Artificial Intelligence

Thailand as One of the Leading Markets in Automation and Robotics




A report made by Thailand NOW describes the country as an important growth market for automation and robotics. Being renowned as one of the most significant automotive manufacturing countries – a highly automated industry – it may come as no surprise that Thailand has the most installations of industrial robots in ASEAN and the second-largest A&R market in the region after Singapore.

With the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) well underway, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming, and connectivity have become the main transformative powers, uniting manufacturing with computing power to redefine industries. Smart devices, industrial robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), remote sensors, controllers, and digitization in general are central to driving the 4IR.

The Thai government has introduced a development agenda named Thailand 4.0, aiming to reduce inequality between different regions. Thailand 4.0 promotes modern, tech-driven solutions ensuring remote access from all parts of the country. The policy is prioritizing S-curve industries, including next-generation automotive, smart electronics, affluent medical and wellness tourism, agriculture and biotechnology, and food for the future.

Thailand’s aging population and the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shortage of workforce. Heavy digitization and automation, however, are helping combat this problem. Robots and automated systems assist healthcare workers and the country’s robust universal healthcare systems. For example:

  • Raibo-X – A robot that can map out a room and disinfect it using UVC light.
  • Dinsow – Award-winning robot developed by CT Asia Robotics, fitted with cameras, infrared, and thermal sensors, it monitors health, engages in conversations, even performs personal assistant duties. Additionally, it can contact family members or hospitals in case of emergencies.
  • AutoVacc – A system that can draw 12 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from vials, which is a 20% increase compared to doses drawn manually.

Research, development, education, and investments are also encouraged by funding and incentives. Thailand sees 80,000 new science and engineering graduates trained in disciplines directly related to automation and robotics each year. Some Thai Universities also offer specific programs directed towards 4IR.

It is clear that embracing automation and robotics is vital in most – if not all – industries, including both the private and the public sectors. Thailand is progressing outstandingly, providing a model to be followed by other countries as well. Investing in digitization is not just a savvy economic strategy, but an investment in the future.


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