



Entries show the growing impact of deep tech in all areas of innovation
[Hello Tomorrow] For the ninth consecutive edition, Hello Tomorrow announces the startup finalists of its Global Challenge, the leading worldwide competition for early-stage deep tech startups. An international jury of experts carefully reviewed over 4,000 applications and identified 70 projects that stood out for their technological innovation, economic viability, leadership, team, and positive impact on our industries, planet and society.
These startups are tackling complex health challenges and increasing treatment accessibility. They are at the forefront of climate change mitigation and are crafting novel, circular materials for a new economic paradigm. They’re leveraging synthetic biology, quantum technology, artificial intelligence and robotics to reshape industries with products and systems that are more efficient and of higher quality. Most notable of all is the resilience they demonstrate in the face of the current complex economic situation and geopolitical tensions.
Arnaud de la Tour, co-founder and CEO of Hello Tomorrow expressed that:
“The huge number and high quality of the startups we selected, coming from every corner of the globe, confirm that deep tech has resisted the global downturn we are seeing in regular tech. This, combined with deep tech’s resilience in venture capital, with $15 billion raised year-to-date in 2023, show that the world will always value companies using unique technology to solve society’s greatest problems, whatever the economic environment.” 
These startup finalists will all be pitching their solutions to a jury at this year’s Hello Tomorrow Global Summit, on 21st and 22nd March in Paris. Ten startups will win in-kind prizes (customised coaching sessions and personal introductions with relevant investors & potential partners/clients) and the top three startups will win one of the three equity-free prizes: €100K Grand Prize, €30K 2nd prize and €20K 3rd prize, and a final prize awarded by Hello Tomorrow’s Strategic Partner BCG, consisting of one year of BCG deep tech support through strategic coaching.
70 revolutionary projects classified into 10 categories by Hello Tomorrow and its partners:

Finalists in the ‘Advanced Computing & Electronics’ category supported by Intel Ignite, Murata and imec.xpand:

Aligned Carbon (United States) Enabling the semiconductor industry to enter its new material age by unlocking the power of carbon nanotubes

FononTech (Netherlands) Reshaping 3D microelectronics with ultra fast printing resolutions

Mignon Technologies (United Kingdom) Energy-efficient semiconductor architecture enabling truly powerful and explainable intelligence on any device


Phanofi (Denmark) Building sustainable optical interconnect solutions for datacenters and high-performance computing

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech (Spain) Building analog quantum application specific solutions to bring quantum benefits today

QPT (United Kingdom) Next-generation power electronics for high-power electric motors

VitreaLab (Austria) The brightest and most energy-efficient laser-based displays for AR and VR



Finalists in the ‘Aerospace’ category supported by Safran:

Cosmic Aerospace (United States) Building an all-electric aircraft with unprecedented efficiencies

Evitado Technologies (United States) Building an automation platform for airport operations to mitigate risk and increase safety and efficiency

ION-X (France) Developing a new type of small satellite propulsion with an ionic liquid electrospray thruster

Orbital Matter (Poland) Making manufacturing in space possible with 3D printing technology to be used in orbit and on the moon


Zero-Error Systems (Singapore) High reliability semiconductor integrated circuits that optimize performance, cost and power consumption


Finalists in the ‘Sustainable Construction & Infrastructure’ category supported by LEONARD, Vinci Group’s Innovation Platform:

Adept Materials (United States) Developing climate-regulating construction materials for more sustainable buildings

ClimAd Technology (Netherlands) Optimizing energy use with smart glass films that enable heat and light management in buildings


ecoLocked (Germany) Turning buildings into carbon sinks

Kestrix (United Kingdom) Using mass thermal image capture and AI to scale building retrofit

Mimicrete (United Kingdom) Developing self-healing concrete solutions that autonomously repair cracks

Photio (Chile) Using nanotechnology to simulate the photosynthesis process on any surface

Ultra High Materials (United States) Ultra-low carbon high-performance concrete delivering 80-90% less CO2 and better durability at lower cost



Finalists in the ‘Digital Health & Medical Devices’ category supported by Nitto:

Cellectric Biosciences (Austria) Developing a platform for automated, electromagnetic cell manipulation to empower faster precision medicine

Clarity (France) Developing a non-invasive neuromodulation medical device to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease

Concr (United Kingdom) Solving data to enable precision medicine for all


Imaginostics (United States) Non-invasive, quantitative imaging technology to assess vascular structure and function anywhere in the body

inHEART (France) Developing an AI-enabled digital twin of the heart for image-guided ablations

MetSystem (Denmark) Developing a platform to predict cancer metastasis and determine the best treatment

