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IMA Providing University Students With Unique US Learning Experience





IMA®  (Institute of Management Accountants), has selected four students from top universities in the region to represent the Middle East at the organization’s annual Student Leadership Conference on November 14-16, 2019. Through this journey, Hassan Alkhabbas of Sultan Qaboos University, Mariam Khalifa of American University of CairoMona Habib of University of Bahrain, and Sireen Abushanab of University of Jordan, will have an opportunity to learn about the latest trends and market insights within management accounting from experts in the field.

Known for hosting keynote speeches and presentations by some of the most reputed industry leaders at the forefront of digital transformation, the two-day Student Leadership Conference provides a unique networking space for like-minded students, experienced professionals, and recruiters from some of the largest companies from around the world.

“Global conferences of this scale enable students to learn about the evolving nature of management accountancy, and help them to gain a deeper understanding of the career opportunities that are present within the field,” said Hanadi Khalife, director of MEA and India operations at IMA. “With digital disruption transforming the way the world does business, it is imperative that today’s students are well versed in topics such as artificial intelligence, big data, and data analytics, which are changing the ways in which management accountants work. This initiative is part of our mission to empower students by providing them with the tools they need to achieve a holistic and well-rounded accounting education.”

IMA has been sponsoring students from the region to attend its global Student Leadership Conference for the past four years. This year, the application process involved a video submission through which students had to demonstrate their reason for joining the conference, the accounting career path they are interested in, and how they would share their acquired knowledge with the rest of the students at their university. The dozens of entries received from the region were reviewed by an IMA judging panel to select the winning videos based on creativity, originality, and the ability to carry IMA “ambassadorship” ideas forward after the conference.



SOURCE IMA (Institute of Management Accountants)


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