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Swedbank Assigned ESG Evaluation Score Of 75; Preparedness Adequate




S&P Global Ratings has assigned Swedbank AB an ESG Evaluation score of 75 (out of 100; see “Swedbank AB: ESG Evaluation” published today). The company’s ESG Evaluation score is the result of an ESG profile of 72, combined with an adequate (+3) preparedness. Higher numbers indicate stronger sustainability in our evaluations.

Headquartered in Stockholm, Swedbank is among the leading Nordic banks, with around €250 billion of assets. It provides a wide range of financial services to retail, midsize, and large corporate customers, with leading market positions in Sweden and the Baltic countries.

Our ESG Evaluation of 75 is supported by Swedbank’s established environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration along its value chain, but is constrained by past governance deficiencies. These were brought to light by the 2019 money laundering controversy.

Swedbank’s asset management arm, Robur, was among the first to integrate ESG, with a particular focus on climate-related issues. The implementation of an advanced responsible investment framework has enabled Robur to reduce the carbon footprint of its portfolios and should support its commitment to align its investments with a 1.5 degrees Celsius climate scenario by 2025. Although the bank’s ESG integration in terms of its lending activities is less developed, in our view, it is on track to roll out additional sector-specific ESG guidance, including on mortgages, which should facilitate systematic implementation and monitoring.

Relative to the global industry average, Swedbank benefits from higher social standards in Sweden. On the other hand, like other large banks, it faces challenges regarding customer satisfaction, partly after the material reputational damage caused by the severity of its 2019 money laundering case. Indeed, Swedbank is still strengthening its risk culture and governance following the controversy. Although its new board and executive management have invested heavily to be among the leaders in combating financial crime, we believe these measures will take time to permeate across the entire organization.

Swedbank’s robust preparedness reflects its excellent awareness of potential long-term disruptions, including digitalization and climate change, balanced by the short track record of its board.

What Is An ESG Evaluation?
S&P Global Ratings’ ESG evaluation is a cross-sector, relative analysis of an entity’s capacity to continue to operate successfully. It is grounded in how ESG factors could affect stakeholders, potentially leading to a material direct or indirect financial impact on the entity.

Our definition of stakeholders for a particular entity goes beyond shareholders to include employees, the local community, government, regulators, customers, lenders, borrowers, policyholders, voters, members, and suppliers. A high ESG evaluation score indicates an entity is relatively less prone to experiencing material ESG-related events, and is relatively better positioned to capitalize on ESG-related growth opportunities than entities with lower ESG evaluation scores.

First, we establish an ESG profile for a given entity, which assesses the exposure of the entity’s operations to observable ESG risks and opportunities, and how the entity is mitigating these risks and capitalizing on these opportunities.

Second, we assess the entity’s long-term preparedness, namely its capacity to anticipate and adapt to a variety of long-term plausible disruptions.

S&P Global Ratings currently evaluates over 70 entities across the globe; they have an average score of 67. Since the first ESG evaluation, published in June 2019, we have finalized ESG Evaluations across 21 sectors globally. By region, the highest average score is 72, for companies headquartered in Europe.

Visit for our latest sustainable finance research and all of our publicly available ESG Evaluations.

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Automation Anywhere Appoints Tim McDonough as Chief Marketing Officer to Drive Global Awareness and Growth for the Leader in AI-Powered Automation




SAN JOSE, Calif., April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Automation Anywhere, a leader in AI-powered automation solutions, announced that AI marketing leader ﷟Tim McDonough joined the company as chief marketing officer (CMO). McDonough, who brings more than two decades of experience in driving growth across startups and Fortune 100 companies, will shape and lead Automation Anywhere’s global brand and growth strategies and go-to-market functions.

