Artificial Intelligence

XCLEA appears in Times Square to Launch its Hands-Free Dust Collecting Robot Vacuum & Mop on Indiegogo




XCLEA appeared on a billboard in Times Square today, to announce the launch of its hands-free dust collecting robot vacuum & mop – H30 Plus under the XCLEA (HUAWEI HONOR Ecological chain brand) on September 10, 2020 on Indiegogo.

The XCLEA H30 Plus robot vacuum combines convenience with intelligence and performance. The self-emptying and charging base of H30 Plus comes with an automatic antibacterial and deodorizing dust collection system. It automatically empties the dust bin into the base holding a 3L oversized dust bag, equivalent to 30 dust bins, that can cover 2,000m2 area. Fully automatic dirt disposal gives users a hands-free experience.

XCLEA H30 Plus consists of a large 250ml smart controlled water tank with 3 levels of water flow control, enough to clean a 250m2 house. The special 3-segment mopping path imitates human mopping and offer users a genius level of mopping. With the most advanced LDS 4.0 LIDAR Navigation and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technology, XCLEA H30 Plus is one of the smartest vacuum and mop combination household tools. The AI algorithm allows XCLEA H30 Plus to partition the home map into individual rooms and recognize different floors of multi-level home to make it easier for spot cleaning. Moreover, XCLEA H30 Plus utilizes a various detection sensors, electronic compass, accelerometer and speedometer etc, so that it can scan 360° to memorize its position and planned route, helping prevent it from falling and encountering obstacles.

There is an ultra-strong 2700Pa adjustable suction power for deep floor and carpet cleaning. Equipped with the dynamic variable-speed side brush which speed will automatically adjust according to different cleaning situations, leaving no trace of dust along the edges and corners. The long-lasting 5200 mAh battery capacity can clean 250m2 with a 250 minutes maximum runtime.


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