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Guerbet: 2022 annual results



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2022 annual results


  • Annual revenue: €753.3 million, up 2.9% (-1.1% at CER1)
  • Steady momentum in Asia and for Interventional Imaging; negative impact of production delays at the Raleigh site

Profitability in line with expectations

    • The restated EBITDA margin2 is 13.8%, at the top of the range of 13% to 14% announced last October

2023 outlook

    • Revenue: expected growth above 5% on a like-for-like basis and at CER1
    • Restated EBITDA margin3 expected around 11% before returning in 2024 to a level higher than in 2021 (14.4%)

Villepinte, March 22, 2023: Guerbet (FR0000032526 GBT), a global specialist in contrast agents and solutions for medical imaging, has published its consolidated financial statements for the 2022 fiscal year. Revenue for the year was €753.3 million, up 2.9% from 2021, including a favorable forex effect of €29.3 million, almost half of which (€14.2 million) was due to the appreciation of the dollar. At constant exchange rates (CER1), the Group’s activity was down 1.1% over the past year.

This change in revenue was the result of:

  • The one-off decrease in production rates at the Raleigh (North Carolina, USA) plants due to recruitment difficulties in the first half of the year and the time necessary to train new hires,
  • Adaptation of the production lines to prioritize manufacturing of EluciremTM, which received its market authorization from the FDA on September 21, authorization obtained via the “fast track” process. This strategic decision mainly affected the production of Optiray® and pre-filled syringes references and related sales in many markets worldwide.

1 Constant exchange rates (CER): the exchange rate impact was eliminated by recalculating sales for the period on the basis of the exchange rates used for the previous fiscal year.

2 Excluding extraordinary costs relating to optimization of the operational structure and changes in the sales model in China and excluding compensation received in connection with the termination of the contract with Merative.


3 Excluding extraordinary costs relating to optimization of the operational structure and changes in the sales model.

In the Americas in particular, the decrease in annual revenue (-7.5% at CER) was entirely due to the contraction in volumes attributable to production delays in Raleigh.

In the EMEA region, activity was down -1.9% at CER last year in connection with the regulatory price reductions in France and the shutdown of the commercial activity in Turkey in November 2022.

In Asia, the very strong growth (+8.5% at CER) was driven by the acceleration of sales in China (+45.6%), a market that fully benefited from the direct distribution model rolled out starting in the second quarter.

By activity, the change in annual revenue in Diagnostic Imaging (-2.2% at CER) resulted from:

  • For MRI, an increase in sales (+1.7% at CER) due to higher volumes and against a backdrop of negligible price erosion, despite the arrival of generic Dotarem® in the United States.
  • For X-ray, an annual decline (-4.4% at CER) due to lower volumes of Optiray®, while sales of Xenetix® remained strong throughout the year.

In Interventional Imaging, the momentum also remained very positive in 2022 (+8.1% at CER) thanks to Lipiodol® sales, which accelerated steadily from the second quarter.

In millions of euros
Consolidated financial statements (IFRS)
Revenue 732.1 753.3
EBITDA * 105.1 103.1
% of revenue 14.4% 13.7%
Operating income 38.7 (18.2)
% of revenue 5.3% NS
Net income 32.6 (41.1)
% of revenue 4.5% NS
Net debt 217.8 270.4

* EBITDA = Operating income + net amortization, depreciation and provisions.

Note: The audit procedures on the consolidated financial statements have been completed. The certification report is being issued.

Good EBITDA margin performance in the face of inflation 

In 2022, Guerbet managed to preserve its operational profitability by demonstrating great financial discipline to compensate for the impact of high inflation on certain costs. These efforts to control costs, reflected in particular in a contained rise in staff costs (+3.4%) despite wage tensions in the United States, limited the decline in the EBITDA margin. Its reported rate was 13.7% of revenue in 2022, compared with 14.4% in the previous year. In line with the 13% to 14% range announced last October, the restated EBITDA margin rate was 13.8%. This aggregation excludes extraordinary costs relating to the optimization of the operational structure and changes in the sales model in China as well as compensation (€4 million) received in connection with the termination of the contract with Merative (formerly IBM Watson) last November.

