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Sampo Group’s results for January–March 2022



SAMPO PLC                INTERIM STATEMENT                4 May 2022 at 9:35 am

Sampo Group’s results for January–March 2022

  • Group P&C premiums grew by 7 per cent, supported by strong development in If P&C and Hastings.
  • The Group combined ratio increased to 83.5 per cent (81.2), driven mainly by lower COVID-19 effects. Underlying margin development in If remained positive.
  • Underwriting profit amounted to EUR 290 million (317). Excluding COVID-19 effects reported in the first quarter of 2021, underwriting profit increased 4 per cent.
  • Profit before taxes declined to EUR 566 million (632), while earnings per share increased to EUR 0.86 (0.82).
  • Group Solvency II coverage including dividend accrual increased to 200 per cent (185), above the 170-190 per cent target, supported by a 6 percentage point benefit from higher interest rates.
  • A new EUR 250 million share buyback programme was launched in March 2022, following the completion of the previous EUR 750 million programme.

Key figures

EURm 1–3/2022 1–3/2021 Change, %
Profit before taxes 566 632         -10
If 283 257         10
Topdanmark 37 137         -73
Hastings 2 46         -95
Mandatum 80 76         5
Holding 164 115         42
Profit for the period 483 526         -8
Underwriting profit 290 317         -8
Earnings per share, EUR 0.86 0.82 0.04
EPS (based on OCI) EUR -0.12 1.39 -1.51
RoE, % -2.1 26.0 -28.1

The figures in this report have not been audited.

Sampo Group financial targets for 2021-2023
  Target 1-3/2022
Group Mid-single digit UW profit growth annually on average (excluding COVID-19 effects) -8% (4% excluding reported COVID-19 effects in Q1/2021)

Group combined ratio: below 86%



Solvency ratio: 170-190%

204% (200% including dividend accrual)
  Financial leverage: below 30% 24.8% (29.0% including dividend and buybacks)
If Combined ratio: below 85% 80.8%
Hastings Operating ratio: below 88% 92.5%
  Loss ratio: below 76% 68.2%

Financial targets for 2021-2023 announced at the Capital Markets Day on 24 February 2021

First quarter effects related to the COVID-19 pandemic have been well below those observed in 2021; hence, these will not be reported separately. For further information, please see “Other developments”


Sampo Group’s core business, P&C insurance, reported an underwriting profit of EUR 290 million (317) in January-March 2022. Excluding COVID-19 effects reported in the first quarter of 2021, underwriting profit grew 4 per cent. The Group combined ratio increased by 2.3 percentage points to 83.5 per cent (81.2), driven mainly by the economic activity returning back to normal levels as COVID-19 restrictions were lifted during the quarter. Excluding the COVID-19 effects reported in If and Topdanmark in the first quarter of 2021, the combined ratio improved by 0.1 percentage points from 83.6 per cent a year ago. Gross written premiums increased by 7 per cent to EUR 2,833 million, supported by strong renewals and high retention. Sampo targets mid-single digit per cent underwriting profit growth on average and a combined ratio below 86 per cent for 2021-2023.


If P&C continued its strong performance and achieved an underwriting profit of EUR 234 million (213), representing a year-on-year growth of 10 per cent. The growth was driven by 0.7 percentage points improvement in the combined ratio to 80.8 per cent (81.5) and a strong 6.9 per cent currency adjusted premium growth. Premiums grew in all Business Areas and markets, supported by strong 1 January renewals with rate increases, high retention and an increase in customer count. If’s adjusted risk ratio improved by 0.7 percentage points year-on-year. Effects related to the COVID-19 pandemic were well below those observed in 2021 and have therefore not been quantified. Profit before taxes increased to EUR 283 million (257).

Topdanmark’s profit before taxes decreased to EUR 37 million (137) in Sampo Group’s profit and loss account. The combined ratio was 87.8 per cent (84.7).

Hastings’ performance in the first quarter was affected by challenging UK motor insurance market, with competitive pricing and elevated claims inflation. Hastings has taken a disciplined approach to pricing, leading to rate driven currency adjusted premium growth of 10 per cent and broadly stable policy count from year-end. Home insurance policies grew by 18 per cent year-on-year. The operating ratio increased to 92.5 per cent (75.1), mainly as a result of a reduction in COVID-19 effects. Hastings profit before taxes excluding non-operational depreciation and amortisation amounted to EUR 17 million (56) and reported profit before taxes stood at EUR 2 million (46).

