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WIMI Hologram Academy: VR Live Plus Online Education Application Development Status Analysis



HONG KONG, Sept. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WIMI Hologram Academy, working in partnership with the Holographic Science Innovation Center, has written a new technical article describing their research on VR live plus online education application. This article follows below:

Today, with the continuous development of high technology, the traditional form of education is also gradually undergoing subtle changes. The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has forced online education to develop at a rapid pace. The development of VR live streaming under the premise of high-speed development of 5G communication technology also provides strong technical support for better presentation of online education. Scientists from WIMI Hologram Academy of WIMI Hologram Cloud Inc.(NASDAQ: WIMI), have analyzed and researched the specific applications of VR live streaming technology in online education, and discussed the significance and development of VR education.

1 Comparative analysis of traditional education and VR online education

A VR online education in the fall of 2018 is used as an example to specifically analyze the differences and connections between traditional education and VR online education. Through VR social networking software, American and Chinese students sat together across geographic distances to fully concentrate on ancient Egyptian symbols scribbled on a tomb on the Giza Plateau outside of Cairo, Egypt. The professor launched the lab and loaded a 3D model of the Sphinx and one of the tombs, which the team could grab and move around in the virtual learning space, with real-time HD video streaming and screen sharing, among other things. The Chinese and American students naturally broke into teams and used the mapping widget provided by the software to circle the hieroglyphs they would study in Egypt. Despite being separated by more than 7,000 miles, this natural conversation and immersive interaction made their trip to Egypt even more rewarding.

1.1 Comparative Analysis of Traditional Education and VR Education


According to constructivist learning theory, learning is the process of generating meaning and constructing understanding based on the original knowledge experience of the learner, and through the way of meaning construction, the learner continuously expands the boundaries of knowledge. People hope to filter the tedium of real life and enter into a pleasant experience space with the help of subjective psychological feelings such as imagination, experience and immersion. As immersive multimedia, the essence of VR is to achieve ultra-real visual, tactile, auditory and olfactory experience effects through human-computer interaction, and its technical means are developed by integrating computer graphics, human-computer interface technology, sensor technology and artificial intelligence technology. In the learning of knowledge, the use of VR technology, once again turning reality into reality, with hyper-realistic sensory stimulation, so that the abstract becomes another kind of figuration, becomes a source of interest. This virtual experience allows students to better enter into an immersive learning experience and even complete class exercises and assignments in a virtual space. Holographic communication allows students to deepen their subjective experience of learning in a deep and holistic way.

1.2 Comparative Analysis of Traditional Online Education and VR Live + Online Education

Although VR+ education also belongs to a kind of online education, it has upgraded traditional online education, which can not only make up for the shortage of classroom education, but even partially replace classroom education, and its subversive significance to the traditional education system cannot be underestimated. The introduction of Internet technology, VR online education is free from the constraints of time and space, greatly expanding the boundaries of education. However, the direct transplantation of traditional education to online will bring many realistic problems. On the one hand, the interactivity of online education inevitably has problems such as posteriority and fragmentation. When teachers teach online, they cannot notice students’ reactions at the first time, and teachers and students cannot realize effective two-way instant interaction, which inevitably leads to students’ distraction, and various external interference factors will also affect the education effect. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee the teaching quality by simply moving offline education to online and live teaching by teachers. On the other hand, while online education achieves instant teaching, it also creates fragmentation and confusion. The systematic nature of teaching content is impaired due to the difficulty of student concentration. To sum up, the main source of the defects of the current online education is the systemic confusion brought by the temporal and spatial differences in education.

