Artificial Intelligence

Dr Tim Ballance Promoted to President of Infleqtion UK




Infleqtion, the world’s quantum information company, is delighted to announce the promotion of Dr Tim Ballance to President of Infleqtion UK. Dr Ballance has been a pivotal figure in Infleqtion’s journey since the establishment of its Oxford office in 2015 when he joined as Lead Scientist.

He earned his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Experimental Atomic Physics from the University of Cambridge and his Master of Science (MS) in Physics from Imperial College London. Before joining Infleqtion, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in quantum computing at the University of Oxford.

“Under Tim’s leadership, the Oxford office has flourished into a robust commercialization hub,” said Infleqtion’s CEO Scott Faris. “Tim has a deep understanding of the quantum industry and his unwavering commitment to advancing quantum technology into commercial solutions has been fundamental to the company’s growth and success.”

Infleqtion’s technology is used both commercially and in support of government programs, with applications spanning national defense and bolstering security in vital industries such as positioning, navigation and timing, telecommunications, and energy. Infleqtion UK has won many research awards, including High-BIAS2 (High-Bandwidth Inertial Atom Source) and PICAS (Photonically Integrated Cold Atom Source). The High-BIAS2 project propels the aerospace industry closer to safer skies by advancing its cold atom-based Quantum Positioning System (QPS), which facilitates vehicle navigation without relying on traditional GPS or Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) signals, addressing critical scenarios where these signals are unavailable or disrupted. PICAS is a compact alignment-free beam delivery package that enables users to generate high atom flux (>109 atoms/sec) with options available for fixed or tunable magnetic field control and optical power monitoring.


Recent Project Wins by the UK Team:


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