units having the most Legacy Infrastructure and to a lesser extent Unified Communications and Collaboration.


Commercial activity

During the first semester of 2021, the Group order entry reached 5,569 million, representing a book to bill ratio of 103%, with the second quarter at 109%.

Book to Bill ratio was particularly high in Public Sector & Defense at 139% and as Geographies are concerned in Northern Europe at 119% and Growing Markets at 130%.

The main new contracts signed over Q2 included notably a large outsourcing contract in Benelux covering service integration, security, and Cloud services with the Flemish Government (Public Sector & Defense), a large contract in Telecom, Media & technology with EY to provide Next Generation Employee Experience Solution for 300,000+ employees, a large contract in Manufacturing in Central Europe with a large European manufacturer to modernize the supply chain management, an important Cloud and Edge contract in Resources & Services with a major international logistics company, and a digital transformation contract with a major hospital chain in the US to enhance the end-user experience in Healthcare & Life Sciences.

Contract renewals that took place in Q2 included large signatures with notably the Department for Work and Pensions (Health & Life Sciences) in Northern Europe, with a large European manufacturer (Manufacturing) in Central Europe, and with a leading financial services company in Central Europe (Financial Services & Insurance).


In line with the commercial activity, the full backlog at the end of June 2021 amounted to 23.6 billion, stable compared to end of December 2020, representing 2.1 years of revenue. The full qualified pipeline was 7.4 billion, representing 7.9 months of revenue, a decrease compared to the beginning of the year due to the evolution of the business. Indeed, there are less large, long cycle outsourcing Infrastructure deals and more short cycle Cloud and Cloud application deals on which Atos has already shown progress.

Operating income and net income

Operating income for the first half of 2021 year was -118 million, resulting from the following items:

Staff reorganization reached 79 million stable compared to last year. Reorganization costs related to the adaptation of the workforce mainly in European countries. A specific plan in Germany was agreed with social partners and starts in July this year (see below).

Rationalization and associated costs increased from €-22 million last year to 42 million this year and primarily resulted from the closure of office premises and data center consolidation, mainly in North America and France.


Integration and acquisition costs reached 22 million (€-20 million last year) and mainly related to the integration costs of 2020 acquisitions as well as the cost of the associated retention schemes.

In the first half of 2021, amortization of intangible assets recognized through Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) reached 79 million and was stable compared to last year.

The equity-based compensation expense amounted to 33 million in the first half of 2021 compared to                €-35 million in the first half of 2020.

In the first half of 2021, other items amounted to a net expense of 164 million compared to a net gain of € 147 million in the first half of 2020 (a net expense of €-27 million excluding the effect of the Worldline transaction of February 2020), and included the impact from the unprecedented acceleration of the decline of classic Infrastructure business in a context of a much stronger post-Covid demand for Cloud migration. Those exceptional items mainly included write-off of assets of c. €-60 million in North America and Northern Europe, loss provisions for c. €-40 million in North America, unusual impacts of settlements of c. €-30 million mainly in Central Europe and Growing Markets, as well as other long-term employee benefits in Central and Southern Europe.

Net financial expenses amounted to 3 million for the period (compared to €-1 million for the first half of 2020) and was composed of a net cost of financial debt of €-13 million and net gain of non-operational financial items of € 10 million.


Tax charge reached €-6 million for the first half of the year with a loss before tax of €-121 million corresponding to Effective Tax Rate (ETR) of 18.6% compared to 18.5% for the first half of 2020 (excluding the tax effects of the Worldline transaction that occurred in 2020) and considering the impacts of the revised guidance announced on July 12, 2021 on the recoverability of the deferred tax assets.

The Group reported a net income of €-129 million for the half year ended June 30, 2021, compared to € 329 million in H1 2020. Both basic EPS Group share and diluted EPS Group share were -1.18 compared to € 3.02 for both in H1 2020.

The normalized net income was 162 million, representing 3.0% of Group revenue, compared to € 319 million for normalized net income in H1 2020. Both normalized basic EPS Group share and normalized diluted EPS Group share were € 1.48 compared to € 2.93 for both in H1 2020.