Mandatum segment’s profit before taxes for January-March 2022 increased to EUR 80 million (76). Despite the uncertain market situation, Mandatum’s unit-linked and other client assets under management remained near record high levels at EUR 10.9 billion (11.1), as net flows partly offset adverse market developments. Mandatum Life’s Solvency II ratio increased to 216 per cent (190), as weak mark-to-market investment results were more than offset by increasing interest rates and a decrease in the symmetric adjustment.

Holding segment’s profit before taxes increased to EUR 164 million (115), including a dividend of EUR 157 million from Nordea and a gain of EUR 28 million from the sale of 19 million Nordea shares in the open market. During April 2022, Sampo completed the exit from Nordea and stated that management will propose that a new share buyback programme is launched after the Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2022, subject to the AGM renewing the Board authorisation on share repurchases.


The share buyback programme of EUR 750 million launched on October 2021 was completed on 25 March 2022. In total, Sampo repurchased 17.1 million own shares, corresponding to 3.1 per cent of all shares. The repurchased shares were cancelled on 31 March 2022. On 30 March 2022, Sampo launched a new buyback programme of up to EUR 250 million.

Sampo Group’s Solvency II ratio increased to 200 per cent (185) over the quarter, net of dividend accrual based on the 2021 insurance dividend of EUR 1.70 per share and the new buyback programme of EUR 250 million. The improvement of 15 percentage points from year-end 2021 was mainly driven by rising interest rates and a decline in the symmetric adjustment. Sampo targets a solvency ratio of 170-190 per cent. The sale of Sampo’s remaining Nordea shares in April is expected to add approximately 30 percentage points to the group solvency ratio.

Sampo Group’s financial leverage increased to 24.8 per cent from 23.8 per cent at the end of 2021, driven by a decrease in equity. Adjusted for the proposed dividend and ongoing buyback programme, the financial leverage amounted to 29.0 per cent (27.9). Sampo targets a financial leverage below 30 per cent.

Sampo plc’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 18 May 2022. The Board has proposed on 9 February 2022 to the AGM a dividend of EUR 4.10 per share, of which the insurance dividend is EUR 1.70 per share.



Sampo’s first quarter performance proved resilient to the increase in economic and geopolitical uncertainty observed during the year, most notably in relation to the tragic and unjustified war in Ukraine. We have achieved excellent P&C underwriting results and our balance sheet remains solid, allowing the launch of a new buyback programme. In addition, we continued to execute on our strategic agenda by completing the exit from Nordea during April.

Taking a closer look at P&C insurance, our largest operation, If P&C, delivered an excellent quarter. Premium growth stood at 7 per cent year-on-year even though new car sales declined by around 20 per cent across the Nordic region. Underlying margins were also robust, with a record-strong combined ratio of 80.8 per cent despite above-expected large losses and loss frequencies returning close to normal levels after pandemic related restrictions ended.

The rise in energy and commodity prices triggered by the war in Ukraine has increased uncertainty over the trajectory of inflation, both in terms of broader consumer prices and with regard to the cost of insurance claims. We have continued to observe claims inflation at around three per cent in the Nordic region during 2022, broadly at the same level as at the end of 2021, helped by our multi-year procurement agreements. Nonetheless, given the eternal external environment we see potential upside risk to this figure as we progress through the year. Hence, we are pricing on the basis of prudent assumptions and working closely with customers to ensure that the right coverage is in place. Premium growth and retention have both been excellent across all If P&C’s business areas in the first quarter, which gives me confidence in our ability to navigate the operating environment.

The interaction between Hastings and If P&C is intensifying; I see significant cultural overlap between the two organisations that will create value over time. In the first quarter, conditions in the UK motor market have been challenging, with elevated claims inflation putting pressure on underwriting margins. Hastings has remained disciplined in its pricing, increasing rates to cover rising claims costs, which has supported premium growth of 10 per cent. Meanwhile, the home insurance book has made excellent progress as policy count grew by 18 per cent year-on-year.

