
How Artificial Intelligence units are improving security in Roanoke schools




Roanoke City Schools Enhance Security with AI Screening Units
Ensuring the safety of students is a top priority for parents and school administrators alike. To address this concern, Roanoke City implemented a comprehensive set of safety measures costing over $4 million during the previous school year (2022-2023). These measures included initiatives such as a new safety tip line, improved classroom door locks, and increased deployment of school resource officers.
Among the innovative safety measures introduced is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) screening units for enhanced security protocols. These AI units are employed for random security screenings or whenever deemed necessary by school authorities.
The AI screening units, manufactured by Evolv Technology, have been strategically deployed across Roanoke schools, as well as at football games, basketball games, and graduation ceremonies. Unlike traditional security measures that require individuals to remove coats or screen backpacks separately, these units streamline the process by combining powerful sensor technology with proven AI capabilities. They are designed to detect items that could pose a threat to student safety, such as weapons or prohibited items like toy weapons.
Evolv Technology boasts that its AI screening units can process up to 3,600 people per hour, representing a significant improvement in efficiency compared to conventional metal detectors. This technology has also been successfully implemented at large-scale sporting events in other states.
The deployment of AI screening units in Roanoke City Schools follows a structured approach, with usage based on random selection or as determined by school administration. When an individual passes through the screening unit, any detected threat triggers a red alert, indicating the location of the item. Notably, the system allows individuals to pass through with everyday items like keys, cell phones, and headphones without triggering false alarms.
Despite concerns about privacy and confidentiality, Roanoke City Schools have been transparent about the frequency and outcomes of AI unit usage. Security personnel and resource officers received training in October 2022, with the units being put into operation starting December of the same year. Throughout the current school year, these units have been utilized 34 times, covering various events and activities.
In terms of cost, Roanoke City Schools entered into a four-year agreement totaling $255,522 for the deployment of AI screening units. This includes initial setup, installation, training costs, and subsequent annual lease fees.
While efforts have been made to understand the functionality and effectiveness of these AI units, requests for interviews and demonstrations have been declined by Roanoke City Schools. Despite this, the implementation of AI screening units underscores the commitment of the school district to prioritize student safety and well-being.
Source: wsls.com

The post How Artificial Intelligence units are improving security in Roanoke schools appeared first on HIPTHER Alerts.


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