Free cash flow

Group free cash flow during the first half of 2021 was 369 million, compared to €-172 million in the first half of 2020. The variation results mainly from c. €-141 million less Operating Margin before Depreciation and Amortization (OMDA) and from working capital effects mainly € 200 million lower contribution from customers’ cash in advance.


OMDA was € 633 million representing 11.7% of revenue, compared to 13.8% of revenue in June 2020, reflecting the impact on the operating margin.

Capital expenditures totaled €-154 million, representing 2.8% of revenue, 50 bps less than the same period last year, reflecting the actions from the Group to optimize capital expenditures as well as to move to less capital-intensive activities.

The negative contribution from change in working capital was €-394 million (compared to €-407 million in the first half of 2020). The DSO has increased by 8 days (from 46 days at the end of December 2020 to 54 days at the end of June 2021), while the DPO has decreased by 4 days (from 80 days at the end of December 2020 to 76 days at the end of June 2021). The level of trade receivables sold with no recourse to banks with transfer of risks as defined by IFRS 9 has decreased from € 878 million at the end of December 2020 to € 820 million at the end of June 2021.

Cash out related to taxes paid decreased by 9 million.

Cost of net debt decreased by 8 million due to the reimbursement in April 2020 of the € 600 million bond issued in July 2015.


Reorganization, rationalization and associated costs, and integration and acquisition costs amounted to 147 million in the first half of 2021 compared to €-96 million in the same period last year, due to the pay-out of programs started in 2020.

Finally, Other changes amounted to €-66 million compared to €-7 million. They included in particular the cash effect of early retirement programs in France and in Germany, settlements with customers as well as foreign exchange impacts.

Net debt evolution

Net acquisitions/disposals in H1 2021 amounted to -144 million mainly originated from the acquisitions closed in the first semester.

The impact of share buy-backs was 57 million compared to €-45 million in the first half of 2020. These share buy-back programs are related to the delivery of shares under long-term incentive plans and aim at avoiding any dilution for the shareholders.


Dividends paid by Atos SE amounted to € 98 million while no dividends were paid in 2020 as a consequence of the Covid-19 economic impact.

Foreign exchange rate fluctuation determined on debt or cash exposure by country represented a decrease in net debt of 9 million mainly coming from the exchange rates of the US Dollar, Indian Rupee and British Pound against the Euro.

As a result, the Group net debt position as of June 30, 2021 was € 1,129 million, compared to € 467 million as of December 31, 2020. As a reminder, assuming the full conversion of the Optional Exchangeable Bonds, net debt would be € 629 million at June 30, 2021.

Human resources

The total headcount of the Group was 104,808 at the end of June 2021 compared to 104,430 at the end of December 2020. The Group welcomed 1,037 new employees from the acquired companies and 9,391 hired employees, the majority of whom in offshore and nearshore countries. During the first half of the year, 8,665 employees left the Group representing 16.6% attrition rate.


III – Strategy: Group repositioning on Digital, Cloud, Security & Decarbonization and first achievements

German turnaround plan agreed with social partners

The Group signed this month an agreement with social partners in Germany with the objective to turnaround loss making and cash negative areas in Germany on Classic Infrastructure business.

The agreement relates to the restructuring of c. 1,300 staff starting this year until the end of 2023. The cost required is c. € 180 million.

As part of the agreement signed is the freeze of collective salary increases until the end of 2023 for employees in the scope.


As a result, the objective of the plan is a significant improvement of the operating margin in Germany representing at Group level +100bps operating margin impact mid-term.

3 new bolt-on acquisitions in Digital and Cloud

In line with its mid-term plan and transformation, the Group announces today the signature of 3 bolt-on acquisitions in Digital and Cloud:

Nimbix: a US based leading High Performance Computing (HPC) Cloud platform provider. Nimbix offers HPC-as-a-service providing engineers and scientists access to infrastructure and software to build, compute, scale, and roll-out simulation and Artificial Intelligence applications;

IDEAL GRP: a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) integrator and partner of Siemens Digital Industry Software, based in Finland. IDEAL GRP offers consulting, integration, and maintenance services in Manufacturing and Energy sectors. It will add highly skilled team of approximately 100 experts to Atos. This transaction follows the PLM specialist Processia acquisition in June 2021;


Visual BI: a US based company specialist of Business Intelligence and Analytics in Cloud environment and an Elite Snowflake partner. With this acquisition, Atos will welcome 180 new highly skilled colleagues.

