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Artificial Intelligence’s Roadmap for Globally-Valid Digital Currencies and CBDCs – Requirements, Obstacles, Solutions and Rewards



ST PETER PORT, Guernsey and NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Currently, discussions, workgroups, task forces and a wide array of organizations worldwide are discussing and working on the creation of either Globally Valid Digital Currencies or CBDCs. These entities have been having these discussions for almost 10 years now – without any concrete result or action resulting from them.

This is because other than a relatively modest group who understand these matters in their entirety, there are four other categories of experts engaged in these discussions, which can be loosely categorized as follows:

  • Persons highly qualified and experienced in Economics and Finance – but who lack the corresponding Technology & IT, Political & Geopolitical qualifications, and experience. They think their aims can be achieved because they do not realize the nature and scope of the Technology & IT, and Political & Geopolitical hurdles to be traversed.
  • Persons highly qualified and experienced in Technology and IT – but who lack the corresponding Economic & Financial, Political & Geopolitical qualifications and experience. They think their aims can be achieved because they do not realize the nature and scope of the Economic & Financial and Political & Geopolitical hurdles to be traversed.
  • Persons highly qualified and experienced in Politics and Geopolitics – but who lack the corresponding Technology & IT and Economic & Financial qualifications and experience. They think their aims can be achieved because they do not realize the nature and scope of the Technology & IT and Economic & Financial hurdles to be traversed.
  • Persons who are highly qualified and experienced in raising or lending funds. They may not have experience or qualifications in any other arena, and may not know or care whether Globally Valid Digital Currencies or CBDCs are practical or achievable. Their focus is only on making money from the funds they raise for, or lend to, these groups. They will happily continue to raise funds or lend funds – on top of the USD Hundreds of Billions already spent on these matters to date – for as long as the multitude of entities continuing with their working-groups / task forces want to continue to talk, and plan, without reaching any conclusions or results.

This is why despite nearly a decade of talking, many of the most basic and entry-level considerations in these matters have not yet been addressed. Perhaps if they were, resolution on how – or if – to proceed could move past the working-group / task force talking phase and on to action. Some of the matters that should be addressed include the following:

Suitability of Cryptocurrencies for a Globally Valid Digital Currency or CBDC
Cryptocurrencies are:

  • Speculative Retail Commodities – not currencies or generally-accepted Mediums of Exchange,
  • That rely solely on the permanent application of Artificial Scarcity to maintain value – and raising the number of their “coins” from the Artificially Limited 30 to 50 million to the thousands of Trillions required for global transactions in all markets will collapse their speculative value,
  • That have no underlying value other than being a Speculative Commodity in, and of, themselves (i.e., they are not backed by money or gold),
  • That have fluctuating values, so there is a complete absence of stable value – the absolute and unalterable prerequisite for any medium of exchange,
  • That cannot be used for digital transactions by the 50% of mobile phones in use in the world that are Pre-Smart Phones, because Mobile Apps cannot function on those Phones (Mobile Phones and Mobile Data being the only source of internet access for 50%+ of the world’s population),
  • That cannot be used in the 60% of countries worldwide where mobile data is so slow and expensive it would use people’s entire month’s mobile data allowance for one transaction.

Cryptocurrencies have their own markets and uses, and the entities in those markets have spent a great deal of time and energy to develop them to be fit for their purpose. Their purpose is to facilitate trading in Speculative Retail Commodities, which have fluctuating values, derived from the maintenance of Artificial Scarcity, combined with methods to stimulate Artificial Demand. Their purpose is not – and cannot be – to act as Globally Valid Mediums of Exchange in global economic and financial transactions or markets.