McDonough joins Automation Anywhere from Intel, where he recently served as vice president and CMO of AI and data centers. McDonough oversaw the transformation of the $14 billion-plus business unit, while guiding the company’s strategy and positioning in the AI market.
“Tim joins us at an incredible time in our journey as we experience a new phase of growth ignited by the transformative benefits of our generative AI process automation models that are transforming our customers’ businesses,” said Mihir Shukla, CEO, Automation Anywhere. “Tim’s impressive experience will be instrumental in our efforts to empower organizations to achieve amazing results by automating more than forty percent of workflows and tasks, and saving millions, even billions, of dollars.”
Prior to Intel, McDonough held executive roles at leading technology companies, including Unity Technologies, Qualcomm, and Microsoft. McDonough’s track record of enterprise and C-suite marketing spans developed and emerging technologies, including AI tools, applications, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, and developer ecosystems.
“I’m looking forward to helping lead Automation Anywhere through its next phase growth as it helps companies transform their business,” said McDonough. “Seeing how customers are innovating with Automation Anywhere’s platform demonstrated to me the incredible market opportunity we have. When you combine automation with generative AI, customers can now go beyond task or departmental impact and automate at an enterprise level, empowering companies and employees to do their very best work.”
McDonough’s appointment comes at a time of remarkable opportunity for the company, marked by Automation Anywhere’s recent record-breaking fourth-quarter performance, continued profitability, and strong outlook in its current fiscal year. Last quarter, Automation Anywhere reported 50 percent growth in large enterprise deals from the previous quarter, highlighting the company’s momentum and strong market position.  
About Automation Anywhere  
Automation Anywhere is the leader in AI-powered process automation that puts AI to work across organizations. The company’s Automation Success Platform is powered with generative AI and offers process discovery, RPA, end-to-end process orchestration, document processing, and analytics, with a security and governance-first approach. Automation Anywhere empowers organizations worldwide to unleash productivity gains, drive innovation, improve customer service, and accelerate business growth. The company is guided by its vision to fuel the future of work by unleashing human potential through AI automation. Learn more at  
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AI Supercomputing Market Growing at +21% CAGR as Industries Evolve Data Analysis




USA News Group News Commentary
VANCOUVER, BC, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — USA News Group News Commentary – Numerous industries are making the shift towards using Artificial Intelligence (AI) supercomputers in leveraging powerful computing systems to address complex challenges, and analyze massive datasets. According to analysts at Markets and Markets the AI supercomputer market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22% through 2028 to a value of US$3.3 billion. This high level of growth is echoed by analysts at Technavio, who are projecting nearly 21% growth through 2027, however, they are seeing the overall supercomputer market much higher, growing by US$17.6 billion along the way. Several international groups are with massive investments in the billions to evolve their operations to include AI supercomputing, including in Denmark, the UK, Japan, the UAE and the USA. Powering this shift behind the scenes are several tech developers, who this week have been updating the market with their current developments, including: Avant Technologies Inc. (OTC: AVAI), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA) (NEO: NVDA), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) (NEO: MSFT), D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS), and Rigetti Computing, Inc. (NASDAQ: RGTI, RGITW).