But the combination of VR technology, the use of high-end panoramic VR camera, wearing VR headset equipment, which will fully resolve the defects of traditional online education, to achieve the improvement of the effect of online education, mainly in the following two aspects: First, to solve the problem of teacher-student interaction. VR to three-dimensional interaction as the main feature, teachers and students in a pre-creative three-dimensional situation, not only to exclude external interference, but also because of the game created by the component, which greatly stimulates students’ interest in learning. For some of the experiments, practical training and other practical operations that need to be shown, the risk is excluded, which enables the practical teaching content to be shown in detail and fully. Compared with the real operation, students can operate in a three-dimensional context with high safety and repeated memorability. Even for the knowledge-based learning of basic subjects like language and mathematics, VR can transform part of the knowledge learning into 3D games, which can effectively enhance students’ attention. Second, it solves the problem of time fragmentation. The headset device separates the real and virtual space effectively, and the effectiveness even exceeds that of a closed campus, which excludes external interference to a greater extent. Once interference is ruled out, online education combined with the advantages of real classroom teaching through big data and cloud records will provide vibrant options for the supply of education.

2 Relevance of VR Live Streaming + Education Applications


The most intuitive thing about VR live application in education is that the live content is about education teaching, combining the advantages of virtual reality technology and live streaming in education to give learners a better learning experience.

2.1 Expand the multi-dimensionality of learning

The traditional way of learning is to read books, watch famous teachers live or already recorded videos, which can be boring after watching for a long time, and gradually lose focus, and only a lot of re-watching videos when encountering problems, which sometimes may not be the most compatible answers. VR live provides immersive scenes for students to feel the face-to-face live master lectures. Students in the VR classroom can do independent observation of all the information carriers in the scene, while receiving a full range of information, and along with the rhythm of the lecture and their own understanding to seize the key information, but also interact with the lecturer, ask their own questions, and find their own satisfactory answers. It not only helps to improve the teaching efficiency, but also can reduce the cost of students’ time and travel, without limiting the place of study. And the content is rich, not only campus courses, but also a variety of art, specialty, language, cooking and other training classes. When learners watch live online, they no longer have the trouble of being blocked by others, and their learning of knowledge no longer stays at the level of what they see is what they get, so they can choose the best orientation to watch and learn, and become the “only student” in the classroom, receiving the most comprehensive education and direct guidance.  

2.2 Stimulate learners’ interest in learning

Through the VR live teaching process, such as the teaching of biological origins, learners can see the biological and evolutionary processes that cannot exist now, eliminating the cognitive blockage caused by time and space, and making people physically and mentally happy, which will promote the systematization of knowledge structure, transmission and reception. Therefore, if the traditional way of imparting knowledge in education is compared to a flat map display, VR live education is a real-time three-dimensional map presentation, which not only naturally and effectively helps students deepen their knowledge impression, but also increases their interest in learning. In addition, VR live is not only convenient for the teaching process, and can enhance the learning experience, to aerobics teaching, for example, close viewing of the famous teacher to lead the dance of the kind of charm can most stimulate the desire to learn, more importantly, without leaving home can learn a variety of aerobics, the kind of close interaction and near the real sense, far beyond human imagination, so that the more people learn the more interested.  


3 More mature virtual reality education content

In a recently published survey of more than 900 developers working in augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, one-third responded that education is the focus of their current or potential work. In addition to gaming and non-gaming entertainment, virtual reality scores higher than training, product design and any other non-entertainment application for educational applications such as after-school tutoring, STEM learning, field trips and online learning. Clearly education is driving the future of virtual reality more than any other industry outside of gaming and entertainment.

3.1 Virtual field trips

“Using virtual reality for fieldwork is a task that needs to be properly constructed and ponderous, and the good news is that once built, they can be distributed on a large scale.” says one academic. In fact, some companies in the market have already attracted millions of students through their virtual field trips, which focus on aerospace, health, technology and more. While there is no scientific verdict on whether virtual reality is more effective than other immersive media learning tools, it is showing real promise for teaching and learning. A recent study by U.S. researchers that examined field trips about climate change in virtual reality found that “participants who explored more virtual spaces formed deeper cognitive connections with the scientific content and were able to learn, recall and retain the causes and effects of ocean acidification better than those who did not explore the underwater world “.     

