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DIGITALIST GROUP PLC                         FINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE 25 February 2022, 9:00 AM



October–December 2021 (comparable figures for 2020 in parentheses):

  • Turnover: EUR 5.0 million (EUR 5.0 million), decrease: 0.3%.
  • EBITDA: EUR -0.5 million (EUR 0.2 million), -9.3% of turnover (-5.6%).
  • EBIT*: EUR -1.9 million (EUR -0.9 million), -37.1% of turnover (-17.5%).
  • Net income*: EUR -1.9 million (EUR -1.6 million), -37.8% of turnover (-32.0 %).
  • Earnings per share (diluted and undiluted) EUR -0.00 (EUR -0.00).     

*EBIT and net income for the period include a goodwill impairment charge of EUR -0.9 million (EUR 0.0 million).

January–December 2021 (comparable figures for 2020 in parentheses):

  • Turnover: EUR 18.5 million (EUR 20.5 million), decrease: -9.8%.
  • EBITDA: EUR -1.8 million (EUR -2.0 million), -9.6% of turnover (-9.9%).
  • EBIT*: EUR -5.3 million (EUR -9.1 million), -28.8% of turnover (-44.2%).
  • Net income*: EUR -5.8 million (EUR -11.9 million), -31.4% of turnover (-58.1%).
  • Earnings per share (diluted and undiluted): EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.02).
  • Cash flow from operations EUR -3.7 million (EUR -1.3 million).
  • Number of employees at the end of the review period: 165 (182), decrease of 9.3%.

*EBIT and net income for the period include a goodwill impairment charge of EUR -1,4 million (EUR -3.7 million).      

Future prospects

In 2022, turnover and EBITDA are expected to improve in comparison with 2021.

CEO’s review

Digitalist Group creates competitive advantage by combining brand strategy, customer experience, design and technology to future-proof our clients’ businesses. We believe that the smooth integration of digitalisation, experiences and sustainability is the key to creating seamless solutions that will not only exceed expectations today, but to meet the needs of tomorrow. We have leading edge capabilities in brand, design and technology – enabling us to accelerate brands, businesses and society forward.


Year 2021 was the second year affected by the Covid pandemic. Consequently, our organization, as well as our clients, have adapted to new ways of working. Online meetings and digital tools have strengthened our capabilities in working efficiently with cross studio teams and supporting our clients.

At the end of December, the Group had a total of 165 (182 end of 2020) employees of more than 20 different nationalities. We believe that this diversity is one of our strengths when serving clients on a market that is becoming more and more global every day. Digitalist Group has studios in Helsinki, Stockholm and Vancouver and employs top experts in fields ranging from brand strategy to design and artificial intelligence.

The 2021 revenues EUR 18,5 million were lower than 2020 (EUR 20,5 million), but despite this we were able to remain at approximately the last year’s EBITDA level. Adapting our cost structure is key to our success, and we are engaged in intense efforts in reducing our overhead costs while continuing to find new and more efficient ways of working to serve our clients better and to grow our business. We have also during the year implemented a new management structure, which has further helped us to reduce costs and provided us a more efficient way to run the operations. While we believe these efforts will pay off in the coming quarters, our top priority when entering year 2022 will be the success in growing our revenues.

During the year we have seen a proven market attraction for our LeanLab customer collaboration platform as a tool in our insight offering. We are aiming to increase its growth opportunities as a SaaS business.

We also completed the successful divestment from Ticknovate Limited during the third quarter. With this arrangement, we increased our financial flexibility and our focus on core business.         


In December 2021, Digitalist Group Plc’s subsidiary Digitalist Sweden AB signed a significant agreement with a Swedish public sector entity on the provision of design and development services. The agreement is part of long-term co-operation and has a value of about EUR 1.8 million. The services are planned to be provided in 2022. The agreement will underpin Digitalist Group’s growth in Sweden and support its aim of operating as a strategic partner in digitalization.

Looking forward we feel well prepared for 2022. Our capabilities in brand, design and technology are the key elements needed to perform successful customer experience transformation projects. We still have a lot to improve, but I feel we are taking the right actions and are starting 2022 with an organization that is ready to take on the challenges and make a change.

/CEO Magnus Leijonborg


Digitalist Group reports its business in a single segment.



In the fourth quarter, the Group’s turnover was at the same level as previous EUR 5.0 million. The Group’s turnover for the period totalled EUR 18.5 million (EUR 20.5 million), which is -9.8% less than in the previous year. The decrease in turnover was impacted by uncertainty among customers due to Covid-19 pandemic. The turnover earned outside Finland accounted for a major proportion of the total being 77% (74%) in the review period.


In the fourth quarter, EBITDA came to EUR -0.5 million (EUR 0.2 million), EBIT was EUR -1.9 million (EUR -0.9 million) and profit before taxes was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -1.6 million). In the corresponding period in 2020 EBITDA was affected by a one-time payment. Net income for the final quarter amounted to EUR -1.9 million (EUR -1.6 million), earnings per share were EUR -0.00 (EUR -0.00), and cash flow from operating activities per share was EUR -0.00 (EUR -0.00).

EBITDA for the financial period came to EUR -1.8 million (EUR -2.0 million), EBIT was EUR -5,3 million (EUR -9.1 million) and profit before taxes was EUR -5.8 million (EUR -12.1 million). Streamlining operations, cost savings and divestment of Ticknovate Ltd. affected EBITDA. Currency exchange gains impacted remarkably to the financial items, which were net EUR -0.5 million (EUR -3.2 million). Net income for the financial period amounted to EUR -5.8 million (EUR -11.9 million), earnings per share totalled EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.02) and cash flow from operating activities per share was EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.00). Net income for the financial period and the comparison period were impacted by a goodwill impairment charge of EUR -1.4 million (EUR -3.7 million).



The Group’s shareholders’ equity amounted to EUR -24.6 million (EUR -16.7 million) of which EUR 0,5 million (EUR 1.3 million) was non-controlling interest. Return on equity (ROE) was negative. Return on investment (ROI) was -68.1 (-75.9) per cent.

The negative change in the Group’s equity was mainly due to the operating loss, which was affected by a goodwill impairment charge EUR -1.4 million (EUR -3.7 million).


Investments during the financial period totalled EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.6 million). No product development costs were capitalized during the period. At the end of the review period, product development costs capitalised on the balance sheet totalled EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.7 million). Capitalized product development costs in 2020 were related to the development of the Ticknovate product and were sold in connection with the divestment of Ticknovate Ltd.



The balance sheet total was EUR 14.1 million (EUR 19.6 million). The decrease in the balance sheet total was mainly due to a goodwill impairment charge, the divestment of Ticknovate Ltd., and decrease in sales receivables due to reduced turnover. Shareholders’ equity amounted to EUR -24.6 million (EUR -16.7 million). The solvency ratio was -174.1% (-84.9%). At the end of the period, the Group’s liquid assets totalled EUR 1.0 million (EUR 1.0 million). The Group’s parent company’s equity was EUR 2.2 million when including the EUR 9,8 million convertible bonds, which were converted to capital loan.

