
We’ll need universal basic income – AI ‘godfather’




Renowned as the “godfather of artificial intelligence,” computer scientist Professor Geoffrey Hinton asserts that governments must implement a universal basic income (UBI) to address the socioeconomic ramifications of AI on inequality.
Speaking to BBC Newsnight, Professor Hinton expressed concern about AI displacing numerous routine jobs and emphasized the necessity for a benefits reform providing fixed cash amounts to every citizen. He disclosed that he had advised Downing Street on the viability of UBI, noting that while AI could enhance productivity and wealth, its benefits would primarily accrue to the affluent, exacerbating societal disparities.
Professor Hinton, a pioneer of neural networks, which underpin the current AI boom, recently departed from Google to voice concerns about unregulated AI. He warned that unchecked AI development poses existential threats, including the potential for AI to surpass biological intelligence, leading to dire consequences for humanity.
While UBI proponents argue that it could mitigate poverty and inequality, critics contend that it would be prohibitively expensive and divert resources from essential public services. Despite Professor Hinton’s advocacy, a government spokesman indicated that there are no immediate plans to implement UBI.
Moreover, Professor Hinton raised alarm about the unchecked military applications of AI, advocating for international regulations akin to the Geneva Conventions to govern AI use in warfare. He cautioned that the rapid development of AI could precipitate a race among nations, including autocratic regimes like Russia and China, for military AI dominance.
In light of these concerns, Professor Hinton emphasized the urgency of prohibiting military applications of AI to mitigate potential catastrophic outcomes.
Source: bbc.com

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