3.2 Art Education


Abstract Expressionist pioneer Helen Frankenthaler’s 1966 Blue Fall is in the permanent collection of the Milwaukee Art Museum. Any virtual reality user can zoom in on Frankenthaler’s bold cobalt pigment painting to take a closer look at it at will without ever leaving home. This makes it easy for users to bring the museum and gallery experience into virtual reality. Another notable example of the increasing virtualization of the art experience is the Kramer Museum, which houses paintings by various well-known Dutch masters in a virtual gallery.

3.3 Online Tutoring

Virtual reality also helps to better connect tutors with students who need additional instruction. One startup, based in Ithaca, New York, USA, was founded by two students. They pair students in grades 6 to 12 with qualified tutors and equip them with specialized headgear during tutoring sessions. The company specializes in computer science courses and also works with students in chemistry, biology and SAT prep courses. Tutors teach in a virtual classroom designed by the company, where they can pull up documents and write on a virtual whiteboard to further guide the class. And the company has partnered with schools in New York and Florida to plan AP computer science courses for high school students using VR equipment.

3.4 Virtual Lab Environment

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of STEM occupations in the U.S. will grow by nearly 11 percent from 2016 to 2026, which is more than 3.5 percent higher than the growth rate of non-STEM jobs. But universities conducting STEM learning that requires frequent hands-on work require state-of-the-art labs that are expensive to build and use. Already, companies have been able to mass-produce processes for 30 different virtual lab environments that can be accessed, allowing students to achieve real-world equivalents of culturing bacteria, tracking cellular respiration during experiments, and even performing ultrasounds on mothers-to-be. More than 250 institutions currently use the technology.


3.5 STEM Teaching and Learning

STEM education in K-12 is the preparation phase for STEM virtual labs in universities. To this end, some companies have set out to provide hundreds of common curriculum models geared toward the core standards, covering chemistry, biology, physics, and other science courses for K-12 learners. All courses offer interactive 3D or augmented reality technology. The company has also partnered with other companies to offer holographic lens extensions, such as allowing anatomy students to open, rotate and zoom in on 3D organ models. The company has developed interactive VR museum applications that immerse students in environments ranging from prehistoric nature scenes to outer space.

4 Major issues facing the development of VR education

VR education has always had high expectations and widespread interest, and the problems it faces have emerged with it. After all, VR education is not an easy and fast thing to subvert the traditional way of education.

(1) The primary problem facing the VR education industry today is the lack of content production. The test of content production, content planning and creative ability is the key to considering whether VR companies can form a differentiated standout. Quality VR education content requires the close combination of authoritative educational resources and the personal involvement of a senior education team that has been involved in education for many years in the production of content to make VR teaching content more accurate and reliable, and thus meet the actual needs of long-term teaching.


(2) The related technology is not mature. VR hardware technology cannot provide a good immersive experience yet, including the refresh rate and PPI of the screen, the computing power of the computing system, the size and weight of the device, etc., the comfort of the device is not good and the installation and debugging process is complicated. In addition, there is a lack of uniformity in spatial positioning tracking technology and interaction technology standards. Network transmission and other infrastructure also needs to be improved.

(3) VR live as an emerging industry chaos has brought a lot of negative impact. And the quality of VR equipment put into the market varies, bringing a lot of misunderstanding to the experience. For example, in order to solve the problem of myopia caused by VR glasses, Beijing University of Technology jointly released the results of a number of units jointly showed that VR does not make people’s eyesight reduced and will show more positive changes, and even as vision correction equipment.

5 Conclusion

VR live + online education is an emerging educational approach that both meets the current epidemic context and stimulates new ideas for educational development. Although there are still many realistic problems, new educational applications are still emerging. Making education more interesting has also become the premise for the continuous development of VR online education. The introduction of virtual reality technology into classroom teaching has become a necessary trend for future changes in teaching development.

