Artificial Intelligence

ARISTOTELES Sky by Kaiserwetter is Emerging as the Ideal Platform for Managing and Matching Energy Generation and Demand at the National Level




The end of the Sustainable Innovation Forum was marked on December 12th, a COP25 event that brought together over the course of two days the main multilateral organizations, investors and innovators from the private sector, as well as ministers from various countries. Key governmental actors included Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, Minister of the Environment and Energy of Costa RicaIan Duncan, member of the House of Lords from the Government of the United Kingdom, Ola Elvestuen, Minister of Climate and Environment of Norway, and Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment of the Arab Republic of Egypt. This morning, representatives of the Government of Chile, co-organizer of the COP, as well as the Former President of ChileRicardo Lagos, have also joined the forum.

In this context, there has been debate about the needs of different countries to face the current climate crisis, as well as the inevitable energy transition towards renewables and how this works in the wider picture of governmental commitments to a transition based on technological innovation. During the panel “Transitioning Towards a Cleaner, Smarter Energy System of the Future,” this topic was studied in depth, and common conclusions were reached, such as that in order to achieve the objectives set in the COP and the Paris Agreement, it is necessary to enact a more flexible energy system for different governments in their capacity to integrate intermittent renewable energies and other decentralized energy sources. This change requires new business models, regulations and policy frameworks to drive a safe and profitable transition in each region independently. Under this premise, the SAP partner company in IoT and Data Intelligence, Kaiserwetter, has presented in the framework of this forum, the possibility of a new era of effective climate governance for countries, with the presentation of its patented Energy Cloud for Nations, ARISTOTELES Sky.

Hanno Schoklitsch, CEO and founder of Kaiserwetter has stressed the importance of “attracting capital towards the energy transition, not only in industrialized but also in emerging countries, and doing so using the Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence, combined with Machine Learning to create transparency.” With the launch of its new B2G platform The Energy Cloud for Nations “we are creating a more sustainable future by offering a new level of data transparency in the energy market,” which Hanno Schoklitsch says is “essential to achieving the Paris goals, as ARISTOTELES Sky helps governments and authorities cope with the increasing complexity inherent in the energy transition. Action must be taken to accelerate the energy transition now, not only from the private sector, but also from governments, and there is already a way to do this.”


SOURCE Kaiserwetter -MARCO


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