Robeauté (France) Developing a microrobot for novel therapies in hard-to-reach areas of the body



Finalists in the ‘Energy’ category supported by GTT:

Aquature (United Kingdom) Creating clean fuels and green chemicals from liquid waste

Bspkl (New Zealand) Solving manufacturing challenges to help clean hydrogen achieve scale and affordability

eightinks AG (Switzerland) Scalable manufacturing platform to unlock mass production of breakthrough battery materials and designs

HSL Technologies (France) Innovative hydrogen carrier that transports and stores hydrogen safely like any conventional liquid


ICODOS (Germany) De-fossilizing chemistry and shipping via lowest cost e-methanol production

Mantel (United States) Developing the first molten salt-based carbon capture technology

Tozero  (Germany) Bringing lithium-ion battery waste to zero


Finalists in the ‘Environment & Biodiversity’ category supported by L’Oréal:


Advanced Bacterial Sciences (United Kingdom) Using natural microorganisms to replace harmful chemicals across industries

Algal Bio (Japan) Cultivating algae’s potential to bring novel solutions to health, food supply and global warming issues

Archireef (Hong Kong) 3D-printed reef tiles with eDNA for quantifiable marine restoration

Carbon Atlantis (Germany) Low-cost electrochemical approach for Direct Air and Point Source Capture

Geolabe (United States) Building the first system able to monitor most emitted methane at a global scale


Morfo (France) Restoring native, resilient forest ecosystems with machine learning, computer vision and forest engineering


Finalists in the ‘Food & Agriculture’ category supported by Avril & Supernova Invest:

Agrobiomics (Denmark) Harnessing the power of soil bacteria and metabolites as new biostimulants for better crop production

Biocentis (United Kingdom) Developing eco-friendly genetic solutions to safely control the world’s most dangerous insect species


Esencia Foods (Germany) Seafood without fish, created using mycelium biotechnology

NoPalm Ingredients (Netherlands) Making palm oil without palm trees, through the fermentation of sustainable microbial oils

Perfat Technologies (Finland) Offering food producers a new kind of solid fat with a superior nutritional profile

Pheronym (United States) Creating an all-natural, highly effective insect control leveraging pheromone spray

Yeastup (Switzerland) Upcycling the by-products from beer-brewing processes into high-quality, nutritious ingredients



Finalists in the ‘Industrial Biotech & New Materials’ category supported by Syensqo:

Alt Biotech (France) Paving a new path for bioproduction

Cambrium (Germany) Creating novel material building blocks with previously inaccessible functionalities

Cascade Biocatalysts (United States) Catalyzing greener and cheaper chemical manufacturing with longer lasting enzymes


GuaTecs (France) Natural latex derived from guayule plants producing stronger, softer, and non-allergenic products

Naturbeads (United Kingdom) Biodegradable, sustainable and cost competitive cellulose microparticles to replace plastic microbeads

Origin by Ocean (Finland) Getting rid of harmful algae in the oceans and turning it into everyday goods

TopoLogic (Japan) Developing innovative electronics using topological material



Finalists in the ‘Industry & Machines’ category:

Descycle (United Kingdom) Creating innovative metal recovery & recycling methods with eco-friendly chemicals

FabNS (Brazil) Empowering nanotechnology through nanoscale imaging and characterization

InSpek (France) Improving bioprocesses through real-time monitoring with optical microchip sensors

Photosynthetic (Netherlands) Enabling mass production-speed additive manufacturing at the micro-scale


Sensemore (Türkiye) Designing AI-powered tools to analyze machine health and predict malfunctions

Terecircuits (United States) Next gen materials supporting microassembly and mass transfer for displays and advanced electronics

XtaLight (Singapore) Developing a novel optical microscopy inspection technique tailored for all metal- and alloy-related industries


Finalists in the ‘Medical Biotech & Pharmaceuticals’ category:


Axolotl Biosciences (Canada) Providing high-quality reagents for 3D-printing human tissue models

Jurata Thin Film (United States) New packaging to allow long-term storage of vaccines and biologics at room temperature or higher

Narval (United States) Designing synthetic antibody mimetic proteins to replace conventional antibodies in novel therapeutics

Neobe Therapeutics (United Kingdom) Breaking down tumors through engineered live biotherapeutics

Orakl (France) Leveraging tumor avatars that combine biology and clinical data to identify and optimise new cancer therapies


Psylo (Australia) Psychedelic-inspired medicine to treat mental illness

WhiteLab Genomics (France) Leveraging AI to accelerate and de-risk gene and cell therapies



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