Founded in August 2020, WIMI Hologram Academy is dedicated to holographic AI vision exploration and researches basic science and innovative technologies, driven by human vision. The Holographic Science Innovation Center, in partnership with WIMI Hologram Academy, is committed to exploring the unknown technology of holographic AI vision, attracting, gathering, and integrating relevant global resources and superior forces, promoting comprehensive innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core, and carrying out basic science and innovative technology research.


Holographic Science Innovation Center
Email: pr@holo-science. com

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Artificial Intelligence

Trends in Focus: Ben Zhou Highlights Compliance, Growth, and AI in Crypto




DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit, shared his candid views on crypto compliance, sensible AI deployments, and new growth drivers at TOKEN2049. Sharing the main stage with panelists from other leading exchanges, Ben addressed the growing pains of mainstreaming exchanges, and how they are adapting to meet increasing regulatory requirements at the annual premier crypto event, attended by over 30,000 participants and amplifying leading voices in the blockchain and crypto economy.

Advance Compliance: A Necessary Luxury
“Compliance is not cheap, but the penalties are more expensive. And it comes with not just monetary but also other consequences,” Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit remarked.
Steering the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, Ben Zhou admitted Bybit was on the same learning curve as other major exchanges.
“We are not the first ones, and we have the opportunities to learn and adapt the business,” he said about the rapid changes in the compliance landscape, acknowledging that all exchanges including Bybit are ramping up their compliance efforts.
Only a year ago, exchanges used to place an amount limit on compliance checks; but Bybit has been taking a prudent approach of standardizing compliance and safety checks on practically transaction of any amount, after witnessing “what had happened in the industry,” he disclosed.
Compliance overhead has increased accordingly. “The operations are getting a lot heavier with a lot more manpower,” he said, adding that third-party tools such as Chainalysis have been useful in improving due diligence and KYC, adding costs but also efficiency.
At the time of writing, a team of over 50 risk experts operate Bybit’s AI-enhanced risk engine alongside a growing legal and compliance function comprising compliance officers of various specialities and in-house counsel.
Ben also took pride in crypto’s contribution to improving compliance practices and raised the bar to make it harder for rogue actors to bypass sanctions. “In our industry, we have revolutionized how compliance has been done. For instance, someone trying to access our platform from a sanctioned address would be identified within minutes and the address would be blocked. The industry is revolutionizing the old ways of doing things in compliance,” he said.  
Incorporating AI Tools and Finding Growth 
Bybit takes a “slightly different approach” to AI and recognizes the gap between the native interfaces and users’ demands.
“We don’t like to use APIs because retail users don’t understand them. Instead, we think about the user experience when they interact with exchanges: we use AI to make it a little easier with automation,” he explains.
In the fast-moving world of crypto, users seek not Wikipedia-style explanations of a newly listed token, but hard data and community feedback. Bybit uses AI as a co-pilot to produce a timely summary to break down data points and guide users doing their research to analysis, project background, and social noise. “Basically we look at which part of the process is mundane, and try to streamline it,” he said of the way Bybit deploys AI.
Ben also revealed the geography of growth as crypto continues to serve as a driver for financial inclusion. He commented on the fast-growing TON ecosystem and play-to-earn games, drawing in diverse user groups from Africa, India to parts of Eastern Europe, mapping out a new trend of onboarding users from emerging economies.
Crypto offers an engaging way to empower these communities, he said, where traditional financial infrastructure may fall short for retail users.
Themed “Exchanges at the Helm: Driving Crypto from Niche to Mainstream”, the panel was moderated by Michael Casey, Chairman of the Decentralized AI Society featuring prominent speakers including Ben Zhou at Bybit, Gracy Chen at Bitget, Vivien Lin at BingX, Sonia Shaw at Coin W and Alicia Kao at KuCoin.
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About Bybit
Bybit is one of the world’s top three crypto exchanges by trading volume with 50 million users. Established in 2018, it offers a professional platform where crypto investors and traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, 24/7 customer service, and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One’s reigning Constructors’ and Drivers’ champions: the Oracle Red Bull Racing team.
For more details about Bybit, please visit Bybit Press.For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected] For more information, please visit: https://www.bybit.comFor updates, please follow: Bybit’s Communities and Social Media
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Tata Communications Joins Forces with Palo Alto Networks to Enhance Enterprise Cyber Resilience




