
Singapore: Public Consultation on the Cybersecurity (Amendment) Bill




The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) hosted a public consultation on the draft Cybersecurity Act update from December 15, 2023, to January 15, 2024. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to address evolving cyber threats and safeguard Singapore’s cyberspace. More information about the draft Bill was made available in the CSA newsletter.
Following the conclusion of the public consultation, the CSA released its closing note on April 2, 2024, summarizing the feedback received. Overall, there was strong support for extending the regulatory oversight of the Commissioner to encompass key systems within Singapore’s cyber ecosystem that are not classified as critical information infrastructure (CII). Stakeholders recognized the importance of regulating entities holding sensitive information or performing critical functions essential to Singapore’s economy and society.
Despite general support for the Bill, concerns were raised regarding potential increased costs for regulated entities. Some industry respondents, particularly those not directly responsible for CII, sought clarification on how the provisions related to CII would affect them. Additionally, concerns were raised about the complexity of the Bill’s language. In response, the CSA committed to ongoing consultation with industry stakeholders to address concerns and provide clarity.
Subsequently, the Bill was introduced in Parliament after its First Reading on April 3, 2024. The Second Reading is scheduled for May 7, 2024. Continued monitoring of developments in this area is planned.
Source: globalcompliancenews.com

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