Practicality of Retail CBDCs – At the Top-Level
The vast majority of Central Bank-issued money is already Digital Currency – and has been for decades. There is nothing to be developed here – in terms of product, system, or distribution flows between from Central Banks to Central Banks, Central Banks to Commercial Banks, or IMF to Central Banks (for SDRs). They all work. What seems to be being discussed (although this has also not yet been clearly articulated – after nearly 10 years) is a “Retail CBDC”, entailing Central Banks’ disintermediation of Commercial Banks to transact directly with the public. In this case:

  • What will replace the Commercial Bank System – that will definitely fail if Central Banks usurp its primary source of revenue? It needs replacement for the public to have venues and personnel to transact with.
  • How – from legal, practical, cost and time perspectives – will Central Banks be able to replicate the Commercial Bank system? Nationalization of the Commercial Banks would be the only option, but that is hardly likely to occur.
  • Where will the credit extended to the public be recorded if Central Banks take over this role from Commercial Banks? Will this private debt be recorded as part of the National Debt? How would this huge addition to National Debt affect the stability of the national currency, inflation, global trade in that currency, etc.?
  • Would the Central Bank be liable in potential lawsuits brought by the public? If yes, what would the consequences to the Country, National Currency or the Central Bank be if it lost such lawsuits?

Neither the purpose of Central Banks transacting directly with the public nor the practical, legal nor any other ramifications of taking such a step have ever been able to be clearly articulated. Quite apart from lowering transaction costs to the public, it will raise them – exponentially. The Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve System – Randal K. Quarles – gave a speech on these matters previously. His points were clear and inescapable, and it is well worth considering them. A copy of his speech is in the “Resources” section of this article.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
Both of these processes – either singly or in combination – are touted as “new” developments or developments that will alter the landscape or enable things to be done now that were not possible before. None of these assumptions are valid. Firstly, many companies already have these processes functional in their systems – they just call them by different names (definitions of each are in the “Resources” section of this article). They are not “new” processes. Secondly, these processes alone are neither enough – nor sufficient, by far – to enable or bring create Globally Valid Digital Currencies. For example, WM’s system has Blockchain ++. That means, specifically, Blockchain + 18 additional Blockchain Processes per transaction + Failsafe (Blockchain processes on ITAN Numbers + Currencies + TUV Serial Numbers + Countries + Mobile Numbers + Transaction Types + Transaction Amounts + Transaction Reference numbers + Usernames + Independent Agents X 3 levels + VSMPs X 2 levels + Dates + Times of Day + Consolidation of all. Failsafe is an additional Blockchain Record maintained by the Artificial Intelligence Agent called HAL). It is the most comprehensive Blockchain system that exists – but alone – or even in combination with Distributed Ledger, it is not enough – very by far – for either a functioning Globally Valid Digital Currency or a Global Clearing System. Similarly, WM has Distributed Ledger++. That means, specifically, Distributed Ledger + 7 additional Distributed Ledger records of the same transaction + Failsafe (Distributed Ledger records on all Independent Agent Consoles X 3 levels + all VSMP Consoles X 2 levels + in all participating Member Accounts in “History”. Failsafe is an additional Distributed Ledger maintained by the Artificial Intelligence Agent called HAL). This is why WM was able to create a Programmable Currency (“Smart TUV”) – because all parties to the transaction can not only jointly see the data, they can independently monitor it, approve it, and program it (as well as it being independently monitored). These attributes and processes alone – or in conjunction – do not, however, even scratch the surface of requirements for a Globally valid Digital Currency or Clearing system. There are thousands of requirements for such a product and system – not just two.

Requirement for a Global Clearing System
One cannot simply create a Globally Valid Digital Currency or CBDC in isolation. To do that would be like creating a motor vehicle that runs on air, does not break, can last forever, and can have shape or color modified whenever one wants to – but creating it so that it can only function in a small patch of open space in the Amazon jungle, and it will break if it leaves it. Nice car – but useless outside its small patch. This is what any Global Digital Currency and/or any CBDC is – without a Global Clearing System. The same applies to a Digital Currency or CBDC that has no Global Exchange or Clearing System for the free and open storage of, transfer to, receipt from, exchange of, conversion of, settlement or redemption of the Digital Currency. All the time and money in the world can be spent on creating any type of Global Digital Currency or CBDC, but without the Global Clearing System, every one of them will be utterly useless outside its own small patch. Moreover, the Global Digital Currency and/or CBDC must be created to function in harmony with the Global Clearing System – otherwise it will not function, at all, within that environment. This, naturally, means the Global Clearing System has to be created before the Global Digital Currency or CBDC is created. To create such a Global Clearing System for CBDCs will require multilateral political consensus globally – not the solving of economic or technological requirements. This is because Central Banks’ issuing of National Currencies is at play – which is a matter of strategic national security for all countries. A Global Clearing System for CBDCs between Central Banks will require sharing of sensitive national financial and economic information – which requires countries to disclose their monetary policy and secrets that go hand-in-hand with that. When countries such as the USA and China, Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, the UK and Argentina, Greece and Turkey and multiple other countries that have historical or ongoing issues between them are prepared to disclose their economic secrets to each other, a Global Exchange Mechanism for CBDCs could be created. It may require a long wait for this to happen. For a Global Clearing System for a Globally Valid Digital Currency to be created – outside CBDCs / Central Banks, there are tens of thousands of economic, financial, legal, regulatory, structural, process, component and other requirements that need to be satisfactorily addressed. This can be done (WM has done it), but it requires many years of focused and steady work, and then many more years of testing and refinement. Nevertheless, it can be done.


