
Xinhua Headlines: China’s manufacturing sector revs up with AI-empowered innovation



A revolution fueled by advancements in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping China’s manufacturing landscape, injecting fresh momentum into its sustainable development.
The traditional image of China’s bustling assembly lines manned by tireless workers is gradually fading as AI-powered technologies take center stage.
Over the past three years, China has led the charge in innovation, launching numerous smart manufacturing pilot projects. This has resulted in the establishment of 421 national-level showcase factories, supported by a network of over 10,000 provincial-level digital workshops and intelligent factories.
The government’s recent AI Plus initiative aims to drive the expansion of the digital economy and spearhead the transformation of manufacturing sectors.
One notable success story is Lenovo’s LCFC manufacturing hub in Hefei, which has leveraged AI algorithms to streamline order processing. By analyzing vast datasets related to customer orders and production planning, Lenovo has optimized its operations, resulting in a significant increase in production efficiency and a reduction in order backlog.
Industries such as textiles have also embraced AI, with small and medium-sized firms adopting intelligent manufacturing solutions. Zhijing Technology’s “miniature robots” integrated into weaving machines have revolutionized the production process by enabling simultaneous weaving and quality inspection. This has led to increased efficiency and product consistency, marking a significant advancement in the textile industry.
Similarly, Micro-Intelligence, based in Changzhou, has developed AI-powered quality inspection robots for the manufacturing of power batteries, helping to address post-assembly concerns and reduce reliance on manual labor.
China’s AI industry has experienced rapid growth, supported by a thriving ecosystem of enterprises. Despite challenges, such as fragmented scenarios in the manufacturing sector, China’s industrial base and market size provide a solid foundation for harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in driving innovation and economic growth.
Source: english.news.cn
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