The article continued: Moving forward, new regulations and safeguards are being put into place, as seen in the USA when the Biden Administration enacted an AI Executive Order to create new standards for AI safety and security. As well, the Council of the European Union filed a proposal for the regulation of harmonized rules on AI in the EU.
Avant Technologies Launches Advanced AI Supercomputing Network and Expansive Data Solutions
Avant Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: AVAI) (“Avant” or the “Company”), an artificial intelligence technology (AI) company specializing in the development of advanced AI and data center infrastructure solutions, announced today that it’s introducing a state-of-the-art supercomputing network and comprehensive licensable dataset. Avant will be collaborating with its technology partner, Wired4Tech, to launch these pivotal developments, which are engineered to accelerate AI adoption and innovation across a broad spectrum of industries.
“Avant’s supercomputing network and our expansive licensable dataset will facilitate significant advancements in AI- driven solutions,” said Danny Rittman, Chief Information Officer of Avant of the launch. “By providing robust computational resources and a rich dataset, Avant is set to eliminate many of the technical and financial barriers that have traditionally hampered AI development. This initiative aims to empower developers with the tools necessary to create more sophisticated and efficient AI models, driving progress and innovation in innumerable fields.”
Highlights of Avant’s Offerings:
Versatile AI Dataset: Available from Q3, this dataset will be regularly updated to support a wide array of AI projects, providing a solid foundation for development, and reducing the time to market for AI solutions.Dynamic Resource Scaling: The network dynamically adjusts computing resources to meet real-time demands, maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs.Accelerated AI Processing: Utilizes cutting-edge distributed computing to dramatically reduce data processing times, enabling rapid iteration and deployment of AI models.Robust Security Measures: Top-tier security protocols are in place to ensure data integrity and compliance with stringent regulatory standards.Seamless Integration: Designed to integrate smoothly with existing AI development environments, minimizing disruptions and simplifying technology adoption.Avant is committed to advancing the AI landscape by providing scalable solutions that will benefit diverse sectors looking to harness the power of artificial intelligence.
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In other industry developments and happenings in the market this week include:
NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA) (NEO: NVDA), a global leader in providing graphics and compute and networking solutions, recently received an investment of ~US$960 million from Japanese telecommunications company Softbank to enhance its supercomputing power and to support an ambitious generative AI (GenAI) strategy.
Generative AI is increasingly being incorporated into products and services across multiple sectors. A recent projection by Statista, a research firm based in Germany, predicts that the market for generative AI in Japan will expand to approximately $13 billion by 2030, representing a 17x increase from its size in 2023.
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) (NEO: MSFT), a global leader in developing and supporting software, services, devises and solutions recently announced it would be investing $1.5 billion into Abu Dhabi’s G42, the leading UAE-based AI tech holding company, to accelerate AI development and global expansion.
“Microsoft’s investment in G42 marks a pivotal moment in our company’s journey of growth and innovation, signifying a strategic alignment of vision and execution between the two organizations,” said H.H. Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of G42. “This partnership is a testament to the shared values and aspirations for progress, fostering greater cooperation and synergy globally.”
G42 will operate its AI applications and services on Microsoft Azure, collaborating to offer advanced AI solutions to global public sector clients and large enterprises. Together, G42 and Microsoft aim to enhance AI and digital infrastructure across the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. This collaboration will help these regions gain fair access to services that address key government and business issues, while upholding the highest standards of security and privacy.
D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS), a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services and the world’s first commercial supplier of quantum computers recently announced the launch the first fast-anneal feature, available now on all of D-Wave’s quantum processing units (QPUs) in the LeapTM real-time quantum cloud service. The fast-anneal feature has been central to D-Wave’s key research achievements, as highlighted in publications in Nature Physics and Nature, showing how annealing quantum computing outperforms traditional algorithms in tackling complex optimization problems.
“Providing direct access to Fast Anneal, which has been at the heart of D-Wave’s recent advancements, represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide customers with the resources they need to drive innovation and achieve extraordinary results,” said Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave. “We believe it will further empower them to build industry-shaping applications with the most powerful quantum computing environment available today.”
With enhanced control allowing for notably quicker annealing times than before, this feature enables customers to replicate and expand upon D-Wave’s significant optimization results. Now widely available, this feature allows users to execute quantum computations at unprecedented speeds, significantly mitigating issues like thermal fluctuations and noise that typically disrupt quantum calculations.
Rigetti Computing, Inc. (NASDAQ: RGTI, RGITW), a pioneer in full-stack quantum-classical computing, recently announced the successful completion of its Innovate UK project with Oxford Instruments to launch one of the first UK-based quantum computers. The consortium also included the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, Phasecraft, and Standard Chartered Bank, with financial backing from the UK government’s Quantum Technologies Challenge, led by UK Research & Innovation (UKRI).
 “Completing this project, with the end result being a useful 32-qubit quantum computer, is an exceptional achievement for all of the project partners,” said Dr. Subodh Kulkarni, CEO of Rigetti. “It takes a world-class team to build and deploy a quantum computer. The UK has become a world leader in quantum computing technologies, and we are excited to continue to contribute to its quantum computing capabilities. Additionally, Rigetti plans to leverage this experience to continue to develop our UK quantum computing leadership as we embark on deploying a 24-qubit Ankaa-class quantum computer at the NQCC’s Harwell campus.”
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Artificial Intelligence Investment Soars to Trillions, Sparking Regulatory Interest




USA News Group Commentary
VANCOUVER, BC, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — USA News Group – In just a few years, the potential generated by the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to entice investment to the tune of many trillions, with McKinsey & Company projecting generative AI to generate up to $7.9 trillion alone annually. It’s a sector that’s still in its early stages, and with that comes plenty of scrutiny, including the recent actions by US regulators regarding whether or not investors of OpenAI were misled, through an SEC inquiry launched in February. All the while, corporate AI investment is surging, with several companies benefitting including NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) (NEO:NVDA), Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) (NEO:META), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) (NEO:AAPL),, Inc. (NYSE:AI), and Avant Technologies Inc. (OTC:AVAI).