Portfolio review finalized: Decision to look for partners for c. 20% of Group revenue scope

As announced in April, the Group has been conducting a portfolio review of its assets and the Board of Directors in its meeting on July 27, 2021 decided the following strategic moves to accelerate the reprofiling of the Group towards Digital, Cloud, Security & Decarbonization:

  • first, partnering on Datacenter hosting and associated activities to enhance customer service while improving the utilization of assets; joining forces in a consolidating market will allow these activities to develop further technical expertise and adjacent offerings while conducting required investments in classic infrastructure assets; 
  • second, the transformation of Atos Unified Communications & Collaboration puts us in the position to find the right partner with strong software and / or telecommunications expertise; combining technical and go to market capabilities will bring scale and investment that will allow our clients to accelerate their move to Unified Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) and Contact Center-as-a-Service (CCaaS), while benefiting from new differentiated services alongside robust private cloud solutions;
  • third, partnering with best-in-class digital and specialized players on sub-critical activities to allow Atos to focus its efforts on its core markets while enhancing the quality of service to customers of those activities.

In total, the Group decided to move forward fast on those tracks, representing a total scope of c. 20% of Group revenue.

IV – 2021 adjusted objectives and Mid-term targets confirmed

  Adjusted Objectives
(July 12, 2021)
Initial Objectives
(February 18, 2021)
Mid-term targets
Revenue growth at constant currency Stable +3.5% to +4.0% +5% to +7%
% Operating margin to revenue c. 6.0% 9.4% to 9.8% 11% to 12%
Free Cash Flow / Cash Conversion Positive €550 to €600 million > 60%



Revenue and operating margin at constant scope and exchange rates reconciliation

In € million H1 2021 H1 2020 % change
Statutory revenue 5,424 5,627 -3.6%
Exchange rates effect   -150  
Revenue at constant exchange rates 5,424 5,477 -1.0%
Scope effect   100  
Exchange rates effect on acquired/disposed perimeters   -4  
Revenue at constant scope and exchange rates          5,424 5,574 -2.7%
Statutory operating margin 302 450 -32.9%
Scope effect   6  
Exchange rates effect   -23  
Operating margin at constant scope and exchange rates 302 433 -30.3%
as % of revenue 5.6% 7.8%  

Scope effects amounted to € 97 million for revenue and € 6 million for operating margin. They are mainly related to:

  • the acquisitions closed in 2020 and H1 2021 for €+118 million for the revenue and €+10 million for operating margin; and
  • the disposal of some specific Unified Communications & Collaboration activities and Wivertis GmBH in 2020, amounting for a total of €-21 million for revenue and €-4 million for operating margin.

Currency exchange rates effects negatively contributed to revenue for €-150 million and to Operating margin for €-22 million. They mostly came from the depreciation of the American dollar against the Euro and, to a lesser extent, the depreciation of both the Hong Kong dollar and the Brazilian real against the Euro over the period.

Q2 2021 revenue performance by Industry

In € million Q2 2021 Q2 2020* Evolution at constant currency
Manufacturing 493 484 +1.8%
Financial Services & Insurance 551 535 +3.1%
Public Sector & Defense 610 634 -3.8%
Telecom, Media & Technology 375 369 +1.8%
Resources & Services 382 393 -2.5%
Health & Life Sciences 320 319 +0.3%
Total 2,733 2,734 -0.0%
* At constant currency      

Q2 2021 revenue performance by Regional Business Unit

In € million Q2 2021 Q2 2020* Evolution at constant currency
North America 606 618 -1.9%
Northern Europe 671 671 -0.0%
Central Europe 630 703 -10.3%
Southern Europe 624 551 +13.1%
Growing Markets 201 191 +5.6%
Total 2,733 2,734 -0.0%
* At constant currency      

Conference call


The Management of Atos invites you to an international conference call on the Group first half 2021 results, on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 08:15 am (CET – Paris).