What Entities can most realistically create Globally Valid Digital Currencies?
The only entities capable of doing this in the foreseeable future – as a fact – are Telecommunications companies. Even current Legacy Systems for all Transfers, Payments, Settlement, and all other transactions run on Telecommunications rails. SWIFT – and the entities that run off its rails including the IBAN system, China’s CIPS system, the USA’s Fedwire and all others – are all Telecommunications systems. That is why SWIFT – and all entities that run on its rails – are in the Telecommunications sector (and have been since the inception of “Wire Transfers” – via Telegraph Wires). WM – a Global Telephony Company – has already successfully created a tested, proven, due diligenced and fully-operational worldwide Digital Currency (the TUV) and Global Clearing System. It would not have been able to do so had it not been for the structural, process, logistical, interconnectivity, regulatory and (many) other factors inherent within the global telephony sector. Telecommunications Companies already have at least 50% of the required products, processes, flows, components, infrastructure, and global connectivity fully functional in their existing systems, and are able to do this from regulatory and legal perspectives. There would still be 50%+ to create, and significant restructuring of existing facilities – as well as creation of Artificial Intelligence Complex Adaptive Systems to make it feasible and enable dual-use of their Telephony Facilities. It will take enormous amounts of time, money, and resources – and several years of work – to complete this restructuring, but it would be worthwhile to do this.

Why it is worthwhile to go to the trouble of Creating a Global Digital Currency and Clearing System
In the recent past, various expert commentators have provided their views on the potential advantages a Globally Valid and Multicurrency Digital Currency could bring about. Two of these commentaries – one from the World Economic Forum and one from the Forbes Financial Council – are attached in the “Resources” section of this article, and are well worth reading. Every single one of their prescient predictions is valid and 100% correct. However, those predictions – as seemingly exceptional as they are – do not even begin to describe, even remotely, the extraordinary and unprecedented breadth and scope – and the astounding market opportunities and scale of market opportunities, unprecedented in Economic, Financial, Business, or Commercial history – that are opened up to any entity that achieves this goal. As WM has achieved this goal, and it is already in the position to enter into every market – from basic to sophisticated, and from the smallest to the largest transactions in the world, with unmatchable value-propositions – it can state this as a matter of fact, not as a view or opinion based upon a future but as-yet unrealized aspiration. The markets, market volumes and market values – worldwide – that are available once an entity develops – in reality – a fully functioning Globally Valid, Distributable, Accessible, Recognizable, Convertible, Transactable, Transferable, Redeemable, Stable Store of Value and Medium of Exchange – that has the utility of cash and the security and convenience of Digital Currency – make virtually any effort worthwhile.

This is because the Market Scope, Volumes and Values that then become available to the company possessing the Globally Valid Digital Currency and Global Clearing System – as WM does – are so vast in size (cumulatively in excess of USD 25 Trillion+ per day), that they are literally unmatched and unmatchable, by factors and by degrees of magnitude, by any and every single other form of business in the world.