A global alliance to empower businesses with robust cyber defence in today’s digital eraBest-of-breed offering, together with Palo Alto Networks’ industry leading cybersecurity technologies and Tata Communications deep industry expertise across network and cloud security, cyberthreat detection and response, and security assessmentCollaboration to deliver unified network and cloud security, ZTNA 2.0 and SASE, leveraging Palo Alto Networks platformsMUMBAI, India, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Tata Communications today announced a collaboration with Palo Alto Networks, the global cybersecurity leader, to deliver comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to global enterprises.

The rapid shift towards digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote workforces has significantly expanded and complicated the attack surface for organizations, making them more vulnerable to sophisticated cyberthreats. To combat these challenges, enterprises require robust, integrated, and managed cybersecurity solutions.
The best-of- breed offering will bring together Palo Alto Networks industry-leading technologies with Tata Communications digital fabric of solutions and deep industry expertise across network security, cloud security, cyberthreat detection and response, security assessment and consulting services — leveraging a powerful alliance to address the evolving cyberthreat landscape.
The partnership will address these critical needs by offering a robust cloud and cybersecurity fabric of services and technologies that are focused on delivering the following key benefits:
Advanced threat hunting, incident response, and compliance capabilities: As businesses transition to cloud-based solutions, new security challenges emerge, such as unauthorised access and lack of visibility into cloud environments. Unlike other traditional Security Operations Centre (SOC) tools that often fall short in these settings, the Palo Alto Networks Precision AI-powered platform, combines the capabilities of SIEM, XDR, SOAR, and other SOC tools to simplify security operations.Proactive threat isolation and resolution with embedded threat intelligence: Tata Communications will offer a unified, cloud-delivered security solution that integrates network security, cloud security, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) 2.0 capabilities and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), by leveraging Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access platform — a cloud-based platform for network security services that offers consolidated, best-in-class security at the edge for end-users.Seamless deployment and operations: Tata Communications will also provide dedicated managed services, including the lifecycle management of Palo Alto Networks solutions, allowing customers to focus on their core business.Optimised security posture and enhanced user experience: The partnership will deliver rapid detection and reduced response times, with simplified security management.Significant cost savings and operational efficiencies: Customers will benefit by consolidating multiple security vendors and services into a single provider.Unmatched expertise: Tata Communications to enable rigorous assessment of existing security infrastructure and recommend a roadmap with access to real-time analytics and insights, threat intelligence, and a use case library.”It’s critical for businesses to adopt a platform-centric approach to cybersecurity as attack surfaces expand and threats become more complex,” said Vaibhav Dutta, Associate Vice President and Global Head-Cybersecurity Products & Services at Tata Communications. “Our strategic collaboration with Palo Alto Networks stitches together all the essential solutions and tools into a single cloud and cybersecurity fabric – simplifying and streamlining enterprise security management.”
“Tata Communications proven capabilities as a Managed Cybersecurity Service Provider and commitment to excellence, perfectly complement our advanced technologies,” said Michelle Saw, VP GTM and Ecosystems, JAPAC at Palo Alto Networks. “Together, we are confident of empowering future forward enterprises worldwide to further strengthen their security posture, improve operational efficiency, and mitigate risks effectively.”
Click here to learn more about Tata Communications cybersecurity solutions. 
About Tata Communications
A part of the Tata Group, Tata Communications (NSE: TATACOMM) (BSE: 500483) is a global digital ecosystem enabler powering today’s fast-growing digital economy in more than 190 countries and territories. Leading with trust, it enables digital transformation of enterprises globally with collaboration and connected solutions, core and next gen connectivity, cloud hosting and security solutions and media services. 300 of the Fortune 500 companies are its customers and the company connects businesses to 80% of the world’s cloud giants. For more information, please visit
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Anyformat raises €520,000 to revolutionize the automation of unstructured data extraction and analysis