You can join the webcast of the conference:

  • via the following link:
  • by telephone with the dial-in, 10 minutes prior the starting time. Please note that if you want to join the webcast by telephone, you must register in advance of the conference using the following link:  
Upon registration, you will be provided with Participant Dial In Numbers, a Direct Event Passcode and a unique Registrant ID. Call reminders will also be sent via email the day prior to the event.
During the 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the call, you will need to use the conference access information provided in the email received upon registration.

After the conference, a replay of the webcast will be available on, in the Investors section.

Forthcoming events

October 21, 2021 (Before Market Opening)        Third quarter 2021 revenue


February 28, 2022 (After Market Close)        Full Year 2021 results
April 27, 2022 (Before Market Opening)        First Quarter 2022 revenue
May 18, 2022                                        Annual General Meeting
July 27, 2022 (Before Market Opening)                First semester 2022 results


Investor Relations:                Gilles Arditti                +33 6 11 69 81 74
                                                        [email protected]

Media:                                Anette Rey                 +33 6 69 79 84 88
                                                        [email protected]

About Atos


Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with 105,000 employees and annual revenue of over € 11 billion. European number one in cybersecurity, cloud and high performance computing, the Group provides tailored end-to-end solutions for all industries in 71 countries. A pioneer in decarbonization services and products, Atos is committed to a secure and decarbonized digital for its clients. Atos operates under the brands Atos and Atos|Syntel. Atos is a SE (Societas Europaea), listed on the CAC40 Paris stock index.

The purpose of Atos is to help design the future of the information space. Its expertise and services support the development of knowledge, education and research in a multicultural approach and contribute to the development of scientific and technological excellence. Across the world, the Group enables its customers and employees, and members of societies at large to live, work and develop sustainably, in a safe and secure information space.


This document contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including references, concerning the Group’s expected growth and profitability in the future which may significantly impact the expected performance indicated in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are linked to factors out of the control of the Company and not precisely estimated, such as market conditions or competitors behaviors. Any forward-looking statements made in this document are statements about Atos’ beliefs and expectations and should be evaluated as such. Forward-looking statements include statements that may relate to Atos’ plans, objectives, strategies, goals, future events, future revenues or synergies, or performance, and other information that is not historical information. Actual events or results may differ from those described in this document due to a number of risks and uncertainties that are described in the 2020 Universal Registration Document filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on April 7, 2021 under the registration number D.21-0269. Atos does not undertake, and specifically disclaims, any obligation or responsibility to update or amend any of the information above except as otherwise required by law. This document does not contain or constitute an offer of Atos’ shares for sale or an invitation or inducement to invest in Atos’ shares in France, the United States of America or any other jurisdiction.

Revenue organic growth is presented at constant scope and exchange rates.


Industries include Manufacturing (Aerospace, Automotive, Chemicals, Consumer Packaged Goods (Food & Beverage), Discrete Manufacturing, Process Industries, Services and Siemens), Financial Services & Insurance (Insurance, Banking & Financial Services, and Business Transformation Services), Public Sector & Defense (Defense, Education, Extraterritorial Organizations, Public Administration, Public Community Services and Major Events), Telecom, Media & Technology (High Tech & Engineering, Media, and Telecom), Resources & Services (Energy, Retail, Transportation & Hospitality, and Utilities) and Healthcare & Life Sciences (Healthcare and Pharmaceutical).

Regional Business Units include North America (USA, Canada, Guatemala and Mexico), Northern Europe (United Kingdom & Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Belarus, Finland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, and Sweden), Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Israel, and Switzerland), Southern Europe (France, Andorra, Spain, Portugal, and Italy) and Growing Markets including Asia-Pacific (Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand), South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, and Peru), Middle East & Africa (Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Qatar, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey and UAE), Major Events and Global Delivery Centers.


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Artificial Intelligence

Data Center Chip Market Size was Valued at USD 11.7 Billion in 2022 and is Expected to Reach USD 45.3 Billion by 2032 at a CAGR of 14.6% | Valuates Reports




BANGALORE, India, July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Data Center Chip Market By Chip Type (GPU, ASIC, FPGA, CPU, Others), By Data Center Size (Small and Medium Size, Large Size), By Industry Verticals (BFSI, Manufacturing, Government, IT and Telecom, Retail, Transportation, Energy and Utilities, Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2032.

