
The rise of intelligent automation as a strategic differentiator



The landscape of intelligent automation (IA) technologies is evolving from mere operational tools to pivotal strategic assets, showcasing remarkable potential for businesses.
A recent study conducted by Forrester Consulting for SS&C Blue Prism sheds light on the substantial benefits of IA adoption. Over a three-year period, composite organizations representative of SS&C Blue Prism’s customer base experienced significant gains, ranging from enhanced productivity to compliance cost reduction and improved employee experience. These achievements translated into an impressive overall net present value of $53.4 million per customer.
However, the true magnitude of IA’s impact extends beyond these figures. For instance, in the healthcare sector, conservative estimates suggest savings of over $140 million on cost avoidance and recovery. Another notable example is a healthcare client that realized a $43 million benefit from a single use case involving the automation of overtime pay recoupment for essential staff during the pandemic.
Many foundational technologies underpinning intelligent automation, such as robotic process automation (RPA) and optical character recognition (OCR), have been in existence for some time. SS&C Blue Prism’s document automation, a component of OCR, is heralded as transformative, facilitating efficient data extraction from documents.
Moreover, SS&C Blue Prism’s process orchestration tool, Chorus, has emerged as a leader in streamlining business processes across diverse sectors. This tool orchestrates millions of transactions daily, delivering end-to-end work orchestration, visibility, and efficiency gains.
Bringing an IA use case to fruition often involves a blend of inspiration and perseverance. SS&C Blue Prism collaborates with organizations to actualize innovative automation solutions, leveraging IA’s potential to reimagine business processes and drive transformative outcomes.
Every organization possesses change agents and citizen builders awaiting the opportunity to drive meaningful change through IA adoption. SS&C Blue Prism empowers these individuals by providing the tools and support needed to realize strategic automation initiatives.
Discipline is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of IA initiatives, particularly in large enterprises. SS&C Blue Prism’s collaboration with a major US retail customer exemplifies the transformative impact of disciplined IA implementation, resulting in significant efficiency gains and operational enhancements.
In essence, SS&C Blue Prism serves as a catalyst for organizations to harness the full potential of intelligent automation, empowering them to achieve strategic objectives and drive sustainable growth. As SS&C Blue Prism continues to champion intelligent automation, it paves the way for organizations to unlock new opportunities and deliver strategic benefits.
Source: artificialintelligence-news.com
The post The rise of intelligent automation as a strategic differentiator appeared first on HIPTHER Alerts.


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