Capital markets were volatile in the first quarter. Higher interest rates are having a positive economic effect on our business through increased reinvestment rates and lower liability values. Due to the short duration of our fixed income portfolio, we are relatively well positioned to rotate into higher yielding instruments. On the downside, wider credit spreads and a decline in equity markets had a negative impact on investment return in the first quarter.


Sampo’s balance sheet has been resilient to the increase in uncertainty, as both capital and financial leverage have remained at or above target levels. Hence, we were able to launch a new EUR 250 million share buyback programme shortly after completing the EUR 750 million programme launched last year.

On 29 April, Sampo reached a key milestone in its strategy by completing the exit from Nordea, thus becoming a pure insurance group. With a clearer focus for both management and shareholders, I am confident that we have a robust foundation for even stronger operational and value creation. The exit from Nordea also further increases the Group’s resilience by reducing our exposure to market risk. Following the sale, management intends to propose to the Board that a new share buyback programme is launched after the Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2022.

Looking to the rest of the year, I am optimistic about the performance of our excellent P&C operations and remain committed to our P&C insurance focused strategy.

Torbjörn Magnusson
Group CEO and President



Outlook for 2022

Sampo Group’s P&C insurance operations are expected to achieve underwriting margins that meet the annual targets set for 2021-2023. At Group level, Sampo targets a combined ratio of below 86 per cent, while the target for its largest subsidiary, If P&C, is below 85 per cent. Hastings targets an operating ratio of below 88 per cent. Following strong performance in the first quarter, the outlook for If P&C’s 2022 combined ratio has been improved to 82–84 per cent.

The combined and operating ratios of Sampo Group’s P&C insurance operations are subject to volatility driven by, among other factors, seasonal weather patterns, large claims, prior year development and fluctuations in claims frequency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects are particularly relevant for individual segments and business areas, such as the Danish and UK operations.

The mark-to-market component of investment returns will be significantly influenced by capital markets’ developments, particularly in life insurance.

With regard to Topdanmark, reference is made to the profit forecast model that the company publishes on a quarterly basis.


The major risks and uncertainties for the Group in the near-term

In its current day-to-day business activities Sampo Group is exposed to various risks and uncertainties, mainly through its major business units.

Major risks affecting the Group companies’ profitability and its variation are market, credit, insurance and operational risks. At the Group level, sources of risks are the same, although they are not directly additive due to the effects of diversification.

Uncertainties in the form of major unforeseen events may have an immediate impact on the Group’s profitability. The identification of unforeseen events is easier than the estimation of their probabilities, timing, and potential outcomes. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic a combination of fiscal and monetary stimulus, supply chain problems and elevated demand for consumer goods have led to high levels of inflation, with energy and product prices being particularly affected. More recently the war in Ukraine has created a new negative supply shock for the global economy depressing economic growth and further pushing up the prices of commodities and energy. The pandemic and the war in Ukraine are consequently currently causing significant uncertainties on economic and capital market development. There are also a number of widely identified macroeconomic, political and other sources of uncertainty which can, in various ways, affect the financial services industry in a negative manner.

Other sources of uncertainty are unforeseen structural changes in the business environment and already identified trends and potential wide-impact events. These external drivers may have a long-term impact on how Sampo Group’s business will be conducted. Examples of identified trends are demographic changes, sustainability issues, and technological developments in areas such as artificial intelligence and digitalisation including threats posed by cybercrime.



Dividend proposal

On 9 February 2022, the Sampo Board proposed to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 4.10 per share for the 2021 financial year. The dividend is proposed to be paid to the shareholders registered in the Register of Shareholders held by Euroclear Finland Oy as at the record date of 20 May 2022. The Board proposes that the dividends be paid on 31 May 2022. The full dividend proposal is available on

Effects of external events on Sampo Group

The first quarter saw an increase in geopolitical uncertainty as Russia launched an invasion into neighbouring Ukraine. The Group has limited insurance exposures in the affected region through certain Nordic industrial lines clients and coverage is subject to war exclusions. On the asset side, Sampo has no material direct investments in Russia or Ukraine.


Given the limited direct exposure, the biggest risk from the war in Ukraine to Sampo relates to second order capital markets and macroeconomic effects. The Group carries substantial market risk exposures via its strategic investments and through insurance company investment portfolios and liabilities, which may be adversely affected by market shocks. This risk taking is supported by financial buffers calibrated to withstand volatility, and Sampo operated above its target financial strength levels at the end of the first quarter of 2022.