At the end of the period, the Group’s balance sheet recognised EUR 10.7 million (EUR 8.9 million) in loans from financial institutions, including the overdrafts in use. In addition, the company has loans from its main owners. On 31 December 2021, the Group’s interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 32.7 million (EUR 28.1 million), of which related-party loans amounted to EUR 20.5 million (EUR 17.9 million). The loan agreements made with related-party companies during the financial period are in the section of the review entitled related-party transactions.


The Group’s cash flow from operating activities during the review period was EUR -3.7 million (EUR -1.3 million), a change of EUR -2.4 million. The operating cash flow was mainly impacted by the decreased turnover. The investing activities were impacted by divestment of Ticknovate Ltd. EUR 2.6 million.


In order to reduce the rate of turnover of trade receivables, the Group sells some of its trade receivables from Finnish customers. Trade receivables worth EUR 3.0 million (EUR 4.7 million) were sold during the financial period.


On 31 December 2021, the Group’s balance sheet included goodwill of EUR 5.2 million (EUR 7.5 million). The company tested goodwill in accordance with IAS 36 on June 30, 2021 and recognized an impairment of EUR -0.5 million (EUR -3.7 million). In connection to the divestment of Ticknovate Ltd on August 31, 2021 EUR -0.8 million was allocated against the sales gain. The company also tested goodwill on December 31, 2021 and recognized an impairment of EUR -0.9 million (EUR 0.0).


The average number of employees in the last quarter was 167 (183). The average number of employees during the financial period was 172 (208), and the Group had 165 (182) employees at the end of the period. At the end of the financial period, 57 (69) of the Group’s personnel were employed by the Finnish companies, and 108 (113) were employed in the Group’s foreign companies.



Share turnover and price

During the financial period, the company’s share price hit a high of EUR 0.05 (EUR 0.05) and a low of EUR 0.03 (EUR 0.03), and the closing price on 31 December 2021 was EUR 0.03 (EUR 0.04). The average price in the financial period was EUR 0.04 (EUR 0.03). During the financial period, 94 311 641 (61 748 234) shares were traded, corresponding to 14.5 (9.5) percent of the number of shares in circulation at the end of the period. The Group’s market capitalisation at the closing share price on 31 December 2021 was EUR 20,832,728 (EUR 23,436,819).
Share capital

At the beginning of the period under review, the company’s registered share capital was EUR 585,394.16, and there were 651,022,746 shares. At the end of the period, the share capital was EUR 585,394.16, and there were 651,022,746 shares. The company has one class of shares. At the end of the reporting period, the company held a total of 7,664,943 (7,664,943) treasury shares corresponding to 1.2% of the total shares.

Option plan 2019 and 2021


The Company’s Board of Directors has found option rights within option plan 2019 to have expired insofar as they have not been distributed. Of the options within the Company’s option plan 2019, altogether 3.580.000 series 2019A1 and 2019A2 option rights have been distributed, on the basis of which it is possible to subscribe for a maximum of 3.580.000 new Company shares under the terms and conditions of the option plan.

On 25 January 2021, the Board of Directors of Digitalist Group Plc decided to issue option rights on the basis of an authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 14 April 2020. The option rights are marked as series 2021A1, 2021A2, 2021B1, 2021B2 and 2021C1. The maximum amount of option rights issued is 60,000,000, and they entitle their holders to subscribe for altogether a maximum of 60,000,000 of new Company shares. The Board of Directors may decide on any additional conditions related to the receipt of option rights and on the redistribution of option rights that later revert to the Company.

The theoretical market value of the options allocated by the end of review period is approximately EUR 1,0 million, which is recognised as an expense in accordance with IFRS 2 for the years 2021-2025. The expense recognition for 2021 is EUR 0.2 million. The expense recognition does not have cash flow impact.

Terms and conditions of option programs can be found at the Company’s web site



The number of shareholders on 31 December 2021 was 5,128 (4,309). Private individuals owned 9.66 (8.79) per cent of the shares, and institutions held 80.82 (90.76) per cent. Foreign nationals or entities held 9.51 (0.45) per cent of the shares. Nominee-registered shares accounted for 2.82 (3.36) per cent of the total.


Financing arrangements with related parties:

Convertible bonds 30th March 2021

On 30 March 2021, Digitalist Group Plc’s Company’s Board of Directors resolved under the authorisation granted by the Company’s Annual General Meeting of 14 April 2020 to, in deviation from the pre-emptive right of the Company’s shareholders, directed convertible bonds to Turret Oy Ab (“Convertible Bond 2021/1”) and Holdix Oy Ab (“Convertible Bond 2021/2”) and the attached special rights as referred to in Chapter 10 Section 1(2) of the Limited Liability Companies Act for subscription by Turret Oy Ab and Holdix Oy Ab in accordance with the terms of the agreement concerning the loans. Under the Terms, Convertible Bond 2021/1 and Convertible Bond 2021/2 totalling to 1.0 MEUR can be converted into a maximum total of 33.333.332 new Digitalist Group shares. The Terms concerning them are available on the company’s website at The Company has issued a stock exchange release relating to the details of the convertible bonds on March 30th, 2021 and a stock exchange release of Managers’ transactions on April 1st, 2021


Convertible bonds 20th April 2021
On 20 April 2021, Digitalist Group Plc’s Annual General Meeting resolved to, in deviation from the pre-emptive right of the Company’s shareholders, direct convertible bonds to Turret Oy Ab (“Convertible Bond 2021/3”) and Holdix Oy Ab (“Convertible Bond 2021/4”) and the attached special rights as referred to in Chapter 10 Section 1(2) of the Limited Liability Companies Act for subscription by Turret Oy Ab and Holdix Oy Ab in accordance with the terms of the agreement concerning the loans. Turret Oy Ab has subscribed and paid for the Convertible Bond 2021/3 and the attached Special Rights in full in accordance with the Terms. Holdix Oy Ab has subscribed and paid for the Convertible Bond 2021/4 and the attached Special Rights in full in accordance with the Terms.

The Convertible Bonds mature on June 30, 2024 and set off previous receivables of Turret and Holdix from the Company as identified in the Terms. Under the Terms, Convertible Bond 2021/3 and Convertible Bond 2021/4 totalling to 19.1 MEUR can be converted into a maximum total of 635.725.754 new Digitalist Group shares. The Terms concerning the convertible bonds are available on the company’s website at: The Company has issued a stock exchange release relating to the details of the convertible bonds and a stock exchange release of Managers’ transactions on April 20th, 2021.

Increase in Group’s cash pool overdraft 23 June 2021
Digitalist Group Oyj agreed with Nordea Bank Oyj to increase Digitalist Group’s cash pool overdraft with Nordea Bank by two million euros. The cash pool overdraft is secured by a directly enforceable guarantee granted by Turret Oy Ab and Holdix Oy Ab to Nordea Bank Abp.

