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Artificial Intelligence 2Q2024 in double-digit growth, Artprice, in a 2024 study, ranks as the ‘top-of-mind’ data bank on the art market and opens up to the online global higher education market in line



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PARIS, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The 36th Congress of the International Committee of Art History (CIHA) was hosted in Lyon from 23 to 28 June 2024 where Artprice by Artmarket was one of the principal active patrons

Created in 1873, the CIHA congresses are organized every four years and are sometimes referred to colloquially as the “Olympiads of Art History”.
The 36th World Congress of the CIHA in Lyon (2024) was organized under the aegis of the French Committee for the History of Art (CFHA).
The most recent CIHA congresses have been hosted in Melbourne (2008), Nuremberg (2012), Beijing (2016), Florence, and São Paulo (2019-2021), and the next edition (after Lyon) will be held in Washington DC in 2028. 
The CIHA congresses constitute the most unifying event for the entire international community of researchers and professionals working in the field of art and cultural heritage.
It was therefore logical that Artprice by Artmarket should become involved as one of the CIHA’s principal active patrons for several months both before and during the Congress hosted in Lyon from 23 to 28 June 2024, which focused on the theme of “matter & materiality.”
thierry Ehrmann, President of and Founder of Artprice: “As one of its principal active patrons, Artprice was very happy to contribute to this global event, which was one of the most important for France and its international cultural policy. With participants from over 70 countries and more than 1000 speakers, this year’s CIHA was a superb intellectual complement to the 2024 Olympic Games consolidating France’s efforts to re-establish itself as an important cultural player on the international scene. According to Artprice’s Annual Art Market Report, France has already regained its position as the leading art marketplace in continental Europe.”
The figures speak for themselves: no less than 2,000 delegates attended with more than 1,000 speakers from 70 different countries. More than 90 sessions were hosted, with 10 major conferences and numerous round tables, discussions, meetings, and an inauguration in the presence of Nobel Prize winner, Orhan Pamuk.
In its 2024 study, Artprice ranks as the ‘top-of-mind’ database on the Art Market
After several months of preparation, Artprice by Artmarket was able to be present during the entire congress, participating in conferences, ensuring a presence at the CIHA book fair and hosting a special evening event at its world headquarters located in the heart of its Organe Museum of Contemporary Art, the entity which manages the “Abode of Chaos” (dixit the New York Times).
While the event was underway, Artprice decided to take advantage of this event to conduct an in-depth study of the level of ‘spontaneous awareness’ among CIHA participants in order to precisely measure Artprice’s notoriety in the academic, scientific, and institutional art world around the planet.
The ‘spontaneous awareness rate’ is the percentage of people who spontaneously mention a brand when asked which brand comes to mind.
In addition to ‘spontaneous awareness’, Artprice also tried to determine the level of ‘qualified awareness’ by asking for more information about delegates’ knowledge of the brand, thereby allowing an estimation of the sincerity and consistency of respondents’ answers.
This very qualitative study benefited from two exceptional factors: on the one hand, by physically questioning conference attendees from 70 countries, it avoided online or telephone questionnaires, the relevance of which is sometimes unreliable and cannot be truly verified. On the other hand, Artprice was able to interact directly with the registered and certified congress and conference attendees, taking note of their professions, specialties, positions, titles, diplomas, and institutions or universities.
We asked the following question: “Which databases on the Art Market do you know?”
Out of 378 people questioned, 325 cited Artprice first, i.e. 86%, clearly placing Artprice as the ‘top-of-mind’ art market databank.
‘Top-of-mind’ awareness is the percentage of people whose first response identifies a particular brand, product, or service. It is both a spontaneous response and the first of their responses.
It is worth pointing out that in addition to ‘spontaneous awareness’ indicating a clear ‘top-of-mind’ for Artprice, we also studied ‘qualified awareness’. This involved asking for more information regarding the respondent’s knowledge of the brand, information that allowed us to assess the sincerity and consistency of the respondents’ answers.
Delegates were asked to describe the reasons for their first mentioning the Artprice database as a first response. In summary, on a basis of 100, it emerges that Artprice was chosen 84% for its completeness, 73% for its reliability, and 62% for its traceability.
The benefits of ‘top-of-mind’ recognition for companies and brands are indeed numerous. In the first place, such recognition logically attracts customers, generates new turnover and increases online traffic.
Naturally, if a user is looking for a product or service to meet one of their needs, they will tend to go first to the brand that comes first to mind. It is therefore logical that they will head towards the “top-of-mind” company or product in the field to meet their needs.
On the other hand, being ‘top-of-mind’ is also a communication lever for corporate notoriety.
The results of this study highlight for Artprice by Artmarket – World Leader in Art Market Information – its strong positioning in the international academic, educational and institutional sectors, which until now were only a peripheral target compared with our core art market target clientele (auctioneers, auction houses, experts, insurers, private bankers, galleries, dealers, art professionals and art collectors).