Media Contact:
Nick Lambert: [email protected]


5 Ways Digital Currencies will Change the World – World Economic Forum:

Eight Ways Digital Currencies will Change the Financial Landscape – Forbes Financial Council:

Speech on CBDCs by the Federal Reserve System’s Vice Chair for Supervision, Randal K. Quarles:

Comments on the WM System’s Capacities by Professor Jan Kregel of the Levy Economics Institute: 

Research Papers on WM’s Global Clearing System and TUV Digital Currency:


Media Articles on WM:

Characteristics of WM’s TUV Digital Currency:

WM’s urls: (Tablets / Laptops / Desktops) (Smart Phones) (Pre-Smart Mobile Phones)

Definition of “Blockchain”:

Definition of “Distributed Ledger”:


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
The photo is also available at Newscom,, and via AP PhotoExpress.

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Artificial Intelligence

Complyport’s new AI tool – ViCA.Chat – set to revolutionise compliance support services




LONDON, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — ViCA.Chat, the Virtual Compliance Assistant powered by AI technology, is set to transform regulatory compliance consulting. Developed by ComplyMAP Group’s AI engineers and Complyport’s compliance consulting teams, ViCA redefines compliance support services and propels governance, risk and compliance consulting into a new era of innovation. 

Offering real-time assistance across a vast array of UK and EU regulatory frameworks, ViCA delivers unparalleled efficiency, detail and precision in disentangling and dealing with complicated regulatory frameworks.
The key differentiator of ViCA is its specialised and purposely constructed unique databases that leverage Complyport’s 22 years of regulatory expertise, combined with tailored AI training tools, enabling ViCA to operate as an experienced compliance consultant. A dedicated human support team continuously improves and updates ViCA’s knowledge and responses through a feedback loop process and quality assurance sessions. This powerful symbiosis of AI and human expertise sets ViCA apart and ensures businesses have the latest regulatory information instantaneously and seamlessly.
As a result, ViCA’s specialised regulatory database goes beyond readily available online resources which feature into traditional AI tools. ViCA offers exclusive insights, proprietary regulatory interpretations, historical data, bespoke and purposely structured compliance documentation and templates. With advanced scraping capabilities, ViCA also extracts relevant data from selected websites and publicly available information, ensuring an up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of compliance requirements across industries.
From agile fintech startups to established law firms, financial institutions, regulatory bodies, insurance providers, as well as compliance consultants, ViCA seamlessly adapts to unique compliance needs. Its user-friendly interface ensures navigating and analysing regulatory data is swift and intuitive, streamlining the compliance workflow.
“ViCA is a game-changer in how regulatory compliance advice will be provided in the future”, commented Luis Parra, Managing Director of ViCA. “With ViCA, compliance insights become available to all. No longer are regulated firms and responsible people overly dependent on advisors and compliance consultants. Through ViCA, the financial system will not only meet but exceed regulatory standards. Moreover, the level of information made available to the public will benefit society as a whole, in its interactions with the financial services sector.”
Among ViCA’s revolutionary features is its cost-effective model, allowing businesses to significantly reduce reliance on traditional spending with external consultants and advisors.
Visit ViCA.Chat to experience the future of compliance support.
Name: Luis ParraTitle: Managing DirectorCompany: Vica.ChatTelephone: +44 20 7399 4980 Email: [email protected]
About ViCA.Chat:
ViCA.Chat is a revolutionary Virtual Compliance Assistant powered by cutting-edge AI technology, designed to demystify the complexities of regulatory compliance. Utilising Complyport’s 22 years of regulatory expertise, ViCA offers real-time assistance and guidance across a wide range of regulatory frameworks, setting a new standard for efficiency and precision in compliance support. From fintech start-ups to established law firms, financial services institutions, regulators, regulatory firms, compliance consultants and insurance firms, ViCA caters to the diverse needs of professionals across all levels in the broader UK financial services sector.
Visit ViCA.Chat to learn more.
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Artificial Intelligence

LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market worth $32.7 billion by 2029- Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




CHICAGO, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market is expected to reach USD 32.7 billion by 2029 from USD 8.0 billion in 2024, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 32.4 % during 2024–2029, according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.

