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The spring market that never was: Canadian real estate remains in prolonged catch-up period as buyers idle on the sidelines




According to the Royal LePage House Price Survey released today, the aggregate1 price of a home in Canada increased 1.9 per cent year over year to $824,300 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarter-over-quarter basis, the national aggregate home price increased 1.5 per cent, despite a slowdown in activity in the country’s most expensive markets.
“Canada’s housing market is struggling to find a consistent rhythm, as the last three months clearly demonstrated,” said Phil Soper, president and CEO, Royal LePage. “Nationally, home prices rose while the number of properties bought and sold sagged; an unusual dynamic. The silver lining: inventory levels in many regions have climbed materially. This is the closest we’ve been to a balanced market in several years.
“This trend dominates activity in two of the country’s largest and most expensive markets, the greater regions of Toronto and Vancouver, where sales are down yet prices remain sticky,” Soper continued. “There are exceptions. In the prairie provinces and Quebec, low supply and tight competition persist.”

________________________________1 Aggregate prices are calculated using a weighted average of the median values of all housing types collected. Data is provided by RPS Real Property Solutions and includes both resale and new build.

Despite the Bank of Canada’s move to cut the overnight lending rate by 25 basis points on June 5th, from 5.0 per cent to 4.75 per cent,2 buyers did not immediately rush back to the market as initially expected.
“This spring, with bank rate cuts highly anticipated, we saw some buyers race to get a deal done ahead of an expected spike in demand. Yet, when that first cut finally occurred in early June, market response was tepid,” said Soper.
“A change in monetary policy drives consumer behaviour in two important ways. Lower rates mean lower monthly payments, opening the door to some families previously shut out of the market. Secondly is the psychological signal broadcast to sidelined buyers that the tide is turning, and that market activity is about to pick up again,” added Soper. “Not surprisingly, the quarter-point cut to the bank rate didn’t substantially improve the affordability picture. As for consumer sentiment, our early year research indicated that only one in ten potential homebuyers would be motivated by a tiny rate drop. The tale the market tells as rate cuts get to the point of a material reduction in the cost of borrowing should be a very different one.”
According to a Royal LePage survey, conducted by Leger earlier this year,3 51 per cent of sidelined homebuyers said they would resume their search if interest rates reversed. Ten per cent said a 25-basis-point drop would prompt them to jump back into the market, 18 per cent said they are waiting for a cut of 50 to 100 basis points, and 23 per cent said they need to see a cut of more than 100 basis points before they will consider resuming their search.
The Royal LePage National House Price Composite is compiled from proprietary property data nationally and regionally in 64 of the nation’s largest real estate markets. When broken out by housing type, the national median price of a single-family detached home increased 2.2 per cent year over year to $860,600, while the median price of a condominium increased 1.6 per cent year over year to $596,500. On a quarter-over-quarter basis, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 1.8 per cent, while the median price of a condominium increased 0.8 per cent. Price data, which includes both resale and new build, is provided by RPS Real Property Solutions, a leading Canadian real estate valuation company.
The national aggregate home price remains well above pre-pandemic levels. In the second quarter of 2024, the aggregate price of a home in Canada recorded an increase of 30.8 per cent over the same period in 2019.
“2024 marks the fifth year since the pandemic and post-pandemic rebound began to wreak havoc on real estate prices. Yes, values remain well above 2019 levels, yet a thirty per cent rise in home values spread over five years, or six per cent annually, is approaching long-term norms for Canadian residential property appreciation. The market has a way of correcting mistakes.”

______________________________2 Bank of Canada reduces policy rate by 25 basis points, June 5, 20243 Half of sidelined homebuyers waiting for interest rate cuts to resume their purchase plans, February 27, 2024

