Artificial Intelligence

MoA Technology implements CDD Vault to manage its crop protection research data



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MoA Technology Ltd (MoA Tech) and Collaborative Drug Discovery, Inc (CDD) announced today that MoA Tech teams are successfully running CDD Vault, a comprehensive informatics platform for archiving, mining and analysing chemistry and biology research data. MoA Tech has developed and applied cutting-edge science in the fields of genetics, trait analysis, and data analytics to discover the next generation of herbicides with novel modes of action.

MoA Tech platforms (MoA Galaxy™, MoA Target™, MoA Select™) are ideal for screening large chemical libraries because they only require sub-microgram amounts of compounds. Each molecule tested generates a data-rich ‘fingerprint’ that is processed with artificial intelligence systems that pick out hits with novel modes of action. Used together in sequence, MoA platforms can quickly and cost-effectively find streams of herbicidally active chemicals structurally unrelated to the original hits and having the newly defined modes of action.

CDD Vault is a versatile research and development data management platform, that includes functionality to manage chemical structures and assay data. The structured screening data generated by MoA Tech Platforms is stored and analysed in CDD Vault and the unstructured experimental descriptions are recorded in CDD Vault ELN. MoA Tech has automated several data transfer processes using CDD Vault’s API, thus optimising the efficiency of the whole setup.

“We have been using CDD Vault productively for over a year now,” said Dr. Shuji Hachisu, CTO of MoA Technology. “CDD is a flexible system ideally suited for early stage companies going through explosive growth as it is easily customisable and at the same time scalable. It also offers a wide range of critical tools to an innovative biotechnology company through a simple web interface.”


“We are very excited to see CDD Vault being used to manage a variety of data beyond our traditional drug discovery market,” said Dr. Barry Bunin, CEO of CDD. “MoA technology has data with high level of complexity and CDD Vault has the flexibility to manage all their data types, including high resolution images, screening numerical data, plant sample metadata and chemical compounds. It is also great to see the ELN being used to its full extent. It is an exciting company with a bright future ahead and we are proud to count them among our customers.”


SOURCE Collaborative Drug Discovery


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