Thanks to this study, which effectively covered the opinions of delegates from 70 countries, Artprice has decided to explore the significant online revenue potential in the education, academic, scientific research and museum sectors. It is worth pointing out that the budgets allocated to these sectors, particularly in North America and Asia, are much larger than in France because the private/public duo has worked better in these regions for decades thanks to a different culture and approach.
During the 5 days of the CIHA congress and, in particular, through the invitation to its head office and the visit to its unique documentary collection of manuscripts and sales catalogs, Artprice by Artmarket was able to establish contacts and high-level agreements in principle in the above-mentioned sectors (schools, universities, scientific research, museums),  notably through the multi-distribution of its various reports which are authoritative in the art market and by allowing privileged access to the Artprice by Artmarket Intranet.
In sum, our seven months of preparation for the CIHA allowed Artprice to physically access a global market numbering hundreds of millions of students and teachers, and a large number of universities, scientists and museum experts.
Education is one of the largest expenditure budgets for most governments in the world, representing between 5 and 10% of national budgets. “The size of the private/public market, if we look at it as a whole, is estimated at around $6,000 billion. This market is growing at 4.5% per year, or 1 to 1.5 times the growth of global GDP, with China, India, Brazil and certain African countries contributing more and more to this growth” says  Guillaume Uettwiller, Thematic Equity Manager at CPRAM. According to a study by Research & Markets, this market is expected to reach $10,000 billion by 2030 thanks to the increase in demand for education in emerging countries but also to the growing adoption of new online educational technologies which are revolutionizing this market.
Artprice by presents the highlights of its Global Art Market report for H1 2024
The acceleration of auction sales for the most affordable price ranges in the global art market has allowed the development of an increasingly inclusive art market. The total number of lots sold has continued to grow for the fourth consecutive year, broadening and diversifying the market base, while the high-end segment has slowed, driving down sales revenue.
The growing number of artworks sold at prices below $10,000 would appear to be a reaction to a need for greater flexibility and simplification, as evidenced by the recent restructuring of buyer’s fees by Sotheby’s. The vitality of affordable transactions encourages the entry of new buyers and improves market fluidity, both in space and time. While masterpieces are forced to transit at great expense through the capitals of the art market, affordable works circulate more freely, in particular, because they lend themselves better to online sales.
The volume of art auction transactions is still rising
The number of transactions recorded in auction rooms reached a new peak with 387,000 Fine Art lots sold in six months, an increase of +3.8% compared with H1 2023. The sold-through rate remained stable at 67%.
This will allow the Art Market to easily exceed one million works sold in 2024 and break a new record. The second half being structurally much more important in terms of volumes and turnover.
Auction results below $1,000 (buyer’s fees included) constituted 61% of auction transactions in H1 2024. Sales between $1,000 and $10,000 represented an additional 30% compared with 2023. Affordable works, exchanged for less than $10,000, therefore accounted for 91% of the global art auction results. At the other end of the spectrum, the ultra high-end segment accounted for just 0.15% of results, generating a total of 549 million dollars at auctions.
Our analysis of art auction results in 2023 already revealed a slight slowdown in the circulation of masterpieces at the end of last year. The observation made by Artprice’s CEO and founder thierry Ehrmann in Artprice’s 2023 Art Market Report has therefore been confirmed in H1 2024: “the number of lots sold reached an absolute record and the rate of unsold lots remained stable: the secondary art market is therefore running at full speed but the ultra high-end segment has slowed in the wait for additional masterpieces to come to market”.
Future events: Intuitive Artmarket AI – evolution and development® 
As discussed in previous press releases, during the first half of 2024, Artprice by Artmarket’s AI department was very attentive to the phenomenon known as “grokking”, used in particular by Open AI engineers. Indeed, Artprice has noted that the type of algorithm that serves as the basis for its Intuitive Artmarket® model seems to obey the same logic, namely that if deep learning is extended over a long period of time, without modifying the algorithms, we observe an excellent response rate but it seems to stagnate at a logarithmic rate. 
However, by persisting over tens of thousands of sessions, we observed at a particular moment that the quality of the results increased spectacularly. The term ‘grokking’ comes from the famous science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein “Stranger In a Strange Land” published in 1961. It refers to the fact of understanding intuitively, and therefore is similar in meaning to ‘guessing’, ‘getting it’, or just ‘understanding’. 
For Artprice, this concept can be brought closer to critical phenomena in statistical physics when there are phase transitions. The state of matter physically changes depending on the variable. For example, in physical systems like gasses or liquids, there are variables like pressure, temperature and/or volume. 
It is up to you to search the Intuitive Artmarket® language models for these relevant variables to make this transition. Knowledge of these variables can prove formidable in terms of relevance with economical control of the necessary computing power, however impressive it may be.