Looking to help unlock the full potential of AI, Avant Technologies Inc. (OTC:AVAI) is pursuing its stated mission to build the nation’s first supercomputing network to provide big data and AI software companies with a faster, more powerful, and more cost-effective compute infrastructure. Recently Avant signed a co-development agreement with Wired4Tech, Inc. to create high-density compute infrastructure and supercomputer network software to move the company closer to achieving this mission.
“The technological innovations that we expect this collaboration to yield will help to usher in a new era of performance, cost efficiency and environmental sustainability for AI and Big Data,” said Timothy Lantz, CEO of Avant. “We have made exciting progress in the past several months, and we believe this partnership will further help to accelerate speed-to-market of our next generation solutions.”
The Wired4Tech collaboration aims to assist in the final stages of development and testing for Avant’s new high-density private cloud infrastructure solution. Additionally, it will start to establish the groundwork for Avant’s proposed AI supercomputing network. Avant expects to launch its next-generation infrastructure solution sometime in the first half of 2024.
“We’re at an inflection point where accelerated computing and generative AI have come together to speed innovation at an unprecedented pace,” said Paul Averill, Founder and CEO of Wired4Tech. “Our partnership with Avant Technologies will help AI companies accelerate their work with infrastructure, software and services that drive efficiency and reduce costs. There is no AI without the right infrastructure and Avant will lead the way with its unique and innovative and cost-effective AI platform.”
The collaboration was a follow-up to Avant’s announcement that the company is set to leverage its proprietary AI to drive proactive, next-generation data center security, through its enhancements to Avant! AI™, that seamlessly integrates with industry-standard data science tools and algorithms, enabling organizations to harness the power of data for deeper insights and informed decision-making.
“The rapid advancements in AI are unlocking tremendous opportunities and potential across almost every facet of our lives, but those same advancements can also pose an increased threat when used by those with an intent to harm,” said Lantz. “In today’s digital world cybersecurity is of paramount importance and Avant is committed to providing our customers with the necessary tools to ensure the safety and security of their information and that of their end-users.”
The planned improvements in Avant’s proprietary gen AI are designed to achieve two main goals: to provide early detection of potential security vulnerabilities and to offer recommendations for proactive measures to strengthen cybersecurity baselines, reduce risks, and ensure compliance in the ever-changing digital environment.
Under the hood of many of the biggest AI setups today are products from NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) (NEO:NVDA), which has seen its market cap surge to more than $2 trillion based upon an insatiable AI chip demand. This includes mega investments from some of the largest tech companies on the planet, including Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) (NEO:META) which is spending billions of dollars on Nvidia’s AI chips.
Shared through an Instagram Reels post by CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s “future roadmap” for AI requires the construction of “an absolutely massive amount of infrastructure.” By the end of 2024, Zuckerberg mentioned that this infrastructure will comprise 350,000 H100 graphics cards from Nvidia—which were being sold for more than $40,000 on eBay as recently as last April.
The ramp up of GPUs for Meta is projected to cost as much as $18 billion by the end of 2024. The ambitious loading up of infrastructure is similar to Meta’s $13 billion spent on Reality Labs, its metaverse division in 2022.
Competition for computing power will be ramping up, as Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) (NEO:AAPL) has signalled the company will be investing significantly in generative AI, as it moves away from its self-driving electric car project. So far, Apple CEO Tim Cook hasn’t launched any competing products to models like OpenAI’s GPT or Google’s Gemini, but he has already teased a major announcement that the company will “break new ground” in GenAI coming later this year.
“AI is woven into our users’ lives for all sorts of tasks, from the everyday to the essential,” said Tim Cook. “AI allows Apple Watch to help you track your workouts, automatically detecting whether you’re taking a walk or going for a swim. It enables your iPhone to call for help if you’re in a car accident.”
While Cook’s sentiments hint towards Apple moving more towards AI investment, the company’s investors have grown impatient with the tech giant after lagging behind its mega-tech peers who have shared much clearer AI strategies.
Enterprise AI application software company, Inc. (NYSE:AI) is coming off of a healthy Q3 2024 financial results announcement, where they saw total revenue grow 18% year-over-year to $78.4 million, exceeding their guidance range. Perhaps more importantly, C3 AI saw its customer engagement grow 80% year-over-year, and a 23% increase in subscription revenue.
“Generative AI use cases continue to influence customer engagement, with 17 of 29 total pilots signed in the quarter driven by generative AI,” said Kingsley Crane, analyst at Canaccord Genuity, about C3 AI in a report. “So far, the company has been converting pilots into full-time customers roughly near the assumed spend levels of $210,000 per quarter, even if some pilots have pushed a bit beyond the initially planned six months and started a bit lower than $500,000 contribution over two quarters. If C3 can continue the sequential growth in product revenue we’ve seen over the past three quarters, the firm is on track to grow over 30%.”
Among the customer base that C3 AI has been working with is biotech giant Genentech, to improve the complex biologics manufacturing process with AI. Genentech began using the AI application in 2021 to ensure centrifuges in their facility remained operational, with patients benefitting by receiving their medicines on time. In 2022, the biotech developer would go on to expand its use of C3’s assets beyond centrifuges, to around 200 pieces of equipment in total. Now Genentech has nearly 200 users including data scientists and facility managers who are trained to use the C3 AI platform, and regularly use the AI application to evaluate equipment health and maintain manufacturing operations.
USA News Group
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