Capital loan 30 December 2021
The Board decided to exercise the right granted to Digitalist Group Plc by main owners and convert the Convertible Bonds no 1-15 into Converted Bonds and to convert the capital thereof, altogether EUR 9.757.987,80, and the unpaid interest on the capital of the Converted Bonds set out in the Terms of the convertible bond into a capital loan meeting the requirements of Chapter 12 Sections 1 and 2 of the Limited Liability Companies Act, with the Terms otherwise remaining the same, where applicable.



Additional agreement on the delivery of design and development services to a Swedish public sector operator 29 December 2021

Digitalist Group Plc’s (Digitalist Group or Company) subsidiary Digitalist Sweden AB concluded an additional agreement with a Swedish public sector operator on the delivery of design and development services. The agreement is part of long-term cooperation and its value is approximately EUR 1.8 million. The delivery of the services is planned to take place during 2022. The agreement supports Digitalist Group’s growth in Sweden and its target to act as a strategic partner in digitalisation.

Managers’ transactions

During the fourth quarter the Company has received three notifications in accordance with the transactions of Management (Article 19 MAR). The stock exchange releases on the acceptance of stock options was published on October 29, 2021.

The stock exchange releases for the review period are on the company’s website at



There have been no significant events since the end of the reporting period.


The objectives of Digitalist Group Plc’s risk management are to ensure the undisrupted continuity and development of the company’s operations, support the achievement of the company’s business objectives and increase the company’s value. For more details about the organisation of risk management, processes and identified risks, see the company’s website at

The company has been making a loss despite the efficiency measures it has taken. However, the efficiency measures taken in 2019 – 2021 have created a more sustainable cost structure. The company’s loss-making performance directly affects its working capital and the sufficiency of its financing. This risk is managed by maintaining the capacity to use different financing solutions. The company aims to continuously assess and monitor the amount of necessary business financing to ensure that it has sufficient liquid assets to finance its operations and repay maturing loans. Any disruptions in the financial arrangements would weaken Digitalist Group’s financial position.


Covid-19 pandemic continued in 2021. The restrictive measures taken to prevent the spread of the disease affected the businesses of the company’s customers, thereby reducing the number of projects with some customers and the number of orders. This is reflecting the development of turnover.

The company is currently dependent on external financing, most of which has been obtained from related-party companies and financial institutions. Digitalist Group’s ability to finance its operations and reduce the amount of its debt depends on several factors, such as the cash flow from operations and the availability of debt and equity financing, and there is no certainty that such financing will be available in the future. Similarly, there can be no certainty that Digitalist Group will be able to obtain additional debt or refinance its current debt on acceptable terms, if at all. In early 2021, the company rearranged its short-term loans with the main owners and a financial institution. The rearranged loans are now company’s long term debt and thus short term obligations are lighter.

A significant proportion of the Group’s turnover is generated by its 20 largest customers. Changes in key customer accounts could adversely affect Digitalist Group’s operations, earning capacity and financial position. If one of Digitalist Group’s largest customers decided to switch to a competing company or drastically altered its operating model, the chances of finding customer volumes to replace the shortfall in the near term would be limited.

The Group’s business consists mainly of individual customer agreements, which are often relatively short-term. In addition, some of the project contracts have fixed or target prices. The length of delivery contracts makes it difficult to reliably estimate the longer-term development of the Group’s business operations, earnings and financial position. With regard to fixed-price projects, it is essential to be able to estimate the workload and/or contractual risks of the project correctly in order to ensure an adequate level of profitability. The aforementioned aspects related to customer contracts can lead to unpredictable fluctuations in turnover and, thereby, in profitability.

Irrespective of the market situation, there is a shortage of certain experts in the Digitalist Group’s sector. Furthermore, the aggressive recruitment policies that are prevalent in Digitalist Group’s sector may increase the risk of personnel moving to competitors. There is no guarantee that the company will be able to retain its current personnel and recruit new employees to maintain growth. If Digitalist Group loses its current personnel, it would be more difficult to complete existing projects and acquire new ones. This could have an adverse impact on Digitalist Group’s business, earnings and financial position.


Significant part of the Group’s turnover is invoiced in currencies other than the euro. The risk associated with changes in exchange rates is managed in various ways, including net positioning and currency hedging contracts. No hedging contracts were used in 2021 or 2020.
The Group’s balance sheet contains goodwill that is subject to impairment risk in the event that the Group’s future yield expectations decrease due to internal or external factors. The goodwill is tested for impairment every six months and whenever the need arises.


Digitalist Group aims to achieve a profit margin of at least 10 per cent over the long term. In order to achieve its long-term goals, Digitalist Group strives for profitable, international growth by shaping new forms of thinking, services and technological solutions for digitalizing sectors. These sectors include the technology industry, energy industry, transport and logistics, as well as consumer services in the public and private sectors. Digitalist Group’s strategy focuses on enhancing its service and solution business and seamlessly integrating user and operational research, branding, design and technology.


The Board of Directors of Digitalist Group Plc proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the distributable funds be retained in shareholders’ equity and that no dividend be distributed to shareholders for the 2021 financial period. On 31 December 2021, the parent company had distributable assets of EUR -8.792.474,80.


Digitalist Group Plc’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Helsinki on Tuesday 26 April 2022.


The Business review, for January–March 2022, will be published on Friday 29 April 2022.

Board of Directors

Further information:
Digitalist Group Plc


– CEO Magnus Leijonborg, tel. +46 76 315 8422, [email protected]
– CFO Mervi Södö, tel. +358 40 136 5959, [email protected]

NASDAQ Helsinki
Key media




  1 Oct – 31 Dec 21 1 Oct – 31 Dec 20 Change (%) 1 Jan – 31 Dec 21 1 Jan – 31 Dec 20 Change (%)
Turnover 4,996 4,979 0 % 18,482 20,487 -10 %
Other operating income 112 1,270   1,843 1,823  
Operating expenses -6,962 -7,122 2 % -25,641 -31,368 -18 %
EBIT -1,855 -873 -112 % -5,315 -9,059 -41 %
Financial income and expenses -114 -706 84 % -479 -2 998 -84 %
Profit before taxes -1,969 -1,579 -25 % -5,794 -12,057 -52 %
Income taxes 81 -13 724 % -5 163 -103 %
PROFIT/LOSS FOR FINANCIAL PERIOD -1,888 -1,592 -19 % -5,799 -11,894 -51 %
Distribution:     0 %      
Parent company shareholders -1,948 -1,623 -20 % -5,797 -11,820 -51 %
Non-controlling interests 60 31 -90 % -2 -73 -98 %
Earnings per share:            
Undiluted (EUR) -0.00 -0,02 85 % -0.01 -0,02 -55 %
Diluted (EUR) -0.00 -0,02 0 % -0.01 -0,02 -50 %


