
Concentric AI Launches First Data Security Control for Compliance



Concentric AI has announced the integration of new industry compliance capabilities into its Semantic Intelligence Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) solution.
These innovative features enable Concentric AI to identify data risks within organizational environments relevant to various compliance frameworks, address these issues, and meet compliance regulations more effectively than any other product on the market.
The enhanced compliance functionality offers comprehensive, out-of-the-box monitoring and reporting for popular regulations and frameworks such as HIPAA, NIST, PCI, HITRUST, ISO 27001, SOC 2, GLBA, SOX, GDPR, CCPA, among others. This allows organizations to efficiently track their compliance progress across multiple regulatory standards.
The new capabilities facilitate easy mapping of data security controls to specific enterprise environments, ensuring adherence to various regulatory requirements. Organizations can leverage Concentric AI to implement these security controls and evaluate their compliance status. Unlike competing solutions, Concentric AI provides a transparent view of an enterprise’s compliance status, with the ability to delve into specific frameworks and controls.
“Enterprises today need their data security posture management solutions to address their data security and governance needs,” said Karthik Krishnan, Concentric AI Founder and CEO. “With Concentric AI, they also gain proactive discovery, monitoring, and remediation capabilities to meet their data security and compliance requirements. Our new compliance functionality gives organizations a detailed understanding of their compliance status and enables them to take proactive measures to address any gaps and meet their compliance needs.”
Concentric AI’s new compliance features break down each regulation and standard into specific controls and rules, mapping them to data security requirements and status within an organization. The solution identifies relevant rules for each regulation, maps controls under each rule to specific data security requirements, monitors and reports on current status, provides actionable insights, remediates issues, and tracks the organization’s progress.
The user-friendly compliance dashboard offers an overall compliance score, detailed sections for each regulation, and a breakdown of control tests and failed assets for audit reports. This allows organizations to easily identify and address any compliance risks, ensuring their data security posture remains robust and compliant with regulatory standards.
Source: bisinfotech.com
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