Inflation and interest rates
For the last two years, the national housing market has seen home prices fluctuate between modest declines and increases – with some regional exceptions – as a result of the impacts of higher interest rates. As the Bank of Canada cautiously navigates the delicate balance between lowering the key lending rate and keeping inflation in check, some segments of Canada’s housing market have stalled.
“Canada’s housing market faces pent-up demand after two stifling years of high borrowing costs. While inflation control is crucial, persistently high rates are increasing the risk of a surge in demand when buyers inevitably return. New household formation and immigration keep fueling the need for housing, and a sudden release could create much market instability. This highlights the need for a more nuanced approach that balances inflation control with economic vitality,” added Soper.
“It is worth noting that once you remove the impact of high mortgage rates themselves from Canada’s Consumer Price Index calculation, inflation today sits well below the two per cent target.”
According to Statistics Canada’s latest report, Canada’s inflation rate rose to 2.9 per cent in May, up from 2.7 per cent in April.4 When shelter costs are removed, that figure dips to 1.5 per cent.
Increased borrowing costs slow new home construction
Elevated borrowing rates are not only dampening housing market activity but also stifling the construction of new homes. Builders, who rely heavily on lending, are finding it increasingly difficult to finance new projects, exacerbating the country’s shortage of housing at a time when our population continues to grow.
“Gradual interest rate reductions could unlock a housing supply logjam,” said Soper. “Lower rates would not only empower buyers but also incentivize builders, who rely on borrowing for development. This is crucial to meet the diverse needs of our growing population. We need affordable options for first-time buyers, growing families, and downsizing retirees. Incremental rate adjustments are key to achieving a balanced and inclusive housing market. Without a significant supply boost, prices will continue to rise, impacting both those who seek home ownership and the one-third of Canadians in rental markets.”
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) reported a month-over-month increase in national housing starts in May, following two months of decline.5 In Vancouver, where competition for housing remains extremely tight, housing starts declined, while Toronto and Montreal posted a lift in starts. Still, the rate of new construction remains well below what is required to satisfy demand.


________________________________4 Consumer Price Index, May 2024, June 25, 20245 Monthly Housing Starts and Other Construction Data Tables, June 17, 2024

