
EU AI Act may block smaller insurtechs from market entry



The EU AI Act, while aiming to regulate artificial intelligence to ensure ethical and safe deployment, may inadvertently create barriers for smaller insurtech companies seeking entry into the market. This legislation imposes stringent requirements on AI systems classified as high-risk, such as those used in critical infrastructures like healthcare and transportation. These requirements include comprehensive documentation, transparency, and adherence to specific technical standards.
For smaller insurtech firms with limited resources, achieving compliance with these stringent regulatory standards could be challenging. They may struggle to invest in the necessary infrastructure, expertise, and compliance frameworks required to meet the AI Act’s criteria. As a result, these companies may face delays in bringing innovative AI-driven products to market or may choose to prioritize less regulated markets outside the EU.
Furthermore, the compliance costs associated with the AI Act could disproportionately affect smaller firms compared to larger, more established competitors. This disparity may exacerbate market concentration, potentially reducing competition and innovation within the insurtech sector.
To navigate these challenges, smaller insurtech companies may need to collaborate with regulatory technology (RegTech) providers or seek partnerships with larger enterprises that have the resources to navigate regulatory complexities. Alternatively, they may explore less regulated AI applications or focus on niche markets where compliance requirements are less stringent.
Overall, while the EU AI Act aims to foster responsible AI innovation, its impact on smaller insurtech firms highlights the need for balanced regulation that encourages innovation while ensuring consumer protection and ethical standards are upheld.
Source: postonline.co.uk
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