Browse in-depth TOC on “LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market”
320 – Tables 58 – Figures294 – Pages
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Scope of the Report
Report Metrics
Market size available for years
Base year considered
Forecast period
Forecast units
Value (USD Billion)
Segments Covered
Offering, Network Deployment, Application, End User, and Region
Region covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America.
List of Companies in LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT
The Bosch Group (Germany),  Cisco (US), Orange SA (France), Comcast Corporation (US), Semtech (US), NEC Corporation(Japan), Tata Communications (India), AWS (US), Advantech (Taiwan), SK Telecom (South Korea), Murata (Japan), Kerlink (France), Actility (France), Digi International (US), MultiTech (US), Ezurio (US), Sensoterra (Netherlands), Nwave Technologies (US), RAKwireless (China), (Spain), Datacake (Germany), Milesight (China), LORIOT (Switzerland), Exosite (US), Orbiwise (Switzerland), Netmore Group (Sweden), and Radio Bridge Inc (US).
The LoRaWAN ecosystem influences development of tools, software libraries, and cloud-based platforms that streamline the creation, deployment, and management of IoT solutions. Continuously evolving, this ecosystem boasts a burgeoning array of vendors providing LoRa-compliant devices, gateways, and network management solutions. This vibrant competition within the ecosystem propels innovation while driving down costs for end-users. Moreover, the development of interoperable solutions fosters seamless integration and deployment of LoRaWAN networks, simplifying the implementation process for businesses and organizations. As the ecosystem continues to expand and mature, it empowers developers, system integrators, and IoT enthusiasts to unleash their creativity, accelerate time-to-market, and unlock the full potential of LoRaWAN technology in diverse applications and industries.
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Based on network deployment, the public network segment to hold the largest market size during the forecast period.
The robust security features integrated into public LoRaWAN networks play a significant role in driving the growth and adoption of LoRaWAN technology in the market. End-to-end encryption ensures that data transmitted between devices and gateways is protected from unauthorized access or interception, safeguarding sensitive information such as sensor readings, location data, and command messages. Message integrity checks verify the integrity of data packets, detecting any tampering or alteration during transmission and ensuring data authenticity and reliability. Additionally, mutual authentication mechanisms establish trust between devices and gateways, verifying the identity of both parties before allowing communication to occur. These security measures provide organizations and end-users with confidence in the integrity and confidentiality of their data, mitigating concerns related to data privacy, cybersecurity threats, and regulatory compliance. As a result, implementing robust security features in public LoRaWAN networks enhances trust and credibility in the technology, driving increased adoption and market growth as organizations seek reliable and secure connectivity solutions for their IoT deployments.
By offering, the services segment is expected to hold a higher growth rate during the forecast period.
IoT service providers are pivotal in driving adoption by developing vertical-specific solutions finely tuned to the distinct needs of industries like agriculture, healthcare, logistics, and smart cities. In agriculture, for instance, IoT services offer solutions for precision farming, crop monitoring, and livestock management, enabling farmers to optimize irrigation, monitor soil health, and enhance yields. Similarly, IoT services facilitate remote patient monitoring, asset tracking, and inventory management in healthcare, improving patient care, reducing costs, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards such as HIPAA. In logistics, IoT services provide real-time tracking of shipments, fleet management, and predictive maintenance, enhancing supply chain visibility, efficiency, and reliability. For smart cities, IoT services offer solutions for traffic management, waste management, energy optimization, and public safety, transforming urban infrastructure and enhancing the quality of life for residents. By addressing industry-specific challenges, compliance requirements, and use cases, vertical-specific IoT solutions deliver tangible business value, driving adoption and fueling the growth of the IoT services market across diverse sectors.
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Asia Pacific is expected to hold a higher growth rate during the forecast period.
In the Asia Pacific region, where agriculture serves as a cornerstone of many economies, adopting IoT technologies, particularly LoRa and LoRaWAN, is revolutionizing traditional farming practices. LoRaWAN’s long-range connectivity and low-power consumption make it well-suited for deployment in rural agricultural settings, where access to reliable connectivity may be limited. Through LoRa-based IoT solutions, farmers can implement precision agriculture techniques to address pressing challenges such as water scarcity, soil degradation, and unpredictable weather patterns. LoRa-enabled sensors facilitate real-time monitoring of soil moisture levels, temperature, and humidity, allowing farmers to optimize irrigation schedules and conserve water resources. Remote sensing technologies powered by LoRaWAN enable farmers to gather actionable insights on crop health, pest infestations, and nutrient deficiencies, facilitating timely interventions and improving overall crop management practices. Furthermore, LoRa-based crop analytics platforms provide farmers with data-driven decision support tools, helping them optimize planting strategies, improve yield forecasting, and mitigate the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity. By harnessing the power of LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT solutions, farmers in the Asia Pacific region can increase yields, conserve resources, and enhance resilience to environmental challenges, driving the adoption and growth of the LoRaWAN IoT market in the agricultural sector.
Top Key Companies in LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market:
The major vendors covered in the LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market are The Bosch Group (Germany),  Cisco (US), Orange SA (France), Comcast Corporation (US), Semtech (US), NEC Corporation(Japan), Tata Communications (India), AWS (US), Advantech (Taiwan), SK Telecom (South Korea), Murata (Japan), Kerlink (France), Actility (France), Digi International (US), MultiTech (US), Ezurio (US), Sensoterra (Netherlands), Nwave Technologies (US), RAKwireless (China), (Spain), Datacake (Germany), Milesight (China), LORIOT (Switzerland), Exosite (US), Orbiwise (Switzerland), Netmore Group (Sweden), and Radio Bridge Inc (US). These players have adopted various growth strategies, such as partnerships, agreements and collaborations, new product launches, enhancements, and acquisitions to expand their footprint in the LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market.
Browse Adjacent Markets: Digitalization and Internet of Things (IoT) Market Research Reports & Consulting
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Artificial Intelligence

