Artificial Intelligence

LOG-NET introduces VERSION 9 of its platform – the world’s first autonomous global supply chain platform




LOG-NET, Inc. announced the release of version 9 of their global supply chain platform.  LOG-NET continues its legacy of industry firsts introducing the most advanced autonomous global supply chain platform in the world. LOG-NET version 9 represents a leap forward through  continuous research and development into the operations of global supply chains.  LOG-NET 9 redefines what is possible in international commerce. Through the combination of machine learning (ML) and other areas of artificial intelligence (AI) with integrated Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and workflow, LOG-NET version 9 achieves a level of autonomous operation not previously possible. At a time when supply chains are straining around the world LOG-NET’s machine based processing of end-to-end logistics is a powerful solution.

LOG-NET 9 combines what was traditionally separate functions of Order Management, End-to-end Visibility, Transportation Management, Supplier Management, Forwarding, Distribution Management, Documentation and Customs in to one seamless experience and system. Armed with AI and both API and EDI based integrations the system is capable of planning and executing a majority of global logistics processes with Suppliers, Logistics Providers, Carriers, Distribution Centers and Customer.

Capable of being able to maintain Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by your organizations LOG-NET version 9 acts like a concierge associated with every shipment.  LOG-NET 9 validates and autonomously executes vendor performance, booking reviews and approvals,  carrier allocation and projections, optimal product mix, load planning, drayage orders, cargo routing, demurrage and detention management, freight audit and payment, yard planning and more.

“In the age of “Just In Case” the LOG-NET 9 platform is an optimal solution for integrating and managing an environment where multiple carriers, logistics providers and suppliers have been added to company portfolios,” noted John Motley Founder and CEO of LOG-NET, Inc.  “LOG-NET’s multi-company flexibility.and deep integration capability enable LOG-NET to be deployed to manage shipments in a fashion akin to a next generation autonomous 4PL. This release of LOG-NET sets a new direction for the industry, ” he added.

LOG-NET also announced a refresh of their corporate website today.


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