Artificial Intelligence

Top Supplier Retail 2021 Award goes to A.I. Company CHECKLENS




For the 14th time, EHI has selected the winners of the reta awards, those companies with the best ideas for technologies in retail. The winners will be  announced today via video at the EHI Innovation Days, powered by EuroCIS. For the first time, there will be an award in the new category “Best AI and Robotics Application” with which Checklens, an A.I. company from Salzburg, Austria, will be honoured as “Top Supplier Retail 2021”. In cooperation with Diebold Nixdorf, Checklens has developed an AI-based system for IKEA that automatically detects scanning errors at the SCO checkouts. A smart camera above the self-checkout area detects each individual product and notifies the customer via the POS software if a product has not been scanned. The system can currently recognise more than 15,000 IKEA products.

“We are very excited that IKEA has been recognised for the success of our solutions at the self-checkout station. Scan verification and correct transactions increase the profitability of each of our clients’ stores, and the shopping experience is also significantly improved – fewer errors and less stress at the self-checkout make shopping faster and more pleasant,” says Co-CEO Armin Hamzic. The scan verification also brings many advantages for the employees of the companies: “Employees can thus focus on the valuable and positive customer interactions such as consultations. This increases satisfaction while the number of critical interventions with shoppers decreases,” says Felix Köppl, Co-Founder of Checklens.

The EHI Retail Institute in Cologne presents the reta awards annually in 5 categories to three companies each. A prominent jury of representatives from industry, science and research selects the winners from numerous submissions.


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