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Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale – 2023 half-year results



H1 2023 RESULTS1


Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale turned in solid first-half results, with net revenue approaching €8 billion (+4%). These results reflect the resilience of the retail banking activities, for which net revenue grew by 1.9% to more than €6 billion, and strong sales momentum in insurance (+13%) and the specialized businesses (+18.4%).

In a period of inflation, economic slowdown and monetary policy upheaval, the group’s financial results confirm the relevance and solidity of its diversified mutualist model. Net income for the first half of the year remained high at nearly €2 billion (down 7.3%).

After three years of post-Covid stimulus, the cost of risk was up 44.4%, having returned to a normative level (€679 million, i.e. 24 basis points of total loans versus 27 basis points in 2019), while expenses increased by 6.7%, mainly due to strong wage measures and significant technological investments for the transformation of our business lines.


These first six months reflect the capability of the locally-focused relationship-based model serving individual, business and corporate customers and the collective mobilization of our 77,500 employees and 15,500 mutualist elected directors.

Results for the period ended June 30, 2023

  1st semester 2023 Evolution proforma
S1 2023 / S1 2022
of which retail banking €6,062bn +1.9%
of which insurance €641m +13.0%
of which specialized business lines €1,455bn +18.4%
Home loans
Equipment loans and leasing
Consumer loans
Ratio CET12
Capitaux propres
60,4 Md

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale generated solid H1 results

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale demonstrated the excellent resilience of its model by reporting solid first-half results despite changing monetary policy and the economic slowdown, which weighed especially on retail banking in France. The results once again confirm the relevance of universal bankinsurance in serving the common interest. Nicolas Théry, Chairman

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale closed the first six months of the year on very strong sales momentum and with solid results, proof of the group’s operational efficiency. Our 77,500 employees and 15,500 mutualist elected directors worked tirelessly to support individual, business and corporate customers amid strong inflation and rising interest rates. Daniel Baal, Chief Executive Officer


I.     Working tirelessly over the period for our members and customers

The war in Ukraine and the inherent geopolitical tensions continued to disrupt the economic outlook, for individuals, businesses and corporates alike. As a mutual bankinsurance provider and the first bank to adopt the status of a benefit corporation (“entreprise à mission”), Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale continued to work hard over the period to support its customers, in particular those most affected by the successive crises. A relevant relationship-focused model for which we were awarded the 2023 Podium de la Relation Client3.

A bank that is useful for its customers and members

The mutual banking group continued to work alongside its retail, business and corporate customers providing financing for their projects. Loan outstandings reached €510 billion (+5.0%) despite a significant decrease in home loan releases over the first half (-29.4%), returning to a level close to that of 2019. Consumer credit remained strong, with outstandings rising by 9.6% to €53.5 billion. The group also continued to support businesses and corporates, with equipment loan and finance lease outstandings totaling €138 billion (+8.3%).

The protection and growth of customer savings is a key pillar of the group’s activity. Deposits stood at €461 billion at June 30, 2023, up 2.2%.


A bank that meets a growing need for solidarity measures

With annual inflation running at 4.5% in France4, of which +13.7% on food prices, the inflationary cycle sparked after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continued to weigh on customers’ purchasing power, in particular that of the most vulnerable customers.

True to its mutualist values, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale spearheaded solidarity and locally-focused measures.

Its 30,000 advisors galvanized into action to support households, in particular through regulated savings. Inflows into Livret A savings accounts, revalued at 3% in February 2023 and secured at this high level until the end of 2024, thus reached €6.5 billion, with outstandings totaling €51.4 billion (+14.4%).

The €1 net per month solidarity account remained in place, allowing people in a fragile financial situation to benefit from all the advantages of a universal local bank and a dedicated advisor without having to pay late-payment fees. Launched in August 2022, this solidarity offer has been taken up by more than 55,000 customers. Intended for those most affected by the current economic situation, this offer was awarded the 2023 “Good Economie Prix d’Or”5.


The street riots that erupted towards the end of the period also affected individuals and businesses. Exceptional measures are required for exceptional circumstances. With this in mind, Les Assurances du Crédit Mutuel and CIC Assurances eliminated the deductible payable by individuals on claims for damage to their car or home.

The social tension also impacted many retailers. Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale decided to take strong measures to support companies and small retailers that suffered damages as a result of the unrest.