Significant asset impairments in connection with new strategic priorities


As of December 31, 2022, the Group’s operating result was negative at -€18.2 million, a change entirely due to items with no impact on cash flow. As announced in February, and in connection with the new strategic priorities unveiled at the beginning of the year for Interventional Imaging and Artificial Intelligence, Guerbet recognized significant asset impairments in 2022 relating to Accurate Medical Therapeutics, Occlugel and to software developed with IBM Watson. Impairments on these three assets totaled €58.8 million. 

The Group’s net income amounted to -€41.1 million for the year after accounting for financial expenses and stable forex losses. The tax expense was €12.7 million after the Group accounted for €4.5 million in items indicated in a notice from the tax authorities. After examining the tax risks of all its subsidiaries, the Group recorded an additional tax expense of €4.4 million under IFRIC 23.

Solid financial structure despite increased inventories; dividend of €0.50 per share

As of December 31, 2022, equity totaled €380 million, compared with €405 million one year earlier. At the same time, net debt increased from €218 million to €270 million, mainly because of the increase in WCR, fueled by higher inventories. This increase resulted from inflationary pressures as well as the establishment of both precautionary stocks on critical materials and stocks of EluciremTM.

For the 2022 fiscal year, the Board of Directors will propose a dividend of €0.50 per share to the shareholders at the General Meeting on May 26, 2023.


2023: acceleration of activity but operational profitability impacted by inflation

Since the beginning of the year, Guerbet has been confident in its ability to grow its revenue in an improving contrast media market, with structural growth in volumes accompanied by positive price effects for the first time in many years. The Group is able to address this promising market with an innovative range of solutions meeting the needs of healthcare professionals as closely as possible. As announced in January, Guerbet intends to mobilize its teams around three main priorities in 2023:

  • Stronger positions in Diagnostic Imaging, where the year will be marked by the commercial launch of EluciremTM, a new product bringing a major innovation to complement the MRI offering. The ramp-up is expected by 2024, with a launch already effective in the United States, while in Europe the marketing authorization is expected in the second half of the year.
  • Refocusing of the Interventional Imaging activity on Lipiodol®, with an emphasis on the commercial development of current innovative indications and an acceleration of R&D efforts to develop new applications and indications for this product.
  • Acceleration of the Artificial Intelligence roadmap, where the Group, after having regained full strategic latitude following the termination of its collaboration with Merative (formerly IBM Watson), confirmed its ambitions by acquiring a stake in Intrasense. Licensing agreements are expected to materialize in the first half of the year with the company, whose medical imaging software is highly complementary to Guerbet’s asset portfolio.

Although Guerbet has identified numerous business opportunities in growing markets, it continues to face a demanding environment marked by persistent pressure on supply costs, specifically in Iodine. Certain inflationary effects, with little impact in 2022, will have a significant negative effect on the Group’s margins in 2023.

In this context, Guerbet confirms that it anticipates revenue growth of more than 5% on a like-for-like basis and at CER for 2023. The Group expects stronger growth in the second half of the year than in the first, especially with the industrial activity being brought back up to the required level standard in Raleigh and the gradual ramp-up of EluciremTM. In terms of profitability, the restated EBITDA/revenue margin rate3 is expected to be around 11% before returning in 2024 to a level higher than in 2021 (14.4%).

3 Excluding extraordinary costs relating to optimization of the operational structure and changes in the sales model.

About Guerbet


At Guerbet, we build lasting relationships so that we enable people to live better. That is our purpose. We are a leader in medical imaging worldwide, offering a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and digital and AI solutions for diagnostic and interventional imaging. A pioneer in contrast media for 95 years, with more than 2,600 employees worldwide, we continuously innovate and devote 10% of our sales to research and development in four centers in France, Israel, and the United States. Guerbet (GBT) is listed on Euronext Paris (segment B – mid caps) and generated €753 million in revenue in 2022.