In some ways, this is similar to the notion of serendipity which (in short) means taking full advantage of unexpected or chance discoveries, a notion that naturally brings to mind Alexander Flemming’s discovery of penicillin. 
So, with its Intuitive Artmarket® AI, Artprice will augment its art market research and results tenfold over the coming years to an unprecedented level for its clients and members, and will offer new services and products that will generate more sophisticated subscriptions with an increase in annual recurring revenue (ARR). 
According to the French business services platform Les Échos/Solutions (quoting DOMO Inc.), in the services sector, an important index that makes it possible to score the ability of a company to integrate AI into its processes is the processing of data per second per employee.
The average is 1.7 MB of data per second. 
After an IT audit by Mazars, Artprice by Artmarket was able to see for itself that each of its employees generates 35MB/second, or 21 times more than the European average, which is perfectly consistent with Artprice’s core business as a major global publisher of professional databases and proprietary algorithms and World Leader in Art Market information.
For 27 years Artprice by Artmarket has designed and operated more than 180 proprietary vector databases with more than 38 million indices and sales results covering more than 849,000 artists, 180 million images and/or engravings of artworks from 1700 to the present day, from its unique collection of sales catalogs and manuscripts, and several billion anonymized user behavior logs from Artprice’s 9.3 million customers and members, in strict compliance with European laws (GDPR) and American regulations on personal data.
Intuitive Artmarket® AI and its impact on our annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth via Artprice by Artmarket subscriptions, products and services
Over the past three decades Artprice by has drawn on the experience of its parent company, Serveur Group, an Internet pioneer since 1987, to develop thousands of increasingly powerful and relevant proprietary algorithms with more than 180 meta-banks of vector data which allow the implementation of its own AI (Artificial Intelligence), in strict compliance with various national legislations, notably those relating to personal data and intellectual property.
The three cornerstones of Artificial Intelligence are data, computing power and algorithms. The quality and scale of data, particularly standardized Big Data, significantly influence the effectiveness of AI models in learning and evolving, thus enhancing their ‘intelligence.’ This aligns precisely with the fundamental DNA of Artprice by Artmarket which masters both IT programming and induction computing which defines AI.
This was only possible through the targeted acquisition by Groupe Serveur as of 1999, then by Artprice, of innovative companies like Xylologie, a Swiss firm composed of prestigious scientists (from CERN, WHO, etc.) who were considerably ahead of their time and who already prefigured the birth and development of Artificial Intelligence (see our reference document).
In the world of major global publishers of professional databases, it is vital for the long-term development of industries to integrate proprietary AI into their core businesses. This is why Artprice by Armarket has taken a very significant lead since 1999 and made 2024/2025 the key period for the commercial launch of its proprietary algorithmic AI, Intuitive Artmarket®.
Artprice by Artmarket has twice consecutively obtained the state label “Innovative Company”, awarded by the Public Investment Bank (BPI), and is pursuing its ambitions in this direction.
ChatGPT, which is currently the world reference in Artificial Intelligence, devotes a significant amount of information to Intuitive Artmarket® AI which it considers to be the reference in artificial intelligence on the art market in terms of innovation, algorithms, predictive analysis and relevance. This is a significant reference in the world of AI.
In sum, while Intuitive Artmarket® AI may seem like a ‘cultural revolution’ with a new set of terms and language elements, the AI processes and tools that underlie its functioning were already being used at the core of Artprice by Artmarket’s systems. Today, via the new semantic, Artprice’s clients and partners are discovering the unexplored riches of Artprice, namely data of a magnitude they could not have imagined, and data that is perfectly aligned with their needs.
It should also be noted that investors are looking for serious projects with a solid background in Artificial Intelligence on both sides of the Atlantic.
Our algorithms harness billions of anonymized proprietary logs, text data, and tens of millions of artworks from Artprice’s databases to identify new semantics encapsulating an artist’s primary approach, his/her universe, inspirations, mediums, themes, forms, volumes, etc.
This invaluable data forms a synergy, enriching the understanding of over 845,000 referenced artists with their certified biographies and data. It goes beyond conventional visual criteria thanks to the neural networks of the Intuitive Artmarket® AI.
Intuitive Artmarket® can already calculate the values of artworks based on an analysis of the traceability and of past auction results over time, a pricing technique that was already specific to Artprice.
But it can now also anticipate future fluctuations, including for totally unique works, which in turn means that it can identify highly complex transversal artistic trends that largely escape academics, curators and dealers.
Intuitive Artmarket® AI algorithms can help art galleries and auction houses set optimal prices for artworks based on various factors such as demand, rarity, and public awareness of the artist. In short, Intuitive Artmarket ® AI has the potential to revolutionize the art market by improving access to information, personalizing the buyer experience, reducing the counterfeit risk and opening up new creative perspectives.