  1 Oct – 31 Dec 21 1 Oct – 31 Dec 20 Change (%) 1 Jan – 31 Dec 21 1 Jan – 31 Dec 20 Change (%)
Profit/loss for the financial period -1,888 -1,591 19 % -5,799 -11,820 -51 %
Other items of comprehensive income -742   100 % -742   100 %
Translation difference -490 410 -220 % -1,559 1,481 -205 %
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR -3,120 -1,181 164 % -8,100 -10,339 -22 %
Parent company shareholders -3,163 -1,212 161 % -8,085 -10,281 -21 %
Non-controlling interests 43 31 39 % -15 -58 -74 %


ASSETS 31 December 2021 31 December 2020
Intangible assets 857 2,741
Goodwill 5,166 7,485
Tangible assets 1,631 1,116
Buildings and structures, rights-of-use 1,529 958
Machinery and equipment 66 101
Other tangible assets 36 57
Other non-current financial assets 1,172 1,127
Trade and other receivables 4,157 5,945
Income tax asset 192 223
Cash and cash equivalents 523 1,008
CURRENT ASSETS 5,295 7,176
ASSETS 14,120 19,645
Parent company shareholders    
Share capital 585 585
Share premium account 219 219
Invested non-restricted equity fund 72,972 72,972
Retained earnings  -93,069 -79,904
Profit/loss for the financial period -5,797 -11,820
Non-controlling interests 506 1,262
Parent company shareholders -25,090 -17,949
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY -24,584 -16,686

A:        Share capital
B:        Share premium account
C:        Invested unrestricted equity fund
D:        Translation difference
E:        Retained earnings
F:        Total shareholders’ equity attributable to the parent company’s
G:         Non-controlling interests
H:        Total shareholders’ equity

  A B C D E F G H
Shareholders’ equity 1 Jan 2020 585 219 73,186 -129 -82,182 -8,321   -8,321
Other changes       -290 290      
Profit/loss for the financial period         -11,820 -11,820 -73 -11,893
Purchase of own shares     -214     -214   -214
Other items of comprehensive income                
Translation difference       1,481   1,481 15 1,496
Share-based remuneration         25 25   25
Transactions with non-controlling interests         901 901 1,320 2,221
Shareholders’ equity 31 Dec 2020 585 219 72,972 1,062 -92,786 -17,948 1,262 -16,686
  A B C D E F G H
Shareholders’ equity 1 Jan 2021 585 219 72,972 1,062 -92,786 -17,948 1,262 -16,686
Other changes             -742 -742
Profit/loss for the financial period         -5,797 -5,797 -2 -5,799
Purchase of own shares           0   0
Other items of comprehensive income                
Translation difference       -1,546   -1,546 -14 -1,559
Share-based remuneration         201 201   201
Transactions with non-controlling interests                
Shareholders’ equity 31 Dec 2021 585 219 72,972 -484 -98,382 -25,089 504,383 -24,585


Cash flow from operations 1 Jan–31 Dec 2021 1 Jan–31 Dec 2020  1 Jul–31 Dec 2021 1 Jul–31 Dec 2020
Earnings before taxes in the period -5,794 -12,057 -2,357 -4,118
Adjustments to cash flow from operations:        
Other income and expenses with no payment transactions        
Depreciation, impairment 3,538 7,037 1,937 1,809
Financial income and expenses 479 2,998 475 1,783
Other adjustments -1,079 -167 -1,284 -366
Cash flow financing before changes in working capital -2,857 -2,189 -1,229 -892
Change in working capital -811 661 -568 -349
Interest received 14 10 8 3
Interest paid -64 -9 -40 0
Taxes paid -11 220 12 226
Net cash flow from operations -3,730 -1,307 -1,817 -1,012
Investments in other investments        
Investments in tangible and intangible assets -48 -249 -30 -50
Investment grants received   333   15
Proceeds from disposal of businesses 2,565   2,565  
Income from disposal of tangible and intangible assets 6   6  
Net cash flow from investments 2,523 85 2,541 -35
Net cash flow before financial items -1,207 -1,222 724 -1,047
Purchase of own shares   -215   -215
Transactions with non-controlling interests   1,096   1,096
Drawdown of long-term loans 1,000 1,000 0 0
Drawdown of short-term loans 1,803 1,286 716 493
Repayment of short-term loans 0 -53 0 -53
Repayment of long-term loans -379   -346  
Interest and other charges -416 -409 -220 -175
Repayment of lease liabilities -826 -1,265 -414 -618
Net cash flow from financing 1,182 1,441 -263 528
Change in cash and cash equivalents -24 219 461 -519
Liquid assets, beginning of period 1,008 787 523 1,525
Liquid assets, end of period 984 1,007 984 1,007

Accounting principles


The Group has implemented new and revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations during the period. The new and revised standards did not have an impact on the reported figures. This financial statement release has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting. The financial statement release complies with the same accounting principles and calculation methods as the annual financial statements, except for the items below.

The preparation of a financial statement release in accordance with IFRS requires the management to use certain estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts recognised in assets and liabilities when the balance sheet was prepared, as well as the amounts of income and expenses in the period. In addition, discretion must be used in applying the accounting policies. As the estimates and assumptions are based on outlooks on the balance sheet date, they contain risks and uncertainties. The realised values may deviate from the original assessments and assumptions.

All Group companies have been consolidated. The original release is in Finnish. The English release is a translation of the original.

The figures in the release have been rounded, so the sums of individual figures may deviate from the presented totals. The 2021 financial statement release is unaudited.

Going concern


The annual statement is prepared in accordance with the principle of the business as a going concern. The assumption of continuity is based on the management’s estimates and the following factors, among others:

The Group’s financial situation during the financial year has remained tight. The Group has completed significant cost-saving programmes, which are expected to result in improvements to the Group’s profitability in the future. Operating expenses decreased during the year by EUR 2.4 million. The Group has focused on its key customers in line with its strategy, and this is expected to have a positive impact on sales trends.

The Group’s liquidity has been improved by restructuring the financing by extending the payment period for loans from related parties and by transforming them into convertible bonds and capital loan. Repayment of loans from financial institutions have been extended. The company has agreed to increase the cash pool overdraft by EUR 2 million. The divestment in the second half of the year contributed to improving the company’s liquidity.

When the financial statements were published, the company expected its working capital to be sufficient to cover its requirements over the next 12 months based on the financing support, which the main owners provide if needed.

Goodwill impairment testing and recognised impairment


Digitalist Group tested its goodwill for impairment on 31 December 2021. The goodwill is allocated to one cash-generating unit.

A goodwill impairment test conducted on 31 December 2021 identified a need to write down goodwill of EUR -0.9 million. The company tests its goodwill based on the utility value of the assets. In the testing conducted on 31 December 2021 in conjunction with the financial statements, the cash flow forecasting period was from 2022 to 2025.