Forward-looking statements

This press release may contain forward-looking statements based on assumptions and forecasts by the Guerbet Group’s management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors could lead to marked differences between the Group’s future results, financial situation, development, and performances and the estimates presented in these forward-looking statements. These factors include those mentioned in Guerbet’s public documents, available on its website The Group assumes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements in this press release to reflect future events or developments.


Guerbet Actifin
Jérôme Estampes
Chief Financial Officer
+33 (0)1 45 91 50 00


Claire Lauvernier
Communications Director
+33 (0)6 79 52 11 88


Financial Communications
Marianne Py
+33 (0)1 80 48 25 31
[email protected]



Mathias Jordan
+33 (0)1 56 88 11 26
[email protected]


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Artificial Intelligence

Huawei Wen Tong: 6G Needs to Embrace AI for Shaping Future Network




SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — At the 6G Conference held in Istanbul, on September 24, 2024, Dr. Wen Tong, Huawei Wireless CTO, delivered a keynote speech on 6G standardization and innovation. With the release of the ITU-R 6G vision framework, the 3GPP will start 6G standardization in 2025. “6G is a new generation of mobile technology, not a simple upgrade of 5G, it should bring new value to users,” said Dr. Tong, “6G is a true intergenerational technological disruption. 6G standard, key technologies, and network architecture should be re-defined based on application scenarios and requirements from 2030 to 2040. 6G should not be another way to implement 5G. Instead, 6G should embrace the AI revolution with a quantum leap and generate new values for the consumers. In this way, 3GPP standards can truly realize the 6G vision and create greater value for the entire industry.”

Centered “6G Standardization Direction” and “6G Innovation Driving Force”, Dr. Tong shared important views on the future architecture, terminal development, and key technologies of 6G.
In terms of architecture design, 6G should go beyond Service-Based Architecture and move towards Application-Driven Network.
5G has already achieved market success and continues to evolve towards 5G-Advanced. 6G will not simply reuse 5G network architecture, without generational and fundamental innovations, which will limit the mobile industry’s aspiration and imagination to dive the innovation in the 6G era. 6G must have obvious cross-generational characteristics and technical breakpoint.
On the core side, reusing the 5G core network will hinder the innovation in AI. We should use Agentic-AI based technology to re-architect 6G Core that goes beyond 5G Service-Based Architecture and support the foundational capabilities of AI, Sensing and NTN , and thus evolve towards the Application Driven Network .
In terms of terminal evolution, 6G user device calls for a breakthrough to lead the success of the entire industry chain.
It is the law of the mobile industry to drive the evolution of the market with the pioneering technology. The 6G networks and 6G terminals must meet the requirements of consumers and vertical industries in the 6G market phase from 2030 to 2040.
Currently, smartphones are evolving to AI terminals to usher in the mobile AI era. In post-MBB era, breakthroughs in terminal technologies will be the key to the evolution of the mobile industry. Therefore, 6G user device calls for a breakthrough towards “Full-AI”, thus to drive 6G network upgrade and the success of the entire industry ecosystem.
In terms of technology development, AI will become a key enabler for 6G with network paradigm shifting.
Twenty years ago, the Internet was the enabler of the technology innovations. Mobile communications embraced the Internet and achieved great business success. Today, AI maybe the disruptive enabler of the latest technology innovations.
6G should embrace the AI revolution with a quantum leap. However, 6G networks should not be limited to generative AI, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Embodiment-AI are the main directions of future AI development. Therefore, AGI should run through the whole process of sensing, reasoning, decision, and action of terminals, wireless networks, and core networks of 6G, to welcome the arrival of a new network paradigm.
At the end, Dr. Tong Wen emphasized the relationship between 5G and 6G: “The global 5G deployment is on the rise and evolving to 5G-Advanced, which not only meets the current requirements of operators, but also protects their investment. Therefore, 6G technologies should not overlap with 5G in technologies and market space. The specifications, technologies, and architecture of 6G must be based on the scenarios and requirements from 2030 to 2040. We should focus on true generational technology disruption, embrace the new opportunities brought by AI, expand the mobile industry in the next generation.”
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How AIoT shapes the future of mobility: Hikvision at ITS World Congress 2024




HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Hikvision made a significant impact at the ITS World Congress in Dubai with its captivating theme, “Embrace AIoT for safer, smarter, and greener mobility.” Its booth became a hub of innovation, where visitors explored AIoT solutions that are reshaping the transportation landscape, sparking deep conversations on the future of urban mobility.