Our Intuitive Artmarket® AI draws exclusively on an almost infinite range of proprietary content that enjoys intellectual property protection. This fact alone avoids a large number of obstacles and potential prohibitions because it means we have no need to look elsewhere for data and/or responses to very specific requests from users.
Our proprietary AI is therefore not just a guarantee of our economic sustainability; it will generate a considerable long-term increase in revenue for Artprice by through high added-value subscriptions. 
Over the last two decades, Artprice has recorded, observed and induced hundreds of millions of human decisions in relation to the art market. This market is of course infinitely complex due to the heterogeneous and singular nature of art on the one hand, and the abstract notion of beauty at the limits of human emotion on the other.
Algorithmic learning has allowed Artprice to create a unique art-market specific AI model that will constitute Artprice by Artmarket’s 2024/2029 growth driver.
For over 20 years, Artprice by Artmarket has gradually stabilized its ‘alignment problem’, a key issue for the successful genesis and construction of its AI (Intuitive Artmarket®).
For the Artprice group, the ‘alignment problem’ means all of the scientific and ethical questions raised by the relationship of its artificial intelligence system (and its induced results) with the values, expectations and human sensitivities specific to the Artprice by Artmarket group, its clients, as well as the intangible and centuries-old rules of the art market.
The possibilities offered by properly managed AI are therefore immense, which explains its popularity: Microsoft ® Bing Chat now attracts more than 100 million active users per day with a commitment to responsible AI that respects copyright and copyright-related rights. Microsoft has already started rolling out Bing Chat for Business and Microsoft Copilot in paid subscription mode. The same is true for the paid versions of ChatGPT, IBM Watson, Google Cloud AI Platform, Amazon Web Services and Midjourney.
95% of the S&P 500 groups are planning to base their future growth on Artificial Intelligence. 
According to the best Anglo-Saxon financial analysts, who are one step ahead of Europe on this subject, the only economically viable model – i.e. one that does not expose the economic entity (whatever its size) to incessant legal proceedings – is an AI focused on an extremely well-defined economic segment.
The economic sector must have information that plays a vital role, full intellectual property of all the Big Data (including Data Mining) of the copyrights and related rights confirmed on all algorithms, databases, with machine learning (deep learning) and neural networks.
In short, the AIs that will triumph with very substantial economic gain and without major industrial or legal risk are the economic entities that own, in full intellectual property, all of the different stages of the proprietary AI in a defined market segment where expensive high value-added information plays a vital role. And this is exactly the case of our Intuitive Artmarket® AI developed by Artprice by, World Leader in Art Market Information.
Artprice’s Intuitive Artmarket ® AI is entirely in line with this postulate.
Copyright 1987-2024 thierry Ehrmann –
Artprice’s econometrics department can answer all your questions relating to personalized statistics and analyses: [email protected]
Find out more about our services with the artist in a free demonstration:
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About is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris. The latest TPI analysis includes more than 18,000 individual shareholders excluding foreign shareholders, companies, banks, FCPs, UCITS: Euroclear: 7478 – Bloomberg: PRC – Reuters: ARTF.
Watch a video about and its Artprice department:
Artmarket and its Artprice department were founded in 1997 by thierry Ehrmann, the company’s CEO. They are controlled by Groupe Serveur (created in 1987). cf. the certified biography from Who’s Who In France©:
Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and exploitation of historical and current art market information (the original documentary archives, codex manuscripts, annotated books and auction catalogs acquired over the years) in databanks containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 850,000 artists.
Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest art market image bank in the world with no less than 181 million digital images of photographs or engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by our art historians.
Artmarket, with its Artprice department, constantly enriches its databases from 7,200 auction houses and continuously publishes art market trends for the main agencies and press titles in the world in 119 countries and 9 languages. makes available to its 9.3 million members (members log in) the advertisements posted by its Members, who now constitute the first global Standardized Marketplace® for buying and selling artworks at fixed or auction prices (auctions regulated by paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article L321.3 of France’s Commercial Code).
There is now a future for the Art Market with Artprice’s Intuitive Artmarket® AI.
Artmarket, with its Artprice department, has twice been awarded the State label “Innovative Company” by the French Public Investment Bank (BPI), which has supported the company in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the art market.
See our 2023 Global Art Market Annual Report, published in March 2024 by Artprice by Artmarket:
Artprice by Artmarket publishes its 2023 Contemporary Art Market Report:
Summary of Artmarket press releases with its Artprice department:
Follow all the Art Market news in real-time with Artmarket and its Artprice department on Facebook and Twitter: (more than 6.5 million subscribers)
Discover the alchemy and the universe of Artmarket and its Artprice department:
whose head office is the famous Museum of Contemporary Art Abode of Chaos dixit The New York Times / La Demeure of Chaos:

