Artificial Intelligence

Conkrite Capital Corporation Announces Corporate Merger With Grupos Originarios De México (POM)



TORONTO and GUADALAJARA, Mexico, May 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conkrite Capital Corporation and Grupos Originarios de México (POM) announced today a definitive agreement to merge forces in Resource Management and Performance Management to create strength in agricultural development programs.

The partnership is the result of more than eight months of negotiations and laborious meetings that included executive members from both Conkrite Capital and Grupos Originarios de México. With this union, Conkrite Capital México becomes the only company that will be able to provide AI-power automation capabilities to farmers in the Méxican Republic through the use of programs based on Artificial Intelligence and IOT applications for the observation of applications and infrastructure in multilayer environments.

“Conkrite Capital continues to reshape and shake the future of food production and delivery as a hybrid, cloud-based technology management company,” said Mr. Nicolás W. Del Valle, Executive Director of Conkrite Capital Canada. “This organic fusion is another illustration of our responsibility to make the most impactful investments to move the world toward our common goal of the increasing life. Our strategy is to ensure that our customers have the most innovative ways to structure the digital transformations of agriculture as we prepare for the Internet of Things revolution.”

The merger of Conkrite Capital and POM will help agricultural companies overcome the high costs associated with managing agricultural operations and create a multi-angle strategic synergy that will be placed tactically to end malnutrition, increase food production, and reduce the cost of food.

“We believe AI-powered farm automation is now inevitable, training and information-centric operations will make farms more productive,” said Salvador Peralta, President of Operations of Grupos Orginarios De México (POM), “That’s why we believe this partnership will continue to capitalize to provide our customers with a one-stop shop of AI-powered farm automation capabilities. Having the opportunity to work with Conkrite Capital will not only take our portfolio to the next level but will also ensure that our clients have complete visibility into the new era of technological advances and will make México, a pioneer in the management of Artificial Intelligence agricultural operations in Latin America.”


“Agricultural businesses have been suffering due to lack of predictability and poor management protocols, AI-powered software will help them manage the scale and complex challenges associated with agricultural operations,” said Mr. Nicolás W. Del Valle, CEO of Conkrite Capital Corporation. “Not only will POM be a great addition to our partnerships, but this partnership will allow customers to combine the power of technology driven by deep management knowledge in what we believe will be a game-changer for the Méxican farming community. The combination of Conkrite and POM will always ensure that response times and supply, even during peak demand, are optimal.”

By integrating Conkrite Capital’s technology programs with POM cultivation capabilities, the end user will now be able to automate operation actions and prescribed management infrastructure to ensure stable yield across different crops. Conkrite Management’s integration with cloud-based management systems and IOTs’ expertise in cross-cloud management will unite a resource topology that will facilitate remote management. Not only will this reduce costs, but it will also allow customers to find and offer faster resolution to common problems such as pests and infestations that occur in agricultural operations, when resource actions are automated, troubleshooting time is optimized to increase yield and increase profits.

Conkrite Capital and Grupo Orginarios de México share common goals towards carbon neutrality and the shared commitment is clear. With the implementation of IOT-based farming systems, the duo aims to reduce agricultural carbon printing to unimaginable levels over the next five years.

“It’s a great time for the people of México, our continued focus on providing agricultural organizations with a one-stop shop for AI-powered automation capabilities that will place the Méxican nation at the top of the food chain in relation to agriculture and food production. We will continue to move forward to strengthen the relationship that has just begun, and we will provide the nation and all other nations that depend on Méxican agriculture for their livelihoods with a balanced food product aimed at increasing life,” Mr. Nicolás W. Del Valle concluded.

The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2022.


About Conkrite Capital

Conkrite Capital is a total asset management company, and our main goal is to improve the way people live. As a responsible investor and fiduciary leader in asset management; all physical and financial, our clients come to us in search of solutions to their daily struggles. We help by designing and developing people-focused solutions for ordinary situations.

About Grupos Originarios De México 

The company of Grupos Originarios De México is very grateful for the merger with Conkrite Capital Corporation in which it is planned to develop an innovative project of national relevance in which confidence is being placed in the development of orderly and powerful productive infrastructure which will allow a boost to the national economy that today Mèxico requires and we define our great project as the orderly evolution of food security where we entrust to Conkrite Capital Corporation’s professionalism since they contribute significantly to financial sustainability hand in hand with a creation of a qualified urbanization. The development of this great project which includes the ancestral cultural conceptualization, economic growth under highly profitable projects; in this way the administrative council is committed to a production innovation, inclusion and sustainability that will amplify the impact of food security by incorporating energy efficiency, waste reuse and the responsible use of natural resources.

As an organization, Grupos Originarios de México, we are committed to the integral sustainability of the country, we promote investment for the social, environmental, and economic development of the indigenous communities that is so needed. Prioritizing as a first stage the productive projects focused on the primary sector (agricultural) that are fundamental to generate jobs, we have opened the channels of international marketing in which we develop together with the producers a standardization of natural production and have competitive marketable products, this is done by working in an organized way and fair trade that dignifies the life of the indigenous producers of the Méxican countryside.


Conkrite Capital México
Av. Chapultepec #15, piso 16
Ladrón de Guevara 44600
Guadalajara, Jalisco

Teléfono: 334.170.3516
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