Macroeconomic effects could also have an impact on Sampo’s operational business, for example by reducing economic growth, aggravating supply chain problems and inflating commodity prices. These considerations are particularly relevant as supply chain disruption and high inflation had already become established prior to the invasion following the COVID-19 pandemic and associated monetary and fiscal stimulus programmes.

In the Nordic and Baltic countries, COVID-19 effects in the quarter were materially below the levels observed over 2021. Motor claims frequencies were affected by pandemic-related restrictions in the first part of the quarter but later returned toward pre-pandemic levels. In the UK, motor claims frequencies have increased as restrictions were lifted but remain below pre-COVID-19 levels. Given the limited impact of COVID-19 and the increasing difficulty in reliably estimating associated effects, Sampo has decided not to provide any quantitative disclosure of COVID-19 effects in the first quarter.


Share buyback programme


Sampo’s share buyback programme announced on 30 March 2022 continued after the end of the reporting period. By Friday 29 April 2022 market close, the company had bought in total 2,851,150 Sampo A shares representing 0.53 per cent of the total number of shares in Sampo plc. The progress of the buyback programme can be followed on

Disposals of Nordea shares

Sampo sold all of its remaining Nordea holding in April, after the end of the reporting period, through an accelerated bookbuild offering of 200 million shares on 29 April and the sale of 26 million shares in the open market. The transactions generated total gross proceeds of EUR 2.1 billion and will have a positive accounting effect of approximately EUR 82 million on Sampo’s consolidated statement of profit and loss.

In connection with disclosing the results of the bookbuild offering, Sampo disclosed that management intends to propose to the Board that a new share buyback programme is launched after the Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2022, subject to the AGM renewing the Board authorisation on share repurchases.

Board of Directors


For more information, please contact

Knut Arne Alsaker, Group CFO, tel. +358 10 516 0010
Sami Taipalus, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 10 516 0030
Maria Silander, Communications Manager, Media Relations, tel. +358 10 516 0031

Conference call

An English-language conference call for investors and analysts will be arranged at 4 pm Finnish time (2 pm UK time). Please call tel. +1 631 913 1422, +44 33 3300 0804, +46 8 5664 2651, or +358 9 8171 0310.

The conference passcode is 95293335#


The conference call can also be followed live at A recorded version will later be available at the same address.

In addition, the Investor Presentation is available at

Sampo will publish the Half-Year Financial Report on 3 August 2022.

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Securden Recognized as a Market Leader in GigaOm Radar Report for Enterprise Password Management




Securden has become a leader and an outperformer with cutting-edge features, rapid market advancements, and consistent customer value.
WILMINGTON, Del., July 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Securden, Inc., a leading provider of privileged access and identity security solutions, today announced that it has been recognized as a leader and outperformer in GigaOm Radar Report for Enterprise Password Management.

GigaOm rigorously evaluates vendors in various solution segments and produces Radar reports with valuable insights to assist enterprise decision-makers in evaluating and investing in solutions.
The GigaOm Radar 2024 on Enterprise Password Management examined 13 enterprise password management solutions. “Securden is positioned in the innovation quadrant. It offers a strong solution, and its approach is to take its customers on a journey to broader PAM, with password management simply one focus area. It scored well across all of the decision criteria we evaluated, placing it as a leader, and its execution of the emerging features and rate of progress in the market classify it as an Outperformer,” states the report.
Securden has earned top ratings in key evaluation criteria, including platform security, security auditing, PAM capabilities, ease of management, ease of use, and scalability.
“We are proud to be recognized as a market leader in Enterprise Password Management by GigaOm Radar,” said Bala Venkatramani, CEO of Securden, Inc. “Protecting various identities used by humans and machines is a top priority for IT teams. Our platform offers a comprehensive privileged identity security solution, witnessing rapid adoption by SMBs and Enterprises globally. With innovation at the core, we are committed to offering simplicity and affordability in cybersecurity. This recognition affirms our strong market presence and our focus on providing powerful capabilities to strengthen our customers’ security posture.”
Securden offers robust protection for the vault with controls like access hardening, resilient deployment, and strong data protection approaches. It offers insights into password usage, identifies poor practices, flags failure to follow password standards, issues breach warnings identifying compromised passwords, and more. These measures significantly help reduce password-related risks.
Streak of Recognition
EMA Research, a top industry analyst firm, recently published an impact brief recognizing the Securden Unified PAM MSP platform as a groundbreaking development in privileged access management for MSPs. “By eliminating the need for disparate PAM solutions and providing comprehensive functionality within a single package, Securden empowers MSPs to deliver robust, scalable, and secure PAM services to their clients with unparalleled efficiency and confidence,” states the impact brief.
About Securden
Securden provides leading privileged access governance and identity security solutions that uniquely combine critical security principles to prevent cyberattacks, malware propagation and insider exploitation. With products designed for security and scalability (Password Vault for Enterprises, Unified PAM, Endpoint Privilege Manager, and Unified PAM MSP), Securden is trusted by organizations worldwide, including large financial institutions, government agencies, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, IT service providers, MSPs, and manufacturing companies. For more information, visit
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Managed Security Services Market Forecast to Exceed USD 101.86 Billion by 2031 Due to Escalating Security Concerns | SkyQuest Technology