The Data Center Chip Market was valued at USD 11.7 Billion in 2022, and is estimated to reach USD 45.3 Billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 14.6% from 2023 to 2032.
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Major Factors Driving the Growth of Data Center Chip Market
Because of the growing need for data processing and storage solutions brought about by the quick development of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics, the data center chip market is expanding significantly. High-performance chips are necessary for data centers to process massive volumes of data quickly and efficiently. As a result, advances in chip technology, including CPUs, GPUs, and specialist AI processors, have been made. The need for more resilient and scalable data center infrastructure is fueled in part by the expansion of digital services and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The market is expanding due to key areas including Asia-Pacific, with its investments in technology and fast digital transformation, and North America, with its top tech businesses and vast data center networks.
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In data centers, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are essential for speeding up computing operations and data processing. They are perfect for managing workloads related to artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and large-scale data analytics because of their parallel processing capabilities. The need for GPUs in data centers is growing as these technologies become increasingly essential to corporate operations. Businesses are purchasing GPUs in order to increase the effectiveness of their data processing, lower latency, and boost overall performance. The need for data center chips is being driven by the increasing reliance on GPUs for sophisticated computing activities, which is considerably contributing to the market’s rise. This need is further increased by the growing use of AI and machine learning in a variety of sectors, which puts GPUs at the forefront of the data center semiconductor industry.
Compared to general-purpose chips, Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) provide better performance and efficiency since they are designed specifically for a given application. ASICs are extensively utilized in data centers for specific tasks including networking, data compression, and encryption. ASICs are becoming more and more common as a result of the growth of cloud computing, big data analytics, and blockchain technology, which has increased demand for high-performance, energy-efficient processors. Their capacity to provide tailored performance for certain applications aids data centers in better workload management, power conservation, and operating expense reduction. The market is expanding as a result of the increased preference for ASICs in data centers, which is fueling the need for specialized data center chips.
Large data centers are important users of data center chips; they are run by well-known IT firms and cloud service providers. To manage enormous volumes of data and provide a wide range of services, these facilities need a great deal of processing power and sophisticated computing skills. High-performance data center chips are becoming more and more necessary as a result of the growth of massive data centers and the rising demand for online streaming, cloud services, and digital transactions. These chips are necessary to ensure effective data management, processing, and storage, which helps big data centers fulfill the increasing expectations of its clientele. Large data center proliferation is anticipated to considerably boost the data center chip industry as the digital economy continues to grow.
Data centers are becoming more and more important to the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) industry as a means of safely and effectively managing high transaction volumes, consumer data, and financial records. The need for sophisticated data center processors is being driven by the sector’s requirement for real-time data processing, high-performance computing, and strong security measures. BFSI organizations may improve their operational efficiency, guarantee data integrity, and deliver superior client services by utilizing data centers fitted with robust chips. The BFSI sector’s need for data center chips is being driven by the increasing use of online banking, digital banking, and financial analytics tools, all of which increase the requirement for sophisticated data center infrastructure.
The market for data center chips is significantly influenced by the cloud computing industry’s explosive growth. There is a growing need for scalable, effective, and high-performance data center infrastructure as more companies move their operations to the cloud. In order to handle enormous volumes of data, facilitate virtualization, and guarantee flawless service delivery, cloud service providers need sophisticated data center chips. Sturdy data center chips are becoming more and more necessary as cloud-based solutions become more and more popular. Benefits like cost savings, flexibility, and scalability are driving this trend. In places like North America and Europe, where cloud adoption rates are high and data center chip demand is rising rapidly, this tendency is especially significant.
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In 2022, North America gained a sizable portion of the market.
In 2022, the GPU made up the largest portion of the market share.
Throughout the projection period, large data centers are expected to gain a significant portion.
The BFSI market is anticipated to be one of the most profitable markets.
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Key Companies:
Advanced Micro Devices IncTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company LimitedBroadcomHuawei Technologies Co LtdIntel CorporationNVidia CorporationSamsung Electronics Co LtdQualcomm Technologies IncGlobalFoundriesARM LIMITED (SOFTBANK GROUP CORP.)Purchase Chapters @
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–  The global modular data center market size was valued at USD 14,952 Million in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 59,971 Million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 18.7% from 2020 to 2027.
–  Data Centre Market was estimated to be worth USD 137500 Million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 412740 Million by 2030 with a CAGR of 16.8% during the forecast period 2024-2030.
–  Data Center PCIe Chip market was valued at USD 194.9 Million in 2023 and is anticipated to reach USD 377.4 Million by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period 2024-2030.
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–  According to a new report published by , titled, “Big Data Analytics in Semiconductor & Electronics Market,” The big data analytics in semiconductor & electronics market was valued at D18.7 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach D47.2 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 9.9% from 2022 to 2031.
–  IoT market was valued at USD 34250 Million in 2023 and is anticipated to reach USD 74630 Million by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 11.6% during the forecast period 2024-2030.
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–  According to a new report published by , titled, “Data Processing Unit Market”, the data processing unit market was valued at D553.96 Million in 2021, and is estimated to reach D5.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 26.9% from 2022 to 2031.
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–  Optical Communication Chip Market revenue was USD 3102.7 Million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 7251.5 Million by 2029 with a CAGR of 12.9% during the forecast period (2023-2029).
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Artificial Intelligence