Scoring a Seat at UEFA EURO 2024™ with Top-Performing AI-Powered TOSHIBA TV Lineup




HONG KONG, June 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Football fans are in for a treat as they gear up for UEFA EURO 2024™ with Toshiba TV’s top-performing Gaming TV Z670. As the OFFICIAL TV OF UEFA EURO 2024™, Toshiba TVs present immersive viewing of the football game by their AI-powered TV lineup. To celebrate the brilliant moments it can bring, Toshiba TV are gifting USD100 Amazon Gift Card via their social platform! By simply like, follow and comment on @ToshibaTVGlobal, fans can boost their chances of scoring this prize.

Optimized Visuals Tailored for Football Dynamics
The Toshiba REGZA Engine ZRi in Z670 transports football fans into the heart of the action. With the AI Football Mode, they’ll be able to see fast-moving objects crystal clear and football field actions much enriched. To see their favourite player score that winning goal, the AI Picture Optimizer automatically adjusts visual contrast and precision adapted to the game. From vivid green fields and vibrant player kits, every play comes to life with AI 4K Upscaling and Quantum Dot Color, transforming lower-resolution broadcasts into near-4K quality and unleashing lifelike visual color.
Powerful Audio Effects for a Live Stadium Experience
The Toshiba TV Z670’s powerful audio system makes viewers feel like they’re right in the game. With the REGZA Bass Woofer Pro, Tru Bass Booster, and Dolby Atmos, they’ll experience heart-thumping 3D surround sound that captures the live stadium atmosphere. Whether it’s the roar of the crowd or the intensity of each play, the rich audio brings the excitement of each game right into their room.
Bringing Everyone Together for UEFA EURO 2024™
Available in sizes ranging from 55″ to 85″, Z670 is equipped with a Wide Viewing Angle and Anti-reflection features that ensures a clear picture from all viewing positions with the non-glare panel. Gather everyone for “Brilliant Every Moment” in UEFA EURO 2024™ with Toshiba TV!
Please find the high-resolution TVC here: Link
About Toshiba TV:
With 70+ years of history in TV production, Toshiba TV is known for its exquisite craftsmanship, innovative ideas and groundbreaking inventions. By prioritizing superior image quality and auditory experiences, Toshiba TV sets new standards in entertainment. Toshiba TV stems from the excellence quest of customers, providing the world with responsible products to make the world a better place. Emphasizing attention to product details and technological advancement, Toshiba TV integrates aesthetically pleasing design, quality assurance, and brand reputation to underscore its commitment to authenticity in the actual world and a sincere dedication to its consumers, showcasing Toshiba TV’s long-standing design philosophy and continuous pursuit of product quality.
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