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Monaco Gears Up to Host Anthony Ritossa’s 9th Global Family Office Investment Summit Representing $4 Trillion in Wealth June 18-20



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Final preparations are underway in anticipation of the 9th Global Family Office Summit to be held June 18-20 in Monaco under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and hosted by the 600-year-old Ritossa Family Office. An elite group of 400+ billionaires, sheikhs, royal families and business leaders representing $4 trillion in investor wealth will be center stage at the Fairmont Monte Carlo Hotel for a legendary celebration of global family businesses themed “The Rise and Rise of Family Offices.”

A few slots remain open for the Single Family Office International Tennis Tournament set for Friday, June 21 under the direction of legendary ATP tennis professional Diego Nargiso. Players will compete in singles and doubles, men’s and women’s events at the Monte-Carlo Country Club. MCCC Director Monsieur Eric Seigle will personally present the top three winners in each category with their prizes.

Anthony Ritossa and myself are committed to long-term partnership in the interest of the substantial families and family offices that consider the Summit as a key opportunity for interaction and collaboration. There is truly no other event worldwide that offers the high quality of powerful speakers and delegates that Ritossa Family Office Summits provide,” said Giuseppe Ambrosio, President of the Monaco Single & Multi Family Office International Association. “In fact, the response to the Monaco Summit has been so overwhelming that we had to move the Summit to the Fairmont Monte Carlo Hotel in order to accommodate a record-breaking number of guests.”

Monaco is always a perfect venue for our Family Office Summits and I look forward to hosting the 3rd event here in June. It is largely due to the support provided by Prince Albert II of MonacoGiuseppe Ambrosio and the Summit Advisory Board that the event has become such a global sensation. We are very pleased that Markus Lehner, member of the Advisory Board and a resident of Monaco for 25 years, is the esteemed Chairman of the summit,” said Anthony Ritossa, Chairman of Ritossa Family Office.


“It is my privilege and honour to serve as the Chairman to the upcoming Family Office Investment Summit here in Monaco. Not only will it take place in our unique principality, but will also treat exciting, cutting-edge matters such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and progressive investments, which will change our world like nothing before,” said Markus Lehner, Principal, Markus Lehner Family Office and Chairman of the Summit.

“I have produced literally thousands of events and conferences around the world and never have I found such a broadness of vision and project. The official support of Sheik Zayed and the Monaco Prince, the presence of the heirs of Bahrain and Yugoslavia ruling families, the heirs of Reynolds, Rockefeller, Bismarck, Muhammad, Menelik, Selassie and a most innovative global finance platform is something unheard of before. Your event ranks in first place as the most astonishing and inspired world summit. I’m very proud to collaborate,” said Matteo Peri, CNBC Europe.

“Your wonderful Summit turned out to be the best conference I have been to. It’s only because of your splendid efforts and management, that made it so successful, highly stimulating and beneficial for all participants,” said Hadi Al Alawi, Chairman & CEO, Al Hayat Group, Kingdom of Bahrain.

“Ritossa Summits are the best in a perfect setting – we achieved US$360 million of investments,” said Nick Ayton, Founder & CEO, Chainstarter Ventures & Family Office Digital Asset  Advisor, UK.

“Tremendous outcomes from being part of the 8th Global Family Office Investment Summit. Special thanks to Anthony Ritossa for the great hospitality. Looking forward to being part of the 9th Global Family Office Investment Summit in Monte Carlo – Monaco,” said Abdullah Al-Weshah, Private Office of H.E. Mubarak Bin Hamoodah, UAE.


“The 8th Global Family Office Summit was a crowning achievement for Anthony Ritossa and everyone who participated. It is no surprise that this is renowned as the largest and most exclusive worldwide family office gathering of all time and it is an honour to provide patronage to such an illustrious event. As at past Summits, many prominent families from around the world gathered for high level discussions about how to enrich the family legacy, grow and preserve wealth, and share ideas. We look forward to future events,” said Mohamed Al Ali, CEO & Advisor, Sheikh Ahmed Al Maktoum International Investments Enterprise, UAE.


SOURCE Ritossa Family Office

Wladimir P. is a Content Editor at European Gaming Media and at PICANTE Media and covers a large variety of industries.

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Latest News

Ottonomy.IO Unveils High Information Navigation Mapping for Autonomous Robots at NVIDIA GTC 2022




CTO & Co-Founder Pradyot Korupolu of leading autonomous delivery robotics company, Ottonomy.IO, will be presenting at the NVIDIA GTC 2022 virtual conference. In his session he will discuss autonomous navigation solutions in the event’s “Automotive transportation-autonomous robotics” Industry segment, focusing on moving towards high information navigation maps.

The consumer facing retail and restaurant industry has seen a huge surge in robots operating in everyday, regular human environments (both indoors and outdoors). Ottonomy.IO has deployed robots in multiple consumer environments including airports, retail spaces and campuses.

“With a strong track record in autonomous driving technologies, our team has been able to translate principles of vehicle autonomy to near-term practical use cases for consumer environments,” says Pradyot. “Leveraging high information maps as an input to our contextual navigation engine, Ottonomy.IO has the most robust navigation suite running in live conditions for both indoor and outdoor navigation for restaurants, retail spaces and airports.”

While new use cases are on the rise, data sets are still limited. Pradyot will discuss fusion tools and techniques that Ottonomy.IO’s delivery robots use to bridge this gap, while operating safely and efficiently in crowded and complicated environments. The presentation at the conference will be in the Automotive Transportation-Autonomous Robotics track of NVidia’s 2022 conference addressing “efficient camera and lidar fusion” as a way to get high-Information navigation maps.