Solidarity with Restos du Cœur : €5 million to cope with the rise in food insecurity

Inflation has led to an increase in the number of people seeking support from the Restaurants du Cœur centers. To address this issue, the NGO launched an appeal to businesses. Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale for its part galvanized into action without waiting for the social dividend to come into play and provided a one-off donation of €5 million via its Foundation, €2 million of which for priority assistance for infants.

As an insurer it released without delay the first cash advances for craftspeople, merchants and professionals. A “claims expense” estimated at €10 million. As a banker, the Crédit Mutuel and CIC networks offered solutions tailored on a case-by-case basis, including the suspension of credit maturity schedules.


A mutual bank shoulder to shoulder with its employees

Underpinned by a strong social contract, the group once again demonstrated its commitment to its employees. In January 2023, a general wage increase of 3% was granted to group employees in addition to profit-sharing and incentive schemes. The sustainable mobility package increased from €400 to €700 while coverage of the transport subscription increased from 50% to 75%. This solid social policy for the benefit of its employees is also an investment in the development of the group and its subsidiaries. It helps to increase our appeal so that we can attract more new talent.

II.     Strong sales growth driven by the strength of our diversified model

Despite an unstable economic environment and regulatory pressure serving to counter the benefits of universal banking, thanks to the collective mobilization and efficiency of the universal local bankinsurance model, we generated growth in net revenue of 4%. As at June 30, 2023, net revenue reached a record level of nearly €8 billion.

Performance of the retail banking and insurance activities


Net revenue from retail banking rose by 1.9% to €6 billion. Net revenue from the branch networks remained stable at +0.7% while consumer credit rose by +5.5%.

The consumer credit business (€1.5 billion) was driven mainly by the performance of Targobank in Germany. Cofidis Group saw its activity remain stable in the first half and continued to expand in Europe.

A major insurance player in France with 37.2 million policies (+1.6%), Groupe des Assurances du Crédit Mutuel (GACM) posted a strong performance in the first half of 2023, with record revenue of €7.5  billion (+13.6%). Note that GACM España was sold to AXA Seguros Generales on July 12, 2023.

Revenue growth over the period was driven in particular by life insurance, for which the turnover reached €4.2 billion (+16.7%). The life insurance activity benefited from positive net inflows in euros (+€181 million), underpinned by the announcement early in the year of a 1-point increase in the rates paid for 2022 on euro-denominated funds (i.e. an average return of 2.30%).

As at end-June 2023, the number of customers of the Crédit Mutuel bankinsurance branch network rose by 1.0% to more than 8.7 million, while the five CIC regional banks and the CIC network in the Greater Paris region had 5.6 million customers (+1.1%).


Sustained momentum in corporate banking and the specialized businesses

The performance of the specialized businesses accounted for nearly three-quarters of the increase in the group’s net revenue. There was a strong rebound in revenue from private banking (+41.2%), corporate banking (+38.1%) and capital markets (+63.3%).

Net revenue from corporate banking rose thanks to the increase in net interest margin on deposits and strong loan production for corporate customers. The group’s support for entrepreneurial activity is also reflected in the investment activities carried out by Crédit Mutuel Equity in all regions.

Nearly €140 million was invested in more than 31 companies in the first half of the year.

Private banking benefited from both a market effect and positive inflows. It performed well in all countries, i.e. France, Belgium and Switzerland and in Luxembourg via Banque Transatlantique, Banque de Luxembourg and Banque CIC Suisse. The asset management division had a good first half, with revenue remaining stable at €267 million.


The capital markets business performed very well in the first half of the year, driven by strong sales momentum.

III.     Solid results at a time of monetary pressure and economic slowdown

At a time of changing monetary policy, the resilience of the universal bankinsurance model was once again made plain. The group is on track to meet the financial targets of its 2019-2023 strategic plan, ensemble#nouveaumonde plus vite, plus loin (together#today’s world, faster, further!), which runs until the end of the year.

First-half net income driven by the insurance activities and specialized businesses

Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale made H1 net income of nearly €2 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 7.3%. It was impacted in particular by the decrease in net interest margin in retail banking in France -3.7%) in a specific context in France for fixed-rate home loans, regulated savings that protect household purchasing power, and commitments from the profession to limit the increase in retail rates to below 2% in 2023.