During the 2022–2025 forecasting period, average growth of 18 per cent is expected to be achieved as digitalisation spreads to an increasing share of business life. The operating margin is expected to rise to approximately 5 per cent by the end of the forecasting period.

The method involves comparing the tested assets with their cash flow over the selected period, taking into account the discount rate and the growth factor of the cash flows after the forecast period. The discount rate was 11 per cent (13 per cent). The growth factor used to calculate the cash flows after the forecast period is 1 per cent (1 per cent). The weighted average operating profit margin for the forecast period was used to calculate the value of the terminal period.          


  Q4/2021 Q3/2021 Q2/2021 Q1/2021 Q4/2020
  1.10.-31.12.21 1.7.-30.9.21 1.4.-30.6.21 1.1.-31.3.21 1.10.-31.12.20
Turnover 4,996 3,913 4,781 4,793 4,979
Other operating income and expenses -6,851 -3,940 -6,966 -6,041 -5,852
EBIT -1,855 -27 -2,185 -1,248 -873
Financial income and expenses -114 -360 -651 647 -706
Profit before taxes -1,969 -387 -2,836 -601 -1,579
Income taxes 81 4 60 -150 -13
PROFIT/LOSS FOR COMPARISON PERIOD -1,888 -383 -2,776 -751 -1,592



  Goodwill Intangible assets Tangible fixed assets Right-of-use asset Other investments total
Carrying value 1 Jan 2020 10,934 4,903 377 2,673 2 18,889
Increases   222 27 347 1 596
Decreases   -805 -104 -904   -1,813
Impairment -3,700         -3,700
Changes in exchange rates 251 -7 -6 -3   236
Depreciation for the review period   -1,572 -138 -1,155   -2,865
Carrying value 31 Dec 2020 7,485 2,741 155 958 3 11,342


  Goodwill Intangible assets Tangible fixed assets Right-of-use assets Other investments Total
Carrying value 1 Jan 2021 7,485 2,741 155 958 3 11,342
Increases     48 1,396   1,444
Decreases -804 -676 -7   -1 -1,489
Impairment -1,382         -1,382
Changes in exchange rates -134 25 1 1   -107
Depreciation for the review period   -1,233 -97 -826   -2,156
Carrying value 31 Dec 2021 5,166 857 99 1,529 2 7,653


  1 Jan – 31 Dec 2021 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2020
Earnings per share (EUR) diluted -0.01 -0.02
Earnings per share (EUR) -0.01 -0.02
Shareholders’ equity per share (EUR) -0.04 -0.03
Cash flow from operations per share (EUR) diluted -0.01 -0.00
Cash flow from operations per share (EUR) -0.01 -0.00
Return on capital employed (%) -68.1 -75.9
Return on equity (%) neg neg
Operating profit/turnover (%) -28.8 -44.2
Gearing as a proportion of shareholders’ equity (%) -128.9 -162.2
Equity ratio as a proportion of shareholders’ equity (%) -174.1 -84.9
EBITDA (EUR thousand) -1,778 -2,021


31 December 2020 Balance sheet value Cash flow Under 1 year 1-5 years Over 5 years
Loans from financial institutions 3,364 3,483 759 2,724 0
Credit limits 5,513 0 0 0 0
Convertible bonds 17,881 19,475 9,437 10,038 0
Other related-party loans 0 0 0 0 0
Lease liabilities IFRS 16 965 950 805 146 0
Accounts payable 1,525 1,525 1,525 0 0
31 December 2021 Balance sheet value Cash flow Under 1 year 1-5 years Over 5 years
Loans from financial institutions 3,461 3,575 1,339 2,236 0
Credit limits 7,191 7,191 7,191 0 0
Convertible bonds 10,314 11,064 0 11,064 0
Capital loans 10,169 11,643 0 11,643 0
Lease liabilities IFRS 16 1,535 1,556 575 981 0
Accounts payable 1,353 1,353 1,353 0 0


  1 Jan – 31 Dec 2021 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2020
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, average 172 208
Personnel at the end of the period 165 182
Pledges made for own obligations    
Corporate mortgages 13,300 13,300
Total interest-bearing liabilities    
Long-term loans from financial institutions 2,232 2,632
Other long-term liabilities 21,445 9,410
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities 8,992 16,033
Total 32,669 28,075


EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation

Diluted earnings per share = Profit for the financial period / Average number of shares, adjusted for share issues and for the effect of dilution


Earnings per share = Profit for the financial period / Average number of shares adjusted for share issues

Shareholders’ equity per share = Shareholders’ equity / Number of undiluted shares on the balance sheet date

Cash flow from operations per share (EUR) diluted = Net cash flow from operations / Average number of shares, adjusted for share issues and for the effect of dilution

Return on investment (ROI) =
(Profit before taxes + Interest expenses + Other financial expenses) /
(Balance sheet total – non-interest-bearing liabilities (average)) x 100

Return on equity (ROE) = Net income / Total shareholders’ equity (average) x 100


Gearing = interest-bearing liabilities – liquid assets / total shareholders’ equity x 100


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ADQ Appoints Modon as Master Developer for Ras El Hekma Megaproject in Egypt




In the presence of Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
The event marked the signing of several significant agreements aimed at driving the development of the new destinationABU DHABI, UAE, Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In the presence of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company, appointed Modon Holding PSC as the master developer for the Ras El Hekma megaproject.