Industry 4.0 Market to Surpass USD 513.89 Billion by 2031 with Automation Surge | SkyQuest Technology




WESTFORD, Mass., July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — According to SkyQuest, the global Industry 4.0 Market size was valued at USD 133.05 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 154.6 billion in 2023 to USD 513.89 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution emphasizes the use of automation and interconnectivity. Employment of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and connected devices to improve the productivity and efficiency of industries. Rapid digitization and advancements in technology are forecasted to bolster the Industry 4.0 market growth over the coming years. The global Industry 4.0 market is segmented into technology, industry vertical, and region. 
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Industry 4.0 Market Overview:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2023
$ 154.6 billion
Estimated Value by 2031
$ 513.89 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 16.2%
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
Technology, Industry and Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa.
Report Highlights
Internet of Things (IoT) technology takes centerstage for Industry 4.0 adoption
Key Market Opportunities
Adoption of smart manufacturing and additive manufacturing practices
Key Market Drivers
Rising demand for automation across all industry verticals
Segments covered in Industry 4.0 Market are as follows:
TechnologyRobots (Traditional Industrial Robots {Articulated robots, Cartesian Robots, Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA), Cylindrical Robots, Others}, Collaborative Robots), Blockchain in Manufacturing, Industrial Sensors (Level Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Flow Sensors, Position Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Force Sensors, Humidity & Moisture Sensors, Gas Sensors), Industrial 3D Printing, Machine Vision (Camera {Digital Camera, Smart Camera}, Frame Grabbers, Optics, and LED Lighting, Processor and Software), HMI (Offering {Hardware [Basic HMI, Advanced Panel-based HMI, Advanced PC-based HMI, Others], Software [On-premises HMI, Cloud-based HMI], Services}), Configuration ({Embedded HMI, Standalone HMI}, Technology {Motion HMI, Bionic HMI, Tactile HMI, Acoustic HMI}, End-user Industry {Process industries [Oil & Gas, Food & beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Energy & power, Metals & mining, Water & wastewater, Others], Discrete industry [Automotive, Aerospace & defense, Packaging, Medical devices, Semiconductor & electronics, Others]}), AI In Manufacturing (Offering {Hardware [Processor MPU, GPU, FPGA, ASIC, Memory, Network], Software [AI solutions- | On-premises, Cloud |, AI platform- | Machine learning framework, Application program interface |], Services [Deployment & integration, Support & maintenance]}, Technology {Machine learning [Deep learning, Supervised learning, Reinforcement learning, Reinforcement learning, Others], Natural language processing [Context-aware computing, Computer vision]}, Application {Predictive maintenance and machinery inspection, Material movement, Production planning, Field services, Quality control, Cybersecurity, Industrial robots, Reclamation}, Digital Twin {Technology [Internet of Things (IOT), Blockchain, Artificial intelligence & machine learning, Artificial intelligence & machine learning, Big data analytics, 5G], Usage Type [Product digital twin, Process digital twin, System digital twin], Application [Product design & development, Performance monitoring, Predictive maintenance, Inventory management, Business optimization, Others]}, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) {Type [Tow vehicles, Unit load carriers, Pallet trucks, Assembly line vehicles, Forklift trucks, Others], Navigation Technology [Laser guidance, Magnetic guidance, Inductive guidance, Optical tape guidance, Vision guidance, Others]}, Machine Condition Monitoring {Monitoring Technique [Vibration monitoring, Embedded systems, Vibration analyzers and meters, Thermography, Oil analysis, Corrosion monitoring, Ultrasound emission, Motor current analysis], Offering [Hardware – Vibration sensors, Accelerometers, Tachometers, Infrared sensors, Spectrometers, Ultrasound detectors, Spectrum analyzers, Corrosion probes], Software [Data integration, Diagnostic reporting, Order tracking analysis, Parameter calculation], Deployment Type [On-premises deployment, Cloud deployment], Monitoring Process [Online condition monitoring, Portable condition monitoring]})IndustryManufacturing, Automotive, Energy, Medical, Semiconductor & Electronics, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Metals & Mining, Chemicals, and OthersRequest Free Customization of this report:
Internet of Things (IoT) Technology to Remain Indispensable for Industry 4.0
Internet of Things (IoT) remains the most crucial technology in global Industry 4.0 market growth owing to its role in interconnectivity and automation across different verticals. Advancements in connectivity technologies and rising use of automation in different industry verticals are also estimated to help this sub-segment gain an impressive market share. Surging demand for predictive maintenance will also boost the adoption of IoT technology in the long run.
Advanced robotic technologies are also slated to gain traction in the Industry 4.0 market. Growing acceptance of robots and high investments in advancements of robotic technologies are also slated to create new opportunities for providers of advanced robotics in the Industry 4.0 market. The low margin of error and the immense scope of automation are key benefits of robotics that help this sub-segment flourish.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will be another popular technology in the Industry 4.0 world going forward. Increasing demand for continuous monitoring, real-time analytics, and predictive maintenance are slated to help the demand for artificial intelligence in the future. The rising use of IoT devices will also boost the demand for cloud computing technology in the long run.
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Manufacturing Vertical to Spearhead Industry 4.0 Market Development
The manufacturing vertical is estimated to be at the forefront when it comes to Industry 4.0 adoption. The surge in use of robotics, advanced technologies, and smart manufacturing practices sets the tone for Industry 4.0 in this industry vertical. High emphasis on improving manufacturing efficiency, reducing downtime, and maximizing profits are all contributing to the high market share of this sub-segment.
The automotive industry is another vertical where Industry 4.0 market players could invest to get good returns. The high adoption of advanced robotics and other smart manufacturing technologies to maximize production allows this sub-segment to become a crucial one for Industry 4.0 providers. The aerospace and defense industry vertical also shows a lot of promise for Industry 4.0 companies going forward. Growing demand for advanced manufacturing techniques and technologies to create complex aerospace components is helping Industry 4.0 market growth via this segment.
The oil & gas industry is also estimated to embrace Industry 4.0 trend with open hands as they try to improve their operations and promote better resource utilization. High demand for predictive maintenance to reduce downtime and the growing adoption of digital oilfield solutions are estimated to bolster Industry 4.0 market development in the long run.
To sum it up, the application scope for Industry 4.0 is endless as automation and digitization pick up pace around the world. High investments in development of IoT and AI technologies will create better opportunities for Industry 4.0 companies in the future. The manufacturing industry will remain the top revenue generating sub-segment and more opportunities for aerospace, automotive, and oil & gas verticals will be seen over the coming years.
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Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI Cybersecurity Market worth $40.1 billion by 2030 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




CHICAGO, July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Generative AI cybersecurity Market is anticipated to experience substantial expansion, ascending from a value of USD 7.1 billion in 2024 to a substantial worth of USD 40.1 billion by the year 2030, according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. This growth trajectory reflects a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.4% over the forecast period.

