
From AI trainers to ethicists: AI may obsolete some jobs but generate new ones



AI is rapidly taking over routine tasks in IT development and management, signaling potential benefits for the industry.
Recently, a job listing emerged for an “AI competency leader,” a position focused on collaborating across teams to implement generative artificial intelligence strategies across various domains. Such roles, unheard of just a year ago, are becoming commonplace in the AI era. While businesses are eager to harness AI’s potential, expertise in development and data science alone is no longer sufficient. The expanding responsibilities in AI initiatives span from algorithm training to ethical oversight.
Business landscapes are witnessing the emergence of novel job roles, as noted by industry insiders. Nearly seven in ten business leaders foresee the rise of generative AI leading to new positions such as AI auditors, ethicists, and prompt engineers, according to a Capgemini report. Doug Ross, Vice President and US Generative AI Leader at Sogeti, part of Capgemini, highlighted the growing demand for roles in AI management and digital transformation, emphasizing governance, strategy, stakeholder engagement, and policy in AI integration.
Robert Ghrist, Associate Dean at the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, distinguishes two categories of AI roles. The first encompasses AI specialists with comprehensive training in machine learning, neural networks, and large language models. The second category, more intertwined with broader business and managerial functions, involves roles like “AI plus X,” where X represents fields such as law, medicine, or education, demanding both AI expertise and industry-specific knowledge.
Prompt engineering has also emerged as a prominent role in the AI era. Tony Lee, CTO at Hyperscience, acknowledges its current demand but questions its future as a full-time profession, suggesting its evolution may hinge on technological advancements towards more conversational and human-like interfaces.
In summary, as AI reshapes IT operations, it brings forth a spectrum of new career opportunities ranging from specialized AI roles to interdisciplinary positions combining AI with diverse industries. The evolution of these roles will depend on ongoing technological advancements and the evolving needs of businesses adopting AI strategies.
Source: zdnet.com
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