In addition to being master developer for the entire development spanning 170 million square metres, Modon Holding will undertake the responsibility of the developer role for the first phase of the envisaged city consisting of 50 million square metres.
The remaining 120 million square metres, which are part of the master plan presented by Modon Holding, will be developed in partnership with prominent developers from Egypt, the UAE, and the international community under the oversight of the recently established ADQ subsidiary Ras El Hekma Urban Development Project Company and Modon Holding.
This iconic project represents a major milestone for Modon Holding by significantly increasing its land under development outside the UAE. Ras El Hekma is located around 350 kilometres northwest of Cairo and envisioned as a fully functional, smart, sustainable, and inclusive urban community situated against the scenic coastline.
The project is expected to become a powerful economic engine, with cumulative investments anticipated to reach US$110 billion by 2045, an annual GDP contribution of around US$25 billion, and approximately 750,000 jobs to be created, both directly and indirectly.
Upon completion, the development will be home to two million people and feature more than 40 kilometres of green spines, set to make Ras El Hekma the greenest megaproject in the region.
As a result of Ras El Hekma’s location within a four-hour flight for over 400 million outbound tourists, the establishment of tourism infrastructure will be a priority during the first phases of the development, encompassing an international airport as well as high-speed rail connectivity. The masterplan also includes residential areas, office spaces, hospitality venues, retail, leisure, and recreation facilities.
Ras El Hekma will have an international marina and a special free zone. Additionally, Modon Holding will look to develop infrastructure to support a range of high-growth industries, including business services, financial services, light manufacturing, and technology.
His Excellency Jassem Mohamed Bu Ataba Al Zaabi, Chairman of Modon Holding, said, “Ras El Hekma is destined to become a regional crown jewel in a country already famed for its rich and diverse attractions. Modon Holding is proud to bring this 170-million-square-metre visionary megaproject to life, leveraging our expertise and innovative approach. With our partners, we are poised to transform Ras El Hekma into a dynamic economic powerhouse and a global model for urban development.”
His Excellency Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of ADQ, said, “As a project of unprecedented scale and impact, Ras El Hekma will be a catalyst for the development of Egypt’s economy by offering opportunities for businesses and stimulate tourism. Modon Holding brings a wealth of expertise in master planning and will pioneer state-of-the-art, innovative solutions, creating a destination that will deliver long-term value for Egypt and its people.”
Bill O’Regan, Group CEO of Modon Holding, said, “The Ras El Hekma destination is one of the Group’s most significant investment and development projects outside the UAE. The project provides an incredible development pipeline, and Modon Holding looks forward to delivering a destination that will be an exceptional experience for visitors and residents alike.”
During the ceremony, Modon Holding PSC engaged with the initial major partners to join in the development of the Ras El Hekma megaproject on Egypt’s stunning Mediterranean coast.
Ras El Hekma is set to become a leading urban and tourist hub, boasting a wide array of attractions and amenities. Modon Holding aims to harness its large-scale development expertise, collaborating with local, regional, and global partners to bring this visionary destination masterplan to life.
These collaborative efforts, combined with a focus on diverse entertainment, sports, cultural events, and top-tier community management, will position Ras El Hekma as a premier Mediterranean destination.
While the immediate focus is on tourism and hospitality, Modon’s long-term vision for the 170-square-metre site also includes business services, financial services, light manufacturing, and technology.
Modon Engages First Batch of Investors and Partners in Landmark Ceremony
On 4th October, in a momentous ceremony attended by President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Egyptian President His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Modon proudly initiated the engagement of its first group of investors and partners.
The event marked the signing of several significant agreements aimed at driving the development of the new destination:
– A framework agreement with Orascom Construction, designating them as one of the primary contractors for the initial phase of the project.
– A memorandum of understanding with Elsewedy Electric to explore opportunities for supplying building materials and collaborating on industrial parks, manufacturing, operations, and maintenance.
– A memorandum of understanding with Abu Dhabi Airports to collaborate in airport strategic planning, design, development, and operational support.
– A memorandum of understanding with TAQA to explore cooperation opportunities in relation to the development, financing, and operation of greenfield utilities infrastructure projects, water desalination projects, electricity transmission and distribution projects and wastewater projects.
– A memorandum of understanding with Valderrama for the development and operation of golf communities.
– A memorandum of understanding with e& Egypt to facilitate the design and implementation of smart city infrastructure, including digital connectivity, fiber networks, and 5G; smart building technologies and IoT-enabled solutions for residential and commercial properties; city-wide data collection, monitoring, and analytics systems; smart utilities, encompassing automated energy management, water, and waste systems; smart transportation systems; and any other mutually agreed smart city services.
– A memorandum of understanding with Candy International aims to explore luxury real estate development opportunities, leveraging Candy’s extensive international reach.
– A memorandum of understanding with Montage International for the development and management of luxury hotels in Ras El Hekma.
– A memorandum of understanding with Accor and Ennismore to operate hotels and resorts in Ras El Hekma.
– Finally, a memorandum of understanding with Burjeel Holding to develop multi-specialty healthcare facilities, implement innovative healthcare solutions, provide medical training programmes, and collaborate on public health initiatives and community wellness programmes.
These strategic partnerships underscore Modon’s commitment to creating a world-class destination, fostering innovation, and enhancing the quality of life for Ras El Hekma’s future residents.
His Excellency Jassem Mohamed Bu Ataba Al Zaabi, said, “Ras El Hekma represents a visionary and multifaceted endeavour that promises to make a substantial contribution to the Egyptian economy. Crafting a masterplan of such scale demands specialised expertise and capabilities across diverse industries, which can only be realised through robust strategic partnerships. We look forward to working with our partners present and future in harnessing the full potential of this extraordinary location.”
Bill O’Regan, said, “Ras El Hekma is an extraordinarily ambitious and complex project that will significantly contribute to the Egyptian economy through various stages of planning, design, and construction, ultimately bringing this new destination to life. Developing and delivering a masterplan of this magnitude requires sector-specific expertise and capabilities across a wide range of industries and is achievable only through strong strategic partnerships.”
About ADQEstablished in 2018, ADQ is an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company with a broad portfolio of major enterprises. Its investments span key sectors of the UAE’s diversified economy including energy and utilities, food and agriculture, healthcare and life sciences, and transport and logistics, amongst others. As a strategic partner to the Government of Abu Dhabi, ADQ is committed to accelerating the transformation of the Emirate into a globally competitive and knowledge-based economy. 
For more information, visit or write to [email protected]. You can also follow ADQ on Instagram, LinkedIn and X.
About Modon HoldingModon develops vibrant communities, unique hospitality and lifestyle experiences, and world-class sports facilities. Based in Abu Dhabi, Modon Holding is a Private Joint Stock company listed on the ADX Growth Market with the shareholding of ADQ and the IHC Group being our majority shareholders. Through a diversified business portfolio in the UAE, we are engaged in strategic investment and innovation on an unrivalled scale, shaping future smart living. Our goal is to deliver long-term, sustainable value, laying the foundations for intelligent, connected living.
Ras El-Hekma Urban Development Project CompanyA wholly owned subsidiary of ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company, Ras El Hikma Urban Development Project Company S.A.E. (RED) is mandated to oversee the execution of the Ras El Hekma project, a 170 million square meter visionary megacity located on Egypt’s north coast. Established in March 2024 and based in Egypt, RED holds the ownership rights of the Ras El-Hekma as well as responsibility for the implementation of the multi-phase project together with its partners, which include Modon Holding as the master developer.
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Electronic Access Control Systems Market Set for Significant Expansion, with Projected Growth to USD 16 Billion by 2031: Market Research Intellect




The Electronic Access Control System market is driven by increasing security concerns and advancements in technology. As businesses and institutions face growing threats, there is a rising demand for sophisticated access control solutions to protect assets and data. Technological innovations, including biometrics, IoT integration, and cloud-based systems, enhance system functionality and appeal. Additionally, the trend toward smart buildings and stringent regulatory requirements further fuels the market’s expansion, reflecting a broadening need for advanced security solutions.
LEWES, Del., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Electronic Access Control System market is projected to grow from approximately USD 10 billion in 2024 to USD 16 billion by 2031, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 7.5%. This growth is driven by rising security needs, advancements in technology, and increased adoption of smart and connected security solutions across various sectors.