La Demeure du Chaos/Abode of Chaos – Total Work of Art and Singular Architecture. Confidential bilingual work, now made public:
L’Obs – The Museum of the Future: (more than 4.1 million subscribers) and its Artprice department –  Thierry Ehrmann Contact: [email protected]
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Artificial Intelligence

Flat Ads Makes Its Mark at DMEXCO 2024: Showcasing Strength in Programmatic Advertising




COLOGNE, Germany, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In September, Flat Ads makes its mark at DMEXCO 2024, the prestigious European event of digital marketing and technology. The highly successful exhibition boasts 650 exhibitors, 850 speakers, and thousands of participants. At the event, Flat Ads showcased the strength of programmatic advertising platform in ad delivery, traffic optimization, and brand safety.

Flat Ads programmatic advertising platform has an exclusive developer traffic of 700 million and an extensive network spanning over 200 countries and regions worldwide. It cooperates with over 200 leading DSP/SSP partners, including FreeWheel, PubMatic and Criteo, leveraging an efficient and complete bidding system, as well as automatic delivery algorithms, to achieve precise marketing and advertising effectiveness maximization.
With its exclusive platform strategy algorithm, Flat Ads programmatic advertising platform can continuously conduct automatic exploration and matching based on the characteristics of DSP and traffic, optimize and adjust the algorithm model in real-time. This not only ensures the sustainability of DSP budgets, but also maximizes traffic utilization and enhances monetization revenue of advertisements.
Moreover, brand protection is among the top priorities of Flat Ads. In addition to accessing to authority agency Pixalate to test the effectiveness of ads, it has also accessed HUMAN, the global cybersecurity authority to safeguard its clients by preventing bot attacks, digital fraud and abuse, ensuring a stable, reliable, and secure programmatic advertising transaction platform.
By participating in DMEXCO 2024, Flat Ads showcased its outstanding strength and fruitful achievements in the programmatic advertising field, attracting the attention of numerous advertisers and developers for cooperation. Flat Ads boasts not only robust technical capabilities and innovative prowess, but also an active and open attitude towards emerging technologies, embracing and exploring them. It remains committed to providing more professional and efficient global marketing services to advertisers and developers worldwide, helping clients stand out in the fiercely competitive market and achieve business growth.
As a globally leading mobile advertising marketing platform, Flat Ads currently operates offices in Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Guangzhou, serving over 1000 clients with global marketing solutions. If you’re interested in Flat Ads’ programmatic advertising services, please visit

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Artificial Intelligence

Fraud Detection & Prevention Market to Reach $252.7 Billion, Globally, by 2032 at 24.3% CAGR: Allied Market Research




The introduction of big data analytics, cloud computing services, and an upsurge in mobile payment drive the growth of the market.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Allied Market Research published a report, titled, “Fraud Detection & Prevention Market by Component (Solution and Service), Deployment Mode (On-Premises and Cloud), Organization Size (Large Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and Industry Vertical (BFSI, IT and Telecom, Retail, Healthcare, Government and Defense, Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics and Others): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2032”. According to the report, the “fraud detection & prevention market” was valued at $29.5 billion in 2022, and is projected to reach $252.7 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 24.3% from 2023 to 2032.

The introduction of big data analytics, cloud computing services, and an upsurge in mobile payment drive the growth of the market. In addition, the rise in the adoption of banking & financial sectors across the globe fuels the growth of the market. Moreover, continuous technological advancements are expected to provide lucrative opportunities for the growth of the market during the forecast period. On the contrary, the high cost of fraud detection and prevention solutions limits the growth of the fraud detection & prevention market.
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The solution segment held the highest market share in 2022. 