WESTFORD, Mass., July 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — According to SkyQuest, the global Managed Security Services Market size was valued at USD 26.89 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 31.18 billion in 2023 to USD 101.86 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 15.95% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

The global managed security services market has been growing rapidly, over the last couple of years, due to the increasing security threats or risks and increasing challenges in managing security over IT networks. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that small businesses face relentless cyberattacks, including malware, ransomware, advanced threats, advanced persistent threats, and data breaches, leading to remote and hybrid operations systems.
Download a detailed overview:
Managed Security Services Market Overview:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2023
USD 31.18 billion
Estimated Value by 2031
USD 101.86 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 15.95%
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
Service Type, Type, Organization Size, Security, Type and Industry Vertical
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the world
Report Highlights
Updated financial information / product portfolio of players
Key Market Opportunities
Surge in Demand for Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Service
Key Market Drivers
Cyber Threats are Growing Complex 
Segments covered in Managed Security Services Market are as follows:
Service TypeManaged IAM, managed vulnerability management, managed risk and compliance, managed detection and response, managed firewall, and managed SIEM and log management, othersTypeFully managed, co-managedOrganization SizeSmall and medium-sized enterprises, Large enterprisesSecurity TypeNetwork security, cloud security, endpoint security, application security, othersIndustry VerticalBFSI, government, healthcare & life sciences, telecommunications, IT and ITeS, Retail and eCommerce, energy and utilities, manufacturing, and other verticalsRequest Free Customization of this report:
Rapid Responders: Incident Response Services
Managed detection and response are the large segment in the managed security services market. Managed detection-response services provide continuous improvement, threat detection, and response capabilities critical to today’s enterprises facing sophisticated cyber threats. This segment is characterized by the increasing prevalence and importance of cyberattacks advanced threat detection and response strategies beyond traditional security measures. The ability of the MDR service to provide comprehensive analysis of security incidents and take corrective action quickly is essential to minimize potential damage and ensure business continuity.
Managed identity and access management is the fastest growing segment in the market. The rising growth in this sector is driven by the need for robust stakeholder solutions in an era of digital transformation and remote collaboration. The rise of cyber threats and increasing regulatory requirements for data security and privacy and the main drivers of this segment.
Data Guardians: Data Protection Services
The global market recognizes the dominant position of the entire service management segment. This dominance is largely due to the scope of this role, in which companies assume full responsibility for an organization’s security programs from security providers, especially those without in-house security expertise or resources. These roles cover a wide range of security measures, including threat identification, incident response, compliance management and continuous monitoring. Adoption rates are also driven by the increasing complexity of cyber threats, which require a strong, 24/7 monitored security measure that only specialized providers can provide further strengthening its position as the largest market share.
In addition to the dominance of fully managed services, the advanced management segment is growing the fastest in the global market. This increase is driven by hybrid security models that offer a collaborative approach between internal IT teams and external security providers.
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Safeguarding Tomorrow’s Digital Frontiers
As businesses and organizations take on the cyber panorama in terms of severe, MSS vendors remain vigilant guards, the use of advanced era and professional insights. Managed Security Services (MSS) have emerged as the cornerstone of present-day cybersecurity strategies, presenting strong protection in opposition to threats in a more and more digital international.
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About Us:
SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology.
We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization has expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
Contact:Mr. Jagraj SinghSkyquest Technology1 Apache Way,Westford,Massachusetts 01886USA (+1) 351-333-4748Email: [email protected] Our Website:

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Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Market is Expected to Surpass USD 191.6 Billion Valuation by 2031, Rise of Automation in Manufacturing to Boost Expansion| SkyQuest Technology




WESTFORD, Mass., July 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — According to SkyQuest, the global Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Market was valued at USD 102.48 Billion in 2022 and is expected to rise from USD 109.86 Billion in 2023 to reach a value of USD 191.6 Billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

The rapid adoption of smart manufacturing practices in multiple industries and growing demand for automation have set the tone for industrial internet of things (IIoT) market growth. IIoT devices and solutions are specifically designed to enhance industrial operations and promote operational efficiency and productivity as well. Advancements in IoT and IoT connectivity technologies are also slated to create new business scope for industrial internet of things (IIoT) companies in the future.  The global industrial internet of things (IIoT) market is segmented into component, technology, connectivity technology, software, vertical, and region.
Download a detailed overview:
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Market Overview: 
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2023
$ 109.86 billion
Estimated Value by 2031
$ 191.6 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 7.2%
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
Component, Technology, Connectivity Technology, Software and Vertical
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Latin America
Report Highlights
Development of novel blockchain AI solutions that give benefits of both technologies involved
Key Market Opportunities
Adoption of Smart Initiatives
Key Market Drivers
Implementation of IPV6
Segments covered in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Market are as follows:
ComponentHardware, Platform, Solution, and ServicesTechnologySensor, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Industrial Robotics, Distributed Control System and OtherConnectivity TechnologyWired Technology and Wireless TechnologySoftwareVisualization Software, SCADA, Distribution Management System, Farm Management Systems and OtherVerticalManufacturing, Energy, Oil & Gas, HealthCare, Retail, Transportation, Metal & Mining, AgricultureRequest Free Customization of this report:
Hardware Components Slated to Bring in Most Revenue Owing to Development of IIoT Infrastructure
Industrial internet of things (IIoT) requires specialized connected devices made from dedicated sensors and controllers. Growing investments in the development of new IIoT infrastructure are projected to bolster the demand for hardware components and allow this segment to lead the market in terms of revenue generation. Advancements in connectivity technologies are also predicted to bolster the demand for novel IIoT hardware components across the forecast period and beyond.
Meanwhile, industrial internet of things (IIoT) companies can also invest in the development of novel platforms and services to strengthen their business potential. The need for IIoT platforms and services will only get stronger by the day as the adoption of IoT technology in industrial settings increases.
Manufacturing to Take the Crown for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Sales Owing to the Rise of Smart Factories
The manufacturing industry vertical is estimated to take center stage when it comes to industrial internet of things (IIoT) adoption. High demand for better productivity and operational efficiency in manufacturing facilities is estimated to make this segment a highly lucrative one. From remote monitoring to predictive maintenance, all of these features can only be added to a manufacturing facility through the use of industrial internet of things (IIoT). Energy and oil & gas industry verticals are also forecasted to provide moneymaking opportunities for industrial internet of things (IIoT) companies in the future as digitization increases in them. Apart from these industry verticals, industrial internet of things (IIoT) providers can also explore retail, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation industry verticals to maximize their business scope and boost revenue generation going forward.
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Wireless Connectivity to Gain Prominence with the Advent of 5G Technology
Advancements in technology have created novel wireless technologies used for connected devices. The need for the elimination of wires is projected to drive the demand for wireless connectivity in industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices. 5G is the key wireless connectivity technology that is projected to help the wireless segment become the most rewarding for market players over the coming years.
Industrial internet of things providers will need to choose their strategies carefully if they want to succeed in this business. Industrial internet of things (IIoT) companies can get good returns on their investments if they target the manufacturing industry as the trend of automation catches up. Developing new IIoT hardware devices and components will also help industrial internet of things (IIoT) companies expand their business potential on a global level. 
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About Us:
SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology.
We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization has expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific. 
Contact:Mr. Jagraj SinghSkyQuest Technology1 Apache Way,Westford,Massachusetts 01886USA (+1) 351-333-4748Email: [email protected] Our Website:

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