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202 – Pages126 – Tables37 – Figures
Scope Of The Report
Value (USD Billion)
Honeywell International Inc., Johnson Controls International plc, ASSA ABLOY Group, Allegion plc, Schlage (a brand of Allegion), Bosch Security Systems, Tyco International Ltd., and HID Global (an ASSA ABLOY Group brand).
By Type, By Application And By Geography
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Electronic Access Control System Market Overview
Market Size and Growth:The Electronic Access Control System market is experiencing robust growth, expected to expand from approximately USD 10 billion in 2024 to USD 16 billion by 2031, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 7.5%. This growth trajectory is driven by the increasing need for enhanced security solutions across various sectors, including commercial, residential, and industrial applications. The rising concerns over security breaches and unauthorized access are prompting organizations to invest in advanced access control technologies. Additionally, the growing adoption of smart buildings and connected infrastructure contributes to the market’s expansion, as these technologies offer more efficient and scalable security solutions. As the demand for higher security standards continues to rise, the EACS market is poised for substantial growth in the coming years.Technological Advancements:The EACS market is significantly influenced by rapid technological advancements. Innovations such as biometric authentication, including fingerprint and facial recognition, are enhancing the capabilities of access control systems, providing more secure and user-friendly solutions. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows for remote monitoring and management of access control systems, increasing their flexibility and effectiveness. Cloud-based solutions are also gaining traction, offering scalable and cost-effective options for businesses of all sizes. These technological advancements not only improve security but also streamline system management and integration with other smart technologies. As the technology continues to evolve, the EACS market is expected to benefit from more sophisticated, efficient, and adaptable access control solutions that meet the growing demands for security and convenience.Market Drivers:The primary drivers of the EACS market include heightened security concerns and the need for compliance with regulatory standards. Organizations across various sectors are increasingly investing in advanced access control solutions to safeguard their assets, sensitive information, and personnel. The growing frequency of security breaches and unauthorized access incidents further amplifies the need for reliable and robust security systems. Additionally, the trend toward smart buildings and the integration of IoT technology are driving market growth by offering more sophisticated and interconnected security solutions. Regulatory requirements related to data protection and physical security are also influencing the adoption of EACS, as businesses seek to meet these standards while ensuring the safety and security of their operations.Regional Insights:The EACS market shows varying growth patterns across different regions. North America and Europe lead the market due to their high adoption rates of advanced security technologies and stringent regulatory requirements. In these regions, the emphasis on high-security standards and the presence of major market players contribute to significant market growth. Conversely, the Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a key growth area due to rapid urbanization, industrialization, and increasing investments in infrastructure development. Countries such as China and India are witnessing a surge in demand for electronic access control systems as they modernize their infrastructure and enhance security measures. The diverse regional dynamics reflect varying levels of market maturity and growth opportunities, influencing the overall global market landscape.Download Sample Report Now: Segmentation:The EACS market can be segmented based on type, application, and technology. Key types include biometric systems, card-based systems, and electronic locks. Biometric systems are gaining popularity for their high security and convenience, while card-based systems remain widely used due to their affordability and ease of integration. Electronic locks offer versatile security options for both residential and commercial applications. In terms of application, the market serves commercial buildings, residential complexes, government facilities, and industrial sites. Each segment has unique requirements and preferences, driving the development of specialized solutions. Technology-wise, advancements such as IoT integration, cloud-based systems, and mobile access are shaping the market, offering improved functionality and user experience. Understanding these segments helps stakeholders tailor their offerings to meet diverse market needs effectively.Challenges:Despite its growth, the EACS market faces several challenges. High initial investment costs can deter small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from adopting advanced access control solutions. Integration complexities, particularly with existing security infrastructure, can also pose hurdles for implementation. Additionally, concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with connected systems may affect market adoption. The rapid pace of technological advancements requires continuous updates and upgrades, adding to the cost and complexity of maintaining access control systems. Addressing these challenges involves developing cost-effective solutions, enhancing system compatibility, and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial for market players to successfully expand their customer base and capture emerging opportunities in the evolving security landscape.Competitive Landscape:The EACS market is characterized by intense competition, with numerous players vying for market share. Major companies include Honeywell, Johnson Controls, ASSA ABLOY, and Allegion, each offering a range of innovative products and solutions. These players focus on technological advancements, strategic partnerships, and mergers and acquisitions to strengthen their market positions. Additionally, emerging players and startups are introducing novel solutions, contributing to market dynamism and innovation. Competitive strategies involve differentiating products through advanced features, improving customer service, and expanding distribution channels. As the market evolves, companies must stay ahead of technological trends and customer demands to maintain a competitive edge and drive growth in a rapidly changing environment.Future Outlook:The future outlook for the EACS market is promising, with continued growth expected as security concerns and technological advancements drive demand. Emerging trends such as the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are likely to enhance system capabilities, providing more proactive and intelligent security solutions. The growing emphasis on smart cities and connected infrastructure will further propel market growth, as EACS plays a crucial role in modernizing urban environments. Additionally, increasing awareness of data privacy and security will lead to greater adoption of advanced access control systems. As the market evolves, stakeholders should focus on innovation, user experience, and addressing emerging security challenges to capitalize on future opportunities and sustain long-term growth.Geographic Dominance:
The Electronic Access Control System market exhibits significant geographic dominance, with North America and Europe leading due to their advanced infrastructure and stringent regulatory standards. North America, particularly the United States, holds a substantial share of the market, driven by high security concerns, technological advancements, and a robust presence of major EACS providers. Europe follows closely, with countries like the UK, Germany, and France investing heavily in security solutions due to strict regulations and high adoption rates. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a major growth area, fueled by rapid urbanization, industrial expansion, and increasing investments in smart infrastructure. Countries such as China and India are witnessing rising demand for advanced access control systems as they modernize and enhance their security measures. The diverse regional dynamics highlight varying levels of market maturity and growth potential across the globe.
Electronic Access Control System Market Key Players Shaping the Future
The Electronic Access Control System market is significantly influenced by key players such as Honeywell International Inc., Johnson Controls International plc, ASSA ABLOY Group, Allegion plc, Schlage (a brand of Allegion), Bosch Security Systems, Tyco International Ltd., and HID Global (an ASSA ABLOY Group brand). These companies are at the forefront of technological innovation and market development, shaping the future of access control solutions through their advanced products and strategic initiatives.
Electronic Access Control System Market Segment Analysis
The Electronic Access Control System market is segmented based on By Type, By Application and Geography, offering a comprehensive analysis of the industry.
By Type:
Biometric Systems: These systems use unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and iris scans, to provide secure access. They offer high security and are increasingly adopted in sensitive areas.Card-Based Systems: These systems use magnetic stripe cards, smart cards, or proximity cards to control access. They are popular due to their affordability, ease of use, and integration capabilities.Electronic Locks: These include keypads, smart locks, and other electronic mechanisms that can be controlled remotely or via electronic credentials. They are versatile and used in various residential and commercial settings.By Application:
Commercial Buildings: EACS in commercial buildings includes office complexes, retail spaces, and hospitality venues. These systems focus on managing employee access, visitor control, and security integration.Residential Complexes: Access control systems for residential complexes include apartment buildings and gated communities, emphasizing security and convenience for residents.Government Facilities: High-security access control solutions are used in government buildings, military bases, and other critical infrastructure to ensure tight security and regulatory compliance.Industrial Sites: EACS for industrial sites manage access to sensitive areas, protect valuable assets, and ensure safety compliance in manufacturing and industrial environments.By Geography:
North America: This region leads the market due to high adoption rates of advanced security technologies, stringent regulations, and a strong presence of major market players.Europe: Europe follows closely, with significant market activity in countries such as the UK, Germany, and France, driven by regulatory standards and high security needs.Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a key growth area, with increasing urbanization, industrial expansion, and investments in smart infrastructure driving demand for EACS.Latin America: Growth in Latin America is fueled by increasing security concerns and infrastructural development, with a growing adoption of electronic access solutions.Middle East and Africa: The market in this region is expanding due to rising security needs and infrastructure projects, with increasing investments in advanced access control technologies. Automotive And Transportation:
The Electronic Access Control System  market within the automotive and transportation sector is experiencing notable growth, driven by advancements in vehicle security and the need for enhanced access management. In vehicles, EACS technology includes electronic locks, biometric systems, and keyless entry solutions that improve convenience and security for drivers and passengers. These systems are increasingly integrated into both commercial and personal vehicles, offering features such as remote access control, advanced theft prevention, and personalized settings. In the transportation sector, EACS is utilized for secure access to restricted areas within transportation hubs, including airports, train stations, and cargo facilities. This enhances the management of personnel and vehicle access, contributing to overall safety and operational efficiency. As the demand for smarter and more secure transportation solutions grows, the EACS market is expected to expand, driven by ongoing innovations and the increasing adoption of connected technologies.
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System-on-Chip (SoC) Market worth $205.97 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The System-on-Chip (SoC) market is projected to grow from USD 138.46 billion in 2024 and is estimated to reach USD 205.97 billion by 2029; it is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.3% from 2024 to 2029 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. The growth of the System-on-Chip (SoC) market is driven with the increasing trend of SoC in automotive industry along with the adoption of IoT and connected devices that require SoCs to carry out real time processing. Moreover, the surging adoption of AI and machine learning technologies is likely to fuel the demand for system-on-chips.