Anyformat’s €520,000 pre-seed funding round included participation from Spanish investment funds 4Founders Capital and Abac Nest Ventures, along with prominent business angels.The startup offers an innovative SaaS that simplifies and optimizes the analysis of unstructured data without requiring technical expertise. This solution addresses a critical need: 80% of the data companies possess goes unused due to its complexity in access and processing.According to Market Data Forecast, the artificial intelligence market in Europe is expected to grow to USD 414.44 billion by 2029 from USD 87.84 billion in 2024, growing at a CAGR of 36.38% during the forecast period.MADRID, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Anyformat, the Spanish startup aiming for a new era of collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence, raised €520,000 in a pre-seed funding round. This round, led by 4Founders Capital, Abac Nest Ventures, and prominent business angels, will allow anyformat to accelerate the development of its generative AI platform, designed to transform how companies manage and analyze unstructured data.

With this cash injection, anyformat establishes itself as a key solution for automating the extraction and analysis of complex data, enabling any user—without technical expertise—to convert large volumes of unstructured information into strategic insights. This marks a crucial step for organizations looking to optimize processes and improve data-driven decision-making.
European countries are establishing legal frameworks and increasing investments in technology at a rapid pace. The market is expected to grow from USD 414.44 billion by 2029 from USD 87.84 billion in 2024. This growth environment, combined with the exponential increase in the generation of unstructured data, reinforces the strategic relevance of anyformat for companies seeking agility and operational efficiency.
Juan Huguet, CEO of anyformat, emphasizes: “Our mission is clear: to enable organizations to embrace hybrid intelligence by allowing AI to do the heavy lifting of extracting and structuring data, so that people can focus on solving strategic and creative problems. With anyformat, companies can access valuable information quickly and effortlessly.”
Anyformat’s platform automates the extraction of information from documents, presentations, and even voice recordings, simplifying tasks that previously required extensive manual effort or advanced technical knowledge. As Alejandro Fernández, COO of anyformat, explains, “Many companies are held back by the challenge of managing unstructured data. With our solution, we make that information immediately available to teams, ready to be integrated into tools like Excel or business intelligence platforms.”
In addition to its focus on usability, anyformat is designed for easy scalability, ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Diego Pérez, CTO of anyformat, adds: “Our priority is to optimize workflows without compromising data security or privacy. We understand that trust is key, and we ensure that information is handled responsibly and efficiently, allowing organizations to grow sustainably.”
Investors recognize the disruptive potential of anyformat. Joan Pina, partner at Abac Nest Ventures, comments: “At Abac Nest Ventures, we have invested in anyformat because we believe in the founders’ vision and the impact their technology can have on the industry. Turning unstructured data into actionable insights is a growing need, and companies using anyformat are gaining a competitive edge by integrating AI quickly and efficiently into their processes.”
With the new funding, anyformat is gearing up to expand its team and operations, aiming to solidify its presence in Spain and explore opportunities in international markets. “At anyformat, we are committed to transforming unstructured information into a competitive advantage, enabling companies not only to access valuable information but also to use it intelligently for strategic decision-making that drives their growth and success.”
About anyformat
anyformat, is a Spanish generative artificial intelligence startup based in the Google Startups offices in Madrid and Emprenbit in Mallorca, founded in 2024 by Juan Huguet, Diego Pérez, and Alejandro Fernández. It offers a platform that automates the extraction and structuring of information from unstructured data sources, allowing for analysis without the need for technical expertise. Its technology transforms this data into formats ready for integration into business intelligence tools and spreadsheets, reducing processing time from hours to minutes. Its mission is to unlock the value of unstructured data, helping companies make strategic decisions and optimize their workflows. For more information visit
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