
AI may not replace you, but someone who uses it can — here’s the No. 1 skill you need to stay relevant




“Unlocking Success with Artificial Intelligence: The Key Skills You Need to Thrive”
In today’s competitive landscape, successful individuals and businesses are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to maintain relevance and outperform their peers.
During a panel discussion at Salesforce’s World Tour Essentials event in Singapore, Laurence Liew, director for AI Innovation at AI Singapore, emphasized the transformative potential of AI. He highlighted that AI is not a threat to replace individuals but rather a tool that can elevate performance.
While 45% of professionals express concerns about AI replacing their jobs, the majority (55%) of leaders are more worried about the shortage of talent to fill AI-related roles, according to the 2024 Microsoft Work Trends Index. This talent gap presents a significant opportunity for individuals who acquire AI skills, as indicated by 71% of corporate leaders expressing a preference for candidates with AI expertise.
Despite the buzz surrounding AI since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November 2022, many large companies have been slow to integrate AI into their operations and upskill their workforce. This disconnect between perceived necessity and feasibility hampers AI adoption in the modern workplace.
While 79% of executives recognize the importance of AI for competitiveness, the pressure to deliver immediate returns on investment has slowed down the transition, according to the Microsoft study. Consequently, employees worldwide are taking initiative to learn AI tools independently, seeking to gain a competitive advantage.
However, self-learning AI poses challenges, particularly regarding safety and effectiveness. Many individuals lack the knowledge to utilize AI tools securely, risking the exposure of sensitive personal or company data. Learning to navigate AI tools safely is an essential aspect of upskilling in this domain.
According to Liew, the most valuable AI skill to acquire is effective communication with existing AI-powered large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Gemini. Precision in providing prompts to these models is crucial for obtaining accurate results.
To develop proficiency in AI tools, Liew recommends hands-on practice. By engaging with these tools, individuals can learn to craft descriptive prompts that yield desired outcomes efficiently.
While AI tools may appear daunting initially, Liew predicts that by next year, they will become as ubiquitous as using a spell-checker in Microsoft Word. Embracing AI skills today can lead to transformative outcomes, enabling individuals to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.
Source: cnbc.com

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