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250 – Tables73 – Figures326 – Pages
System-on-Chip (SoC) Market Report Scope:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2024
$ 138.46 billion
Estimated Value by 2029
$ 205.97 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 8.3%
Market Size Available for
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Million/Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
By Core Count, Core Architecture, Device and Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World
Key Market Challenge
Rapid technological changes challenge SoC longevity
Key Market Opportunities
Growing penetration of AI PCs and GenAI smartphones
Key Market Drivers
Rising adoption of ADAS in autonomous vehicles to fuel the growth of automotive SoCs
By core architecture, RISC-V is projected to grow at a high CAGR for system-on-chip market during the forecast period
The market for System-on-Chips (SoC) for RISC-V architecture segment is expected to grow at highest CAGR during the forecast period. The RISC-V architecture is bound to grow at a higher rate in view of the flexibility, cost, and scalability advantages it has over others, driving wide adoption across diversified applications. The open-source nature of the architecture is one of the major growth drivers because it reduces licensing costs and accelerates innovation since customizations are allowed for use cases as per various needs. This flexibility is valuable in the emerging and high-growth sectors of AI, 5G, and IoT, where a solution that is tailor-made to complex requirements needs to be provided. For instance, in May 2024, Arteris, Inc. (US) and Andes Technology Corporation (Taiwan) partnered to develop the Andes Qilai RISC-V platform. It incorporates the high-performance RISC-V processor IPs from Andes Technology Corporation (Taiwan) and the FlexNoC interconnect IP from Arteris, Inc. (US). Their joint effort shows their efforts towards advancing RISC-V based SoC designs for a wide range of applications, which include AI, 5G, Networking, Mobile, Storage, AIoT, and Space. With open-source RISC-V model, such developments further continue to accelerate innovation and drive adoption in these high-growth areas, positioning RISC-V as the choice for future technology roadmaps.
The automotive segment in System-on-Chip (SoC) market will account for the high CAGR from 2024 to 2029
The SoC market for automotive segment will grow at highest CAGR during the forecast period. The SoCs integrated in automotive applications enable enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and compact designs, which makes them essential for numerous vehicle systems. The automotive segment will experience growth due to the increasing adoption of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), infotainment systems, and the rising popularity of electric vehicles. EVs rely heavily on sophisticated electronics for battery management, powertrain control, and energy efficiency optimization, all of which require advanced SoCs. For instance, in June 2024, Intel Corporation (US) launched OLEA U310 SoC chip for automotive applications. It is developed to improve the performance of electric vehicles. This chip combines hardware and software in one SoC to enable seamless operation across various EV station platforms. They are designed to manage the complex systems within EVs. It ensures optimal performance, safety, and extended range. The increasing complexity of autonomous driving systems, along with the demand for safer and more reliable vehicles fuels the adoption of SoCs in the automotive industry, driving significant growth in this segment.
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Asia Pacific is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The system-on-chip (SoC) industry in Asia Pacific includes economies such as South Korea, Japan, China, and India and Rest of Asia Pacific. The Rest of Asia Pacific countries include Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia. There is a presence of leading SoC manufacturers in this region including MediaTek Inc. (Taiwan), Samsung (South Korea), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), and Renesas Electronics Corporation (Japan). The Asia-Pacific region is still the biggest revenue generator in terms of SoC market globally due to the fast-growing consumer electronics and mobile device-related sectors. Other regions considered as major manufacturing centers in the world are China, South Korea, Japan, and India for making the latest smartphones, tablets, and other consumer electronic products that require state-of-the-art SoCs for delivering high performance, energy efficiency, and integrated functionalities. A highly and technologically advanced population in the region has always formed the basis for a sustained demand in terms of innovative and feature-rich devices, thereby showing sustainable growth in the SoC market. Automotive and industrial automation are another major sector driving the SoC market in Asia Pacific. This region contains some of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world, such as Hyundai Motor Company (South Korea), Toyota (Japan), and Tata Motors Limited (India). These car manufacturers are now putting SoCs into their automobiles so that they are equipped with ADAS capabilities, infotainment features, and autonomous driving technologies.
Key Players
Key companies operating in the System-on-Chip (SoC) companies are Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (US), MediaTek Inc. (Taiwan), Samsung (South Korea), Apple Inc. (US), Broadcom (US), Intel Corporation (US), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (US), NVIDIA Corporation (US), HiSilicon (China), Microchip Technology Inc. (US), among others.
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