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350 – Tables 60 – Figures450 – Pages
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Scope of the Report
Report Metrics
Market size available for years
Base year considered
Forecast period
Forecast units
USD (Million)
Segments Covered
Offering, Generative AI-based Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity for Generative AI, Security Type, End-user, and Region
Geographies covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America
Companies covered
Microsoft (US), IBM (US), Google (US), SentinelOne (US), AWS (US), NVIDIA (US), Cisco (US), CrowdStrike (US), Fortinet (US), Zscaler (US), Trend Micro (Japan), Palo Alto Networks (US), BlackBerry (Canada), Darktrace (UK), F5 (US), Okta (US), Sangfor (China), SecurityScorecard (US), Sophos (UK), Broadcom (US), Trellix (US), Veracode (US), LexisNexis (US), Abnormal Security (US), Adversa AI (Israel), Aquasec (US), BigID (US), Checkmarx (US), Cohesity (US), Credo AI (US), Cybereason (US), DeepKeep (Israel), Elastic NV (US), Flashpoint (US), Lakera (US), MOSTLY AI (Austria), Recorded Future (US), Secureframe (US), Skyflow (US), SlashNext (US), Snyk (US), Tenable (US), TrojAI (Canada), VirusTotal (Spain), XenonStack (UAE), and Zerofox (US).
This dramatic surge is being fueled by a number of causes. The primary growth driver is the enhancement of existing cybersecurity tools through generative AI algorithms by improving anomaly detection, automating threat hunting and penetration testing, and providing complex simulations for security testing purposes. These techniques enable various cyber-attack scenarios that can be simulated using the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), thus enabling the development of better preparedness and response strategies. On the other hand, it requires special cyber security tools to protect generative AI workloads against unique vulnerabilities such as adversarial attacks, model inversions and LLM poisoning. These tools include differential privacy and secure multi-party computation that are integrated into AI systems for training and deployment data protection purposes.
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Generative AI apps security segment will account for largest market share during the forecast period.
The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly changing for generative AI apps, which are already making their way into chatbots, content creation tools like word processors, and personalized recommendation systems. According to McAfee, 55% of these programs have had security breaches. This highlights the dire need for stronger protective measures from unauthorized access. Several generative AI applications that use adversarial techniques to force the desired reaction out of intelligent machines.
Therefore, there is a pressing demand in the number of developers who ensure that such machines are made more robust through techniques like adversarially trained models and resistant architectures. Finally, the usage of secure enclaves plus hardware-based security measures is growing off late, mainly aimed at safeguarding vulnerable AI computations from being tampered with. For instance, OpenAI has very strict security rules meant to protect GPT models thereby ensuring data integrity and user privacy.
By end-user, government & defense sector is poised to account for larger market share in 2024.
Government as well as defense industries are increasingly resorting to generative AI for cyber security purposes due to the urgency of protecting sensitive information and national security. According to a recent CSIS report, AI is being integrated into the cybersecurity framework of 43% of government agencies which resultantly improves their ability to identify and counter threats. As an example, the United States Department of Defense has started using artificial intelligence (AI) based security solutions backed by generative AI that can create fictitious cyber-attacks, thereby providing them with enhanced preparedness against advanced types of threats.
This technology also helps these sectors handle and analyze large volumes of data more effectively, giving valuable insights that will enable them prevent or mitigate cyber threats. This trend demonstrates an increasing reliance on generative AI in fortifying cyber security measures so as to ensure that critical infrastructure and sensitive data remain secure in today’s intricate digital landscape.
By region, North America to hold the largest share by market value in 2024.
In 2024, North America will be the leading region based on market share due to its excellent technology infrastructure, substantial investments in AI-enabled cybersecurity and the presence of key players. Major cyber security research universities and tech companies such as Google, AWS, CrowdStrike, SentinelOne and IBM are present in this area, pushing them on the forefront of potent risk management technologies and generative AI tools for threat detection. For example, IBM’s security platform powered by AI has improved detection rates for threats up by 40%, thus proving the relevance of AI technology to enhancing cybersecurity.
Moreover, legislative instruments such as Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) are being put in place to promote advanced cybersecurity technologies. As internet attacks continue getting more complicated, North American enterprises prefer generative artificial intelligence (AI), so as to enhance their safety measures pertaining to personal data and digital infrastructure.
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Top Key Companies in Generative AI cybersecurity Market:
The major players in the generative AI cybersecurity market include Palo Alto Networks (US), AWS (US), CrowdStrike (US), SentinelOne (US), and Google (US), along with SMEs and startups such as MOSTLY AI (Austria), XenonStack (UAE), BigID (US), Abnormal Security (US), and Adversa AI (Israel).
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