The group’s comprehensive income benefited from strong results in insurance (€443 million, up 9.0%) and in the specialized businesses (€558 million, up 13.4%), demonstrating the solidity of the integrated universal bankinsurance model.

The asset management and private banking businesses generated income of €161 million, up 39%. Corporate banking made income of €105 million, up 17%. Private equity turned in a normative performance after two exceptional years (€181 million).

Confirmed operational efficiency

The mutual group maintained one of the strongest levels of operational efficiency among European banks, with a cost/income ratio of 58.2%.

General operating expenses came to €4.6 billion (+6.7%). They reflect sound strategic choices, in particular investment in human resources (53% of the increase) and technologies. The first French company to join the IBM Quantum Network, Euro-Information announced it is continuing to invest in quantum computing. Following a successful initial phase, specific use cases have been identified in many areas of interest to financial services, including customer experience research, fraud management and risk management. These investments are part of the innovation strategy being applied since 2015, particularly around artificial intelligence. In 2023, a volume equivalent to 1,700 FTEs was freed up to carry out numerous administrative tasks (input, signature, research) for customers and members seeking a closer relationship with their dedicated local advisor.


The period also saw an increase in the cost of risk, which returned to a normative level. At €679 million, it rose by 44%. The cost of risk was especially affected by the increase in proven risk on network customers, consumer credit and corporate banking.

The non-performing loan ratio (2.7%) remained lower than at the end of 2019 (3.1%). The cost of risk to customer ratio was 24 basis points, also close to the end-2019 level (27 basis points).

Read full press release on BFCM website:

1 Unaudited financial statements as at 06/30/2023, limited review procedures by the statutory auditors are in progress. As of January 1, 2023, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale applies IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts” at the Group level as well as IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” for its insurance entities. To ensure a consistent benchmark, data for the first half of 2022 have been restated on a pro forma basis.
2 Estimated at June 30, 2023, the incorporation of the net income into the regulatory capital is subject to ECB approval.
3 2023 Podium de la Relation Client – Banking category / Kantar & Bearing Point.
4 Consumer price index (CPI), INSEE, June 2023.
5 The Good Economie Prix d’Or for 2023 in the category of products and services that promote a social impact.



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Artificial Intelligence

How AIoT shapes the future of mobility: Hikvision at ITS World Congress 2024




HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Hikvision made a significant impact at the ITS World Congress in Dubai with its captivating theme, “Embrace AIoT for safer, smarter, and greener mobility.” Its booth became a hub of innovation, where visitors explored AIoT solutions that are reshaping the transportation landscape, sparking deep conversations on the future of urban mobility.

Road safety revolution: harnessing AIoT for secure transportation
Hikvision’s commitment to road safety was on full display at its booth through the impressive array of AIoT solutions designed to create secure and reliable traffic environments. The company’s technology provides 24/7 traffic monitoring, ensuring continuous oversight of motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, pedestrians and environmental factors. This comprehensive, real-time information collection enables traffic managers to prevent accidents and enhance road safety. Among the showcased products was the 20 MP IR ANPR Checkpoint Capture Unit, renowned for its high-definition capture capabilities, bolstering traffic safety measures.
A standout innovation was the integration of advanced radar and camera technologies, ensuring uninterrupted, comprehensive detection even in adverse weather conditions. The Radar-Video Fusion Incident Detection Cameras, featured prominently in the product experience area, enable early detection and warning of potential hazards. They are particularly effective in challenging situations such as curved roads, blind spots at intersections, and obstacles beyond visual range.
Attendees also engaged with onboard monitoring products on the simulated bus, including dome network cameras, which is designed to enhance passenger safety. Driving assistance products, such as the Driver Status Monitor (DSM), were demonstrated to mitigate unsafe driving behaviors and ensure safer journeys.
Urban mobility redefined: smart traffic innovations
In the realm of smarter mobility, Hikvision showcased its multidimensional sensing technology, which integrates visible light sensors, infrared sensors, radar, and sonar. This technology expands perception capabilities, significantly improving traffic management and situational awareness. The use of AI-powered comprehensive sensing elevates incident monitoring and violation detection to unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency.
A major attraction was the Radar-Video Fusion TandemVu PTZ Camera, which integrates millimeter-wave radar with high-resolution cameras for extensive traffic detection and data analysis. AI-based algorithms combine these two systems to enhance target information, detecting up to 16 types of incidents. This leads to the development of a large-scale fusion model that merges spatial physical data with image semantic information. The result is ultra-long-range perception, achieving over 95% accuracy in vehicle trajectory detection. This robust system improves traffic violation management and optimizes traffic flow, significantly enhancing road efficiency.
At the simulated bus station, visitors observed how AI-assisted people counting automated the collection of passenger flow statistics at peak stop hours and bus line frequency during busy periods. Paired with smart bus stop digital signage, the solution improves bus service quality, operational efficiency, passenger experience, and overall public transport effectiveness.
Sustainable transportation: leading the charge for greener cities
Hikvision’s commitment to sustainable urban mobility was evident through its innovative green wave technology and eco-friendly checkpoint solutions. Green wave technology efficiently manages traffic flow to reduce congestion and lower carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals. Visitors were particularly impressed by a case study showcasing a green wave solution implemented in Zhoushan, China. Over a stretch of 21 kilometers and 34 intersections, this main road cut travel times by 50%.
The use of DarkFighterX technology in checkpoint cameras also received significant attention. This technology senses both visible and invisible light, resulting in more accurate and realistic images. It enhances traffic violation enforcement efficiency while minimizing the need for high ambient light levels, thus reducing light pollution. The 9M DarkfightX ANPR Checkpoint Camera exemplified this dedication to environmental stewardship.
Frank Zhang, President of Hikvision MEA, remarked, “Hikvision supports sustainable urban planning by empowering traffic departments to address congestion and transportation challenges.” He further emphasized, “Our system’s openness fosters a secure and reliable platform for developing smart and green cities. Additionally, our solar technology is extensively utilized in remote areas, while our smart street lighting solutions reduce energy consumption by 20-30%, promoting intelligent urban transportation and advancing global sustainability objectives.”
Hikvision’s presence at the ITS World Congress in Dubai underscored its leadership in integrating AIoT technologies to drive safer, smarter, and greener mobility solutions. The engaging presentations and advanced product demonstrations captured significant attention from industry partners and customers, reaffirming the company’s role as a pioneer in shaping the future of urban transportation. As the world moves towards more intelligent and sustainable transportation systems, Hikvision remains at the forefront, embracing AIoT to create a safer, smarter, and greener future for all.
To find out more about Hikvision’s advanced traffic and public transport solutions, please explore the Hikvision official website.
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Anti-Drone Market worth $7.05 billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™




DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The global anti-drone market was valued at USD 2.16 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 7.05 billion by 2029; it is expected to register a CAGR of 26.7% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. Increasing government spending on counter-drone technologies, rising incidence of critical infrastructure security breaches by unauthorized drones, and surge in adoption of aerial remote sensing technologies to safeguard critical infrastructure are attributed to the demand for anti-drone.

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Anti-Drone Market Report Scope:
Report Coverage
Market Revenue in 2024
$ 2.16 billion
Estimated Value by 2029
$ 7.05 billion
Growth Rate
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 26.7%
Market Size Available for
Forecast Period
Forecast Units
Value (USD Million/Billion)
Report Coverage
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Segments Covered
By System Type, Application, Platform type, Vertical, and Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World
Key Market Challenge
Vulnerability to hacking
Key Market Opportunities
Emphasis on improving unmanned aircraft systems technology
Key Market Drivers
Growing number of illicit activities
By System Type: Hybrid systems to account for the larger market share in the forecasted year.
The hybrid segment accounted for the largest share of the anti-drone market in 2029. The trends of integrating multiple anti-drone technologies are rising since they are most effective in detecting, tracking, and neutralizing drone threats. These systems merge electronic, kinetic, and lasers, providing a comprehensive defense solution against UAVs. Hybrid systems use electronic, kinetic, and laser-based countermeasures to offer optimum protection against drones. These systems are designed to detect, track, identify, categorize, and mitigate drones at operational wide ranges ranging from a few km up to tens of km.
By Platform: The ground-based segment accounted for the largest market share in the forecast year.
The ground-based segment will hold a major share of the anti-drone market in 2029. Many ground-based anti-drone systems use several electronic technologies, such as radar, IR sensors, acoustic systems, and RF & GNSS jammers. MESA radar solutions are used mostly for counter-UAS purposes, protecting critical infrastructure, military camps, and other security-sensitive sites from unauthorized drones. One such solution is EchoGuard, a ground-based airspace management solution that contains a software-defined 3D radar that can be specific to the site. This system can identify single or multiple off-chance drones, including swarms in unauthorized areas. They provide accurate and sustained airspace surveillance for the field of view (FOV) they are configured, and both human and AI-monitored visual checks. The system can be easily transported and integrated directly with the command-and-control centers or another identification sensor for portable use, and multiple units of the system can be combined to cover vast areas or lengths of borders. Major providers of ground-based counter-drone systems include companies like EchoDyne Corporation, DeTect, Meteksan Defense, and WhiteFox Defense. Acoustics-based Discovair G2 utilizes patented microphone arrays. With 128 interconnected microphone elements, the Discovair sensor units can establish azimuth and elevation to the target in real-time using advanced digital signal processing.
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By Region: Americas are expected to hold the largest share of the anti-drone market during the forecast period.
Americas is expected to capture the largest share in the anti-drone industry during the forecast period. The growth can be attributed to protecting crucial infrastructure in the region. Governments, particularly in the US, invest in anti-drone systems for military bases, borders, and critical infrastructure. For Instance, in April 2023, RTX secured a USD 237 million contract from the US Army to provide Ku-band Radio Frequency Sensors (KuRFS) and Coyote effectors. These systems are designed to detect and neutralize unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The contract includes stationary and mobile systems and a specified quantity of effectors, all aimed at enhancing the Army’s operations within the US Central Command region.
Key Players-
The key companies offering anti-drone companies include RTX (US), Lockheed Martin Corporation (US), Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy), Thales (France), and IAI (Israel).
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CluePoints Launches Medical & Safety Review (MSR) Software to Revolutionize Clinical Data Review