“Canada’s housing market faces complex challenges. While raising interest rates was crucial to fighting inflation, it has unintentionally choked off the essential flow of new housing supply. Higher borrowing costs, coupled with labour shortages in the construction trades and rising material prices, have made it economically unsustainable for developers to launch new projects. This creates a perfect storm – our population is growing steadily, yet we’re building far fewer homes than what’s needed to meet that demand. This situation urgently needs innovative solutions to ensure Canadians have access to affordable housing options,” concluded Soper.
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Canada will increase 9.0 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. Nationally, home prices are forecast to see continued moderate price appreciation throughout the second half of the year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
Greater Toronto Area
The aggregate price of a home in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) increased 0.9 per cent year over year to $1,190,600 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the GTA rose 1.1 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 1.3 per cent year over year to $1,466,400 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 1.4 per cent to $741,500 during the same period.
“Sales activity in the GTA was unseasonably low this spring. Almost all of the price appreciation we’ve seen year to date occurred in the first quarter, followed by a virtual flatline. New listings are up double digits compared to this time last year, and active listings are the highest they’ve been in more than a decade,” said Karen Yolevski, chief operating officer, Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. “While many buyers appear to be sitting on the sidelines, this will be good news for them when they resume their home buying plans. The region has been starved for housing inventory for some time. Once consumers regain the confidence to re-enter the market – likely following several more interest rate cuts – this boost in supply will be a welcome improvement to market conditions.”
In the city of Toronto, the aggregate price of a home decreased modestly by 0.5 per cent year over year to $1,215,300 in the second quarter of 2024. However, the aggregate price of a home in Toronto increased 4.8 per cent quarter over quarter. The median price of a single-family detached home declined 0.9 per cent year over year to $1,763,200, while the median price of a condominium decreased 2.4 per cent to $711,500.
“This time last year, sales activity and home prices ramped up following the first rate hold by the Bank of Canada, the first signal of relief since the start of its aggressive campaign to tamp down inflation. By comparison, prices recorded in the second quarter of this year are hovering around flat or showing modest decreases,” said Yolevski. “However, the trendline from the start of 2024 shows moderate, incremental gains. Despite a marked slowdown in activity, home prices are not trending downward, as most sellers have demonstrated they have the ability to hold out for the right buyer.”
Yolevski added that activity has slowed across all segments and housing types, not only in the resale market, but in pre-construction as well.
“Consumers’ ability to purchase a new construction property – whether investors or end-users – has been blunted by the fast and furious rise in interest rates over the last two years, as the value of pre-construction units are not increasing at the same pace as mortgage costs in the time between purchasing and closing. This drop in demand has in turn diminished builders’ confidence to launch new products in the near-term,” said Yolevski. “The high cost of borrowing continues to be a major roadblock for builders in this city, and across the country.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in the Greater Toronto Area will increase 10.0 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. The GTA is set to see the greatest price appreciation of all major markets.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
Greater Montreal Area
The aggregate price of a home in the Greater Montreal Area increased 4.8 per cent year over year to $599,400 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region rose 3.5 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 5.8 per cent year over year to $681,300 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 0.9 per cent to $465,800 during the same period.
“It’s still too early to measure the full impact of this first rate cut on June 5th, but it is fair to say that the decision signals a change in tone by the central bank. Even if the 25-basis-point cut is immaterial in enlarging buyers’ budgets, it has certainly strengthened their resolve to resume the process,” said Dominic St-Pierre, executive vice president of business development, Royal LePage. “We may only see the effects of this easing of monetary policy on real estate transactions in a few months’ time, when subsequent reductions to the key interest rate are likely to have taken place. We expect activity to pick up, slowly but surely, between now and the end of the summer period.”
In Montreal Centre, the aggregate price of a home increased 6.1 per cent year over year to $736,600 in the second quarter of 2024. During the same period, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 4.6 per cent to $1,139,000, while the median price of a condominium increased 1.7 per cent to $573,000.
At the beginning of 2024, buyers were present, motivated by expectations of lower interest rates. However, the number of sellers was limited, creating increased pressure on property prices. With more inventory in the second quarter, sales accelerated.
“The year started off like a lion, with buyers rushing in even before the Bank of Canada changed course on its monetary policy,” noted Marc Lefrançois, chartered real estate broker, Royal LePage Tendance. “In the first quarter of the year, sellers returned to the market, but in smaller numbers than buyers, putting upward pressure on property prices. Then, in the second quarter, sellers made a stronger comeback, increasing the supply on the market and encouraging a rise in transactions.”
Despite some rebalancing of supply and demand last quarter, the chronic housing supply shortage in Quebec remains a challenge. Rising borrowing costs over the past two years have not only put home ownership out of reach for some buyers, but also curbed builders’ borrowing capacity.
“2023 was marked by a record decline in housing starts in Quebec,” points out St-Pierre, citing the rising interest rate environment as the main cause. “As the Bank of Canada implements its plan to reduce its key lending rate, we should begin to see a recovery of new construction projects across the province. At the same time, the various regulatory and permitting bodies in Quebec municipalities must work together to accelerate the pace of construction in order to alleviate the housing crisis we are experiencing.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in the Greater Montreal Area will increase 8.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
Greater Vancouver
The aggregate price of a home in Greater Vancouver increased 3.9 per cent to $1,251,200 year over year in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 1.0 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 2.6 per cent year over year to $1,783,000 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 1.0 per cent to $777,100 during the same period.
“The Vancouver housing market has been treading water as of late – activity is lower than the 10-year average, but is not at a total standstill. The highly-anticipated rate cut by the Bank of Canada in June did not lead a materially greater number of buyers back to the market, a factor that is keeping home prices relatively flat,” said Randy Ryalls, general manager, Royal LePage Sterling Realty. “We continue to see consumers sitting on the fence, taking their time with their real estate purchase decisions. Inventory has continued to grow, giving prospective buyers some much-needed choice and keeping market conditions balanced. As is normally the case for this time of year, buyers and sellers have hit pause to enjoy the summer months.”
Ryalls added that many developers continue to pump the brakes on new project launches. Elevated borrowing costs, coupled with labour shortages and high material prices, are making it difficult for builders to break even on new housing developments. Meanwhile, the provincial government is actively trying to incentivize the creation of new home supply, particularly near transit centres, in an effort to bring housing affordability under control.
In the city of Vancouver, the aggregate price of a home increased 0.3 per cent year over year to $1,438,700 in the second quarter of 2024. During the same period, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 4.6 per cent to $2,293,600, while the median price of a condominium increased 3.7 per cent to $852,100.
“In the months ahead, I expect we will see a typical sleepy summer market. If inventory levels continue to rise at the rate we’ve been seeing, those who are under tight pressure to sell may need to consider lowering their list price in order to attract buyer attention,” said Ryalls. “Even if the Bank of Canada makes another rate cut in July, it’s unclear if it will stimulate buyer demand. It would take a much more profound decrease to interest rates to reverse the trends we are currently experiencing.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Greater Vancouver will increase 5.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
The aggregate price of a home in Ottawa increased 2.1 per cent year over year to $777,400 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 2.6 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 2.3 per cent year over year to $896,200 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 1.0 per cent to $404,300 during the same period.
“Many would-be homebuyers continue to sit on the sidelines, an indication that the recent 25-basis point rate cut by the Bank of Canada has not convinced many purchasers to return to the market. Meanwhile, the expectation of a rate drop and a subsequent upswing in market activity, prompted many sellers to list their homes throughout the spring,” said John Rogan, broker of record, Royal LePage Performance Realty. “While demand has slowed, it is likely to pick up again in the fall, especially if we see further rate cuts. However, the summer months will be relatively quiet, as is typical for this time of year.”
Rogan noted that Ottawa’s healthy job market and ample number of dual-income households is largely preventing homeowners from being forced to sell in order to cope with higher carrying costs.
“Thankfully, we have not seen many sellers list their homes under the duress of an unaffordable mortgage renewal,” added Rogan. “Buyers are proceeding with caution and sellers are holding out for the right offer. Many buyers are trying to navigate higher interest rates and the elevated costs of carrying a mortgage. Until we see a series of cuts to the overnight lending rate, I expect buyer hesitation will continue.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Ottawa will increase 4.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
Quebec City
The aggregate price of a home in Quebec City increased 10.4 per cent year over year to $387,000 in the second quarter of 2024, the strongest price appreciation recorded among the country’s major real estate markets. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 5.5 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 9.7 per cent year over year to $405,300 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 12.7 per cent to $290,200 during the same period.
“The Quebec City real estate market is still very buoyant, stimulated by a low number of properties for sale, strong demand and affordable home values compared to many other markets in Quebec and Canada,” says Michèle Fournier, vice president and chartered real estate broker, Royal LePage Inter-Québec.
Moreover, Quebec City is the most popular destination for Montrealers looking for affordability in the housing market, according to a survey conducted in May by Royal LePage.6
“Unlike other markets in the province, multiple-offer scenarios are still the order of the day, when the price is justified and the property is well-presented. With the downward trend in interest rates, we find ourselves in the midst of a perfect storm for real estate price growth.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Quebec City will increase 9.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. The previous forecast has been revised upwards to reflect current market conditions.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:

________________________________6 Half of residents in Canada’s largest urban centres eyeing move to more affordable real estate markets, May 29th, 2024

The aggregate price of a home in Calgary increased 7.9 per cent year over year to $694,000 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 2.6 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 8.3 per cent year over year to $797,200 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 8.6 per cent to $273,600 during the same period.
“Sales activity remains strong in Calgary, with many homebuyers competing for properties in multiple-offer scenarios. The June interest rate cut, however, did not add fuel to the already red-hot market. So far, the long-awaited rate drop has only really benefited variable-rate mortgage holders, who are now seeing some relief on their monthly mortgage payments,” said Corinne Lyall, broker and owner, Royal LePage Benchmark. “Inventory has seen some recent growth, but not enough to keep up with current demand levels. Attached and row homes, which are appealing property types for those who can’t get on the single-family detached property ladder, are popular among entry-level buyer hopefuls. Consistently, there has been approximately one month’s worth of supply available for all property types.”
Lyall noted that new supply continues to come on the market through the development of townhomes and condominiums. Increasingly, developers are opting to build multi-unit properties on single lots, adding more density and much-needed entry-level supply to the market.
“In the months ahead, we should see a gradual slowdown as consumers take a break for the summer, before activity picks up in the fall again,” said Lyall. “The late third quarter and fourth quarter of this year could be particularly strong for sales if interest rates continue to decline. My hope, however, is that rate cuts will roll out gradually so that supply levels have enough time to be replenished ahead of rising buyer demand.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Calgary will increase 8.0 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
The aggregate price of a home in Edmonton increased 3.7 per cent year over year to $450,600 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 1.9 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 5.5 per cent year over year to $497,200 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 4.2 per cent to $201,600 during the same period.
“The first half of the year has been very strong in terms of sales activity, and I expect we will even surpass the high volume of transactions recorded during the height of the pandemic real estate boom. In fact, were it not for the constraints of extremely low supply, we’d likely see even more deals getting done,” said Tom Shearer, broker and owner, Royal LePage Noralta Real Estate. “Right now, every home to hit the market that’s well-maintained and appropriately-priced is getting scooped up. Essentially, the only properties that are languishing are overpriced or still in the pre-construction phase.”
Shearer expects strong buyer demand to continue through the summer and fall, and activity to dip in the winter, as is typical for the region. However, he does not expect further interest rate cuts to materially increase the number of buyers in the market, but believes those who are already active will have greater buying power as a result.
“There is something for everyone in Edmonton, regardless of the area, size, price point or type of property you are looking for,” Shearer added. “Newcomers to the province – both from inter-provincial migration and international immigration – continue to drive demand and price appreciation in the city centre and surrounding regