Artificial Intelligence

New UENI Study Shows 85% of Micro Business Owners Struggle with Time Management



NEW YORK, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ —, a leader in small business solutions, has released a study highlighting the significant challenges micro business owners face in managing their time. The study, conducted from May 6-13, 2024, surveyed 837 US micro businesses, defined as those with five or fewer employees.

Key Insights from the Study:
Long Working Hours: Nearly half (48%) of micro business owners work more than 60 hours per week, with more than 73% working over 40 hours weekly. This underscores the intensive commitment required to run a small business.Time Allocation: Owners spend 33% of their time directly on service delivery or product creation, with their attention divided among several competing priorities. Concerningly, administrative tasks receive 43% more time than marketing and sales, which are crucial for business growth.Digital Tool Adoption: While 79% of owners use digital or offline tools to manage their time, only 9% rely exclusively on paper calendars. This reflects the widespread adoption of digital tools, suggesting that even the smallest businesses benefit from technologies like Google Calendar and UENI.AI Utilization: Only 25% of micro businesses currently use AI to save time, a stark contrast to larger enterprises where an estimated 65-75% are actively using AI tools. Micro businesses using AI save approximately 5 hours per week, indicating scope to increase efficiency with further AI adoption.Time Management Challenges: A significant 85% of respondents face challenges managing their time, yet only 29% have strategies to address these issues. Major obstacles include time constraints, distractions, and poor organization of their work.Christine Telyan, CEO and co-founder of UENI, commented: “The study shows us that micro business owners need more support in prioritizing tasks and leveraging technology to manage their time effectively. Small business-friendly tools and better AI applications will help these owners achieve more with less effort. But this technology needs to be paired with coaching and advisory to help business owners make a plan, prioritize, and execute.”
Telyan added, “The study underscored what we see daily at UENI. Small business owners are empowered when technology comes together with practical human support.”
About UENI:
UENI provides micro businesses with a one-stop solution for launching, maintaining, and growing their online presence. From website creation to marketing and business advisory services, UENI supports small business owners every step of the way.
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Christine TelyanCEO, UENIEmail: Phone: 4422526060

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