These high information maps achieve several objectives:

  • Thin layer of condensed information maps useful for intelligent navigation.
  • Optimized for edge hardware running the mapping and localization pipelines.
  • Real-time fusion of multimodal sensors, specifically 3D lidars and RGB cameras.
  • Navigation maps that combine both metric and semantic distance.
  • information of the environment as an input to Ottonomy’s Contextual Navigation.

You can view Ottonomy.IO’s presentation at NVidia GTC 2022 on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 at 10:00a.m. EST. To gain access to the session, register for NVIDIA GTC conference here.

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Artificial Intelligence

Algonomy to Unveil Its Algorithmic Decisioning Platform that Drives Real-time Customer Engagement at Scale During Retail’s BIG Show 2022




Algonomy, a leader in algorithmic decisioning, will showcase its expanded platform that features new and advanced uses of AI that enable real-time customer engagement during the National Retail Federation’s Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Jacob K. Javits Center from Jan. 16-18, 2022.

Working with some of the world’s largest brands such as eBay, McDonald’s, Price Chopper, Tiffany & Co., Pizza Hut, Domino’s, HP and Boots, Algonomy leads the industry when it comes to creating a data-centric single view of today’s digitally native consumer, and decisioning intelligence to drive hyper-personalized engagement.

The retail technology solution partner will have several demonstrations for marketing, commerce and merchandising leaders available in its booth (#6403) throughout the three-day exhibition, including:

Social Proof Messaging

One of the main highlights of the company’s latest release is Social Proofing, technology that gives retailers the ability to build credibility and aid consumer decisions using social approval. Social Proofing offers a way to create trust, urgency and reliability during the shopping journey and is algorithmically optimized in real-time to provide shoppers critical information on trending products through views, purchases, inventory levels and more. The product is enterprise grade and self-serve for marketers.


Visual AI Deep Recommendations

Visual AI helps companies replicate in-store personal shopping experiences on digital commerce properties, and uses deep learning to help online shoppers find products that resemble what they like and also get complete-the-look recommendations. Using product images that do not require historical events and behavioral data to generate relevant product recommendations, Visual AI is unlike traditional recommender engines.

Real-Time Customer Data Platform

The CDP is the foundation of the company’s Algorithmic Decisioning Platform, enabling intelligence-infused decisions by integrating demand and supply to create granular customer segments. In addition to identity resolution and built-in customer analytics, this enhanced version comes with real-time capabilities such as data ingestion, profile updates, audience discovery, decisioning intelligence, and audience activation.

Algorithmic Catalog Enrichment

This new capability will help e-commerce retailers create rich high-quality product catalogs, thereby helping shoppers select products that meet their nuanced requirements. Algorithmic Catalog Enrichment also uses deep learning and image-based feature extraction techniques to automatically identify product attributes and metadata from descriptions and images. In addition to reducing the burden of manually updating product attributes, a well-developed catalog improves product discovery and search results, and eases shopper decision-making, leading to higher conversions and reduced instances of product returns.

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Artificial Intelligence

As organizations look to respond to COVID-19, Avanade launches tool to help businesses accelerate their adoption of artificial intelligence




Companies looking to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic should focus on accelerating their adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve resilience and prepare for the future, according to Avanade, the leading digital innovator on the Microsoft ecosystem.

Newly published research carried out for Avanade by independent research firm Vanson Bourne, shows that only one percent of companies are fully “AI Mature”. But those who are successful in fully integrating AI into their businesses can experience up to five times return on investment through a combination of increased productivity, improved process efficiency and lower operating costs.

To help companies assess where they are on their AI journey and rethink how to accelerate it, Avanade has developed a specialized tool that measures an organization’s AI maturity across five key areas of AI adoption, including:

  • AI Strategy
  • AI Talent & Culture
  • Digital Ethics
  • Data Supply Chain and Analytics
  • Technology and Process

The tool then uses the assessment information, together with data collected from the Avanade AI Maturity Survey of 1700 senior business and IT decision-makers across 15 countries, to plot the company’s position and highlight key areas to develop and insert AI for business optimization.

“While uncertainties around the human impact of AI have diminished significantly in recent years, most companies are still grappling with how to implement it to achieve meaningful, sustainable business outcomes,” said Simon Thomas, Avanade Data and AI lead. “With business resilience currently being tested to its fullest, organizations need to rethink and accelerate their integration of AI to take full advantage of it benefits, whatever the future holds. Our AI assessment tool can help them start and take that journey.”


Avanade’s research showed that while most companies recognize the potential of AI to have a positive impact on their businesses, many executives are struggling to successfully implement it:

  • AI Strategy:  95% of respondents find AI is critical but a third (32%) cite building AI strategy as one of the top three barriers, and a similar amount (35%) are looking externally to get help creating their strategy.
  • Talent and Culture:  80% of respondents agree that business culture and change are THE make or break for AI’s long-term success, and over half (54%) are struggling with recruiting AI talent and/or shifting their culture.
  • Digital Ethics: 96% find that ensuring “digital ethics by design” is necessary to implement AI and 66% are implementing a digital ethics framework.
  • Technology and Process:  61% of respondents have experimented with automation and advanced analytics, with half of those using computer vision (35%) or virtual agents (34%).
  • Data Supply Chain: 65% of organizations say that their data quality needs improvement.

Summaries highlighting each of the five areas explored by Avanade’s research are available on

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