Road safety revolution: harnessing AIoT for secure transportation
Hikvision’s commitment to road safety was on full display at its booth through the impressive array of AIoT solutions designed to create secure and reliable traffic environments. The company’s technology provides 24/7 traffic monitoring, ensuring continuous oversight of motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, pedestrians and environmental factors. This comprehensive, real-time information collection enables traffic managers to prevent accidents and enhance road safety. Among the showcased products was the 20 MP IR ANPR Checkpoint Capture Unit, renowned for its high-definition capture capabilities, bolstering traffic safety measures.
A standout innovation was the integration of advanced radar and camera technologies, ensuring uninterrupted, comprehensive detection even in adverse weather conditions. The Radar-Video Fusion Incident Detection Cameras, featured prominently in the product experience area, enable early detection and warning of potential hazards. They are particularly effective in challenging situations such as curved roads, blind spots at intersections, and obstacles beyond visual range.
Attendees also engaged with onboard monitoring products on the simulated bus, including dome network cameras, which is designed to enhance passenger safety. Driving assistance products, such as the Driver Status Monitor (DSM), were demonstrated to mitigate unsafe driving behaviors and ensure safer journeys.
Urban mobility redefined: smart traffic innovations
In the realm of smarter mobility, Hikvision showcased its multidimensional sensing technology, which integrates visible light sensors, infrared sensors, radar, and sonar. This technology expands perception capabilities, significantly improving traffic management and situational awareness. The use of AI-powered comprehensive sensing elevates incident monitoring and violation detection to unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency.
A major attraction was the Radar-Video Fusion TandemVu PTZ Camera, which integrates millimeter-wave radar with high-resolution cameras for extensive traffic detection and data analysis. AI-based algorithms combine these two systems to enhance target information, detecting up to 16 types of incidents. This leads to the development of a large-scale fusion model that merges spatial physical data with image semantic information. The result is ultra-long-range perception, achieving over 95% accuracy in vehicle trajectory detection. This robust system improves traffic violation management and optimizes traffic flow, significantly enhancing road efficiency.
At the simulated bus station, visitors observed how AI-assisted people counting automated the collection of passenger flow statistics at peak stop hours and bus line frequency during busy periods. Paired with smart bus stop digital signage, the solution improves bus service quality, operational efficiency, passenger experience, and overall public transport effectiveness.
Sustainable transportation: leading the charge for greener cities
Hikvision’s commitment to sustainable urban mobility was evident through its innovative green wave technology and eco-friendly checkpoint solutions. Green wave technology efficiently manages traffic flow to reduce congestion and lower carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals. Visitors were particularly impressed by a case study showcasing a green wave solution implemented in Zhoushan, China. Over a stretch of 21 kilometers and 34 intersections, this main road cut travel times by 50%.
The use of DarkFighterX technology in checkpoint cameras also received significant attention. This technology senses both visible and invisible light, resulting in more accurate and realistic images. It enhances traffic violation enforcement efficiency while minimizing the need for high ambient light levels, thus reducing light pollution. The 9M DarkfightX ANPR Checkpoint Camera exemplified this dedication to environmental stewardship.
Frank Zhang, President of Hikvision MEA, remarked, “Hikvision supports sustainable urban planning by empowering traffic departments to address congestion and transportation challenges.” He further emphasized, “Our system’s openness fosters a secure and reliable platform for developing smart and green cities. Additionally, our solar technology is extensively utilized in remote areas, while our smart street lighting solutions reduce energy consumption by 20-30%, promoting intelligent urban transportation and advancing global sustainability objectives.”
Hikvision’s presence at the ITS World Congress in Dubai underscored its leadership in integrating AIoT technologies to drive safer, smarter, and greener mobility solutions. The engaging presentations and advanced product demonstrations captured significant attention from industry partners and customers, reaffirming the company’s role as a pioneer in shaping the future of urban transportation. As the world moves towards more intelligent and sustainable transportation systems, Hikvision remains at the forefront, embracing AIoT to create a safer, smarter, and greener future for all.
To find out more about Hikvision’s advanced traffic and public transport solutions, please explore the Hikvision official website.
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Anti-Drone Market worth $7.05 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The global anti-drone market was valued at USD 2.16 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 7.05 billion by 2029; it is expected to register a CAGR of 26.7% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Increasing government spending on counter-drone technologies, rising incidence of critical infrastructure security breaches by unauthorized drones, and surge in adoption of aerial remote sensing technologies to safeguard critical infrastructure are attributed to the demand for anti-drone.