CluePoints furthers its commitment to delivering innovative solutions that enhance clinical trial efficiency with this latest addition to its enterprise software platform.
KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — CluePoints continues to transform clinical trial review and leverage its industry-leading software to enhance the interrogation, analysis and presentation of data with the launch of its latest application, Medical & Safety Review (MSR).

The tool simplifies and streamlines the medical analysis of study data through user-friendly dashboards, data manipulation and cleaning, query management and full transparency over the data history. This not only improves efficiency and communication in medical oversight, but also elevates patient safety, differentiating MSR as a smarter and unique solution.
Designed by, and for Medical and Safety Reviewers, MSR converts the manual analysis of patient outcomes, which can be prone to inefficiency and error, into an accurate, efficient process. MSR tackles time-consuming study preparation for specific visualizations by featuring a comprehensive standard visualization library as well as the ability to copy and reuse dashboards across different studies, enabling the identification of outlying values, change tracking, and improved communication for smarter clinical trials.
Other benefits of MSR include:
Enhanced medical review efficiency and reduced human errors via automated checksReduced time spent by clinical and data management teams in reviewing dataImproved collaboration with integrated review workflows across departmentsEnsured record quality and accountability with comprehensive change trackingDriving faster decision making with the proactive detection of trends and safety issuesEnsuring regulatory compliance with rule-based detection and user assignmentsAndy Cooper, Chief Executive Officer at CluePoints, commented, “We are thrilled to announce the launch of Medical & Safety Review to our growing product offerings. MSR is the latest application addition to the CluePoints platform, which includes products such as Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) and our Site Profile & Oversight Tool (SPOT). Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to clinical trial optimization, enhancing data integrity, ensuring regulatory compliance, and accelerating drug development. The creation of MSR ensures a more streamlined review process while prioritizing patient safety at every step and empowers medical teams to swiftly identify outliers, track data changes, and improve communication.”
To learn more about CluePoints’ award-winning solutions, please visit
About CluePoints
CluePoints is the premier Risk-Based Quality Management (RBQM) and Data Quality Oversight Software provider. We are leveraging the potential of Artificial Intelligence using Advanced Statistics and Machine Learning to determine the quality, accuracy, and integrity of clinical trial data both during and after study conduct. Aligned with guidance from the FDA, EMA, and ICH E6 (R2), CluePoints is deployed to support central and on-site monitoring, medical review, quality risk management and to drive a holistic Risk-Based strategy in all trials. Coupled with thought leadership and consulting expertise to aid pre-study risk assessment, identification of risk controls and solution implementation, you now have everything you need to adhere with global regulatory guidance. The result is positive clinical development outcomes, increased operational efficiency, lower costs and reduced regulatory submission risk as part of the industry paradigm shift to RBQM.

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