By component, the solution segment dominated the market in 2022, this dominance is driven by the increasing demand for advanced technological solutions that can effectively detect, monitor, and prevent fraudulent activities across various industries such as banking, e-commerce, and insurance. Solutions like AI-based fraud detection, machine learning algorithms, and behavioral analytics have become critical tools in identifying potential fraud in real time and reducing financial losses. However, the service segment is expected to witness the largest CAGR of 28.0%, this growth is driven by the increasing need for specialized services such as consulting, implementation, and maintenance to help organizations effectively integrate and optimize fraud detection solutions.
The BFSI segment held the highest market share in 2022.
By industry vertical, the BFSI segment accounted for the largest share in 2022. This is primarily due to the high frequency and sophistication of fraud targeting financial institutions, making fraud detection and prevention solutions a critical need in the BFSI sector. Financial transactions, online banking, and digital payments are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, phishing schemes, and identity theft, driving the sector’s substantial investment in advanced fraud detection technologies. However, the retail segment is expected to witness the largest CAGR of 32.7%. This anticipated growth is driven by several factors. Retailers are increasingly targeted by fraudsters due to the high volume of transactions and the sensitivity of customer data involved. As e-commerce and digital transactions expand, the need for advanced fraud detection and prevention solutions becomes more critical.
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Regional Insights: The North America region held the highest market share in 2022. 
By region, the fraud detection & prevention market was dominated by North America in 2022. North America, particularly the U.S., has a highly developed financial and technological infrastructure that supports advanced fraud detection solutions. The region’s significant investments in cybersecurity and fraud prevention technologies, combined with a high incidence of cyber threats, drive continuous innovation and adoption of sophisticated fraud management systems. 
Buy this Complete Report (415 Pages PDF with Insights, Charts, Tables, and Figures) at:
Key Industry Developments 
In February 2024, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that it has recovered over $375 million as a result of its implementation of an enhanced fraud detection process that utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the beginning of Fiscal Year 2023.In April 2024, Cognizant collaborated with FICO, to launch a cloud-based real-time payment fraud prevention solution powered by FICO Falcon Fraud Manager. The joint offering would leverage both firms’ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology to help banks and other payment service providers in North America protect their customers from fraud in the growing world of instant digital payments.In September 2022, Deutsche Bank collaborated with Visa, to help prevent online retail fraud. Merchants who process their e-commerce payments via Deutsche Bank can now use “Decision Manager,” an automated fraud detection system from Visa-owned company Cybersource.AVENUE- A Subscription-Based Library (Premium on-demand, subscription-based pricing model):
AMR introduces its online premium subscription-based library Avenue, designed specifically to offer cost-effective, one-stop solution for enterprises, investors, and universities. With Avenue, subscribers can avail an entire repository of reports on more than 2,000 niche industries and more than 12,000 company profiles. Moreover, users can get an online access to quantitative and qualitative data in PDF and Excel formats along with analyst support, customization, and updated versions of reports.
Get an access to the library of reports at any time from any device and anywhere. For more details, follow the link:
About Us:
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Wilmington, Delaware. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of “Market Research Reports Insights” and “Business Intelligence Solutions.” AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
We are in professional corporate relations with various companies, and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Allied Market Research CEO Pawan Kumar is instrumental in inspiring and encouraging everyone associated with the company to maintain high quality of data and help clients in every way possible to achieve success. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
Contact:David Correa1209 Orange Street,Corporation Trust Center,Wilmington, New Castle,Delaware 19801 USA.Int’l: +1-503-894-6022Toll Free: +1-800-792-5285UK: +44-845-528-1300India (Pune): +91-20-66346060Fax: [email protected] 