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Anti-Drone Market Report Scope:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2024
$ 2.16 billion
Estimated Value by 2029
$ 7.05 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 26.7%
Market Size Available for
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Million/Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
By System Type, Application, Platform type, Vertical, and Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World
Key Market Challenge
Vulnerability to hacking
Key Market Opportunities
Emphasis on improving unmanned aircraft systems technology
Key Market Drivers
Growing number of illicit activities
By System Type: Hybrid systems to account for the larger market share in the forecasted year.
The hybrid segment accounted for the largest share of the anti-drone market in 2029. The trends of integrating multiple anti-drone technologies are rising since they are most effective in detecting, tracking, and neutralizing drone threats. These systems merge electronic, kinetic, and lasers, providing a comprehensive defense solution against UAVs. Hybrid systems use electronic, kinetic, and laser-based countermeasures to offer optimum protection against drones. These systems are designed to detect, track, identify, categorize, and mitigate drones at operational wide ranges ranging from a few km up to tens of km.
By Platform: The ground-based segment accounted for the largest market share in the forecast year.
The ground-based segment will hold a major share of the anti-drone market in 2029. Many ground-based anti-drone systems use several electronic technologies, such as radar, IR sensors, acoustic systems, and RF & GNSS jammers. MESA radar solutions are used mostly for counter-UAS purposes, protecting critical infrastructure, military camps, and other security-sensitive sites from unauthorized drones. One such solution is EchoGuard, a ground-based airspace management solution that contains a software-defined 3D radar that can be specific to the site. This system can identify single or multiple off-chance drones, including swarms in unauthorized areas. They provide accurate and sustained airspace surveillance for the field of view (FOV) they are configured, and both human and AI-monitored visual checks. The system can be easily transported and integrated directly with the command-and-control centers or another identification sensor for portable use, and multiple units of the system can be combined to cover vast areas or lengths of borders. Major providers of ground-based counter-drone systems include companies like EchoDyne Corporation, DeTect, Meteksan Defense, and WhiteFox Defense. Acoustics-based Discovair G2 utilizes patented microphone arrays. With 128 interconnected microphone elements, the Discovair sensor units can establish azimuth and elevation to the target in real-time using advanced digital signal processing.
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By Region: Americas are expected to hold the largest share of the anti-drone market during the forecast period.
Americas is expected to capture the largest share in the anti-drone industry during the forecast period. The growth can be attributed to protecting crucial infrastructure in the region. Governments, particularly in the US, invest in anti-drone systems for military bases, borders, and critical infrastructure. For Instance, in April 2023, RTX secured a USD 237 million contract from the US Army to provide Ku-band Radio Frequency Sensors (KuRFS) and Coyote effectors. These systems are designed to detect and neutralize unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The contract includes stationary and mobile systems and a specified quantity of effectors, all aimed at enhancing the Army’s operations within the US Central Command region.
Key Players-
The key companies offering anti-drone companies include RTX (US), Lockheed Martin Corporation (US), Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy), Thales (France), and IAI (Israel).
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