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Artificial Intelligence

G42 Collaborates with NVIDIA to Deliver Next-Generation Climate Solutions Using Earth-2




ABU DHABI, UAE, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — G42, a leader in AI and cloud computing, today announced that it is partnering with NVIDIA to advance climate technology with a focus on developing AI solutions aimed at dramatically enhancing the accuracy of weather forecasting globally.

The collaboration builds on NVIDIA’s Earth-2, an open platform that accelerates climate and weather predictions with interactive, AI-augmented, high-resolution simulation. G42 and NVIDIA will initially focus on a square-kilometer resolution weather forecasting model that improves the accuracy of meteorological predictions.
Key to this initiative is the establishment of a new operational base and Climate Tech Lab in Abu Dhabi. This state-of-the-art facility will serve as a hub for research and development, driving forward both companies’ commitment to environmental sustainability. This facility will also mobilize the creation of tailored climate and weather solutions that leverage over 100 petabytes of geophysical data assets.
Peng Xiao, Group CEO of G42, said, “This initiative with NVIDIA is a testament to our commitment to applying AI in ways that not only innovate but also solve critical global challenges. Establishing the Earth-2 Climate Tech Lab in Abu Dhabi allows us to leverage our unique capabilities and insights to foster a sustainable future for the world.”
In addition to fostering innovation in climate technology, the initiative will focus on building a robust framework for integrating enhanced weather prediction capabilities with comprehensive data metrics and visualization. This will assist organizations worldwide in achieving their sustainability goals through well-informed, data-driven environmental strategies.
“Our collaboration with G42 marks a pivotal step toward harnessing AI to understand and predict climate phenomena with unprecedented accuracy,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “The Earth-2 Climate Tech Lab will propel environmental solutions using the most advanced accelerated computing and AI technology to benefit millions of people around the world.”
By uniting G42’s AI expertise with NVIDIA’s computational acumen, this partnership aims to deliver transformative climate solutions that combine scientific accuracy with real-world applicability, driving impactful change across industries and ecosystems.
About G42
G42 is a technology holding group, a global leader in creating visionary artificial intelligence for a better tomorrow. Born in Abu Dhabi and operating worldwide, G42 champions AI as a powerful force for good across industries. From molecular biology to space exploration and everything in between, G42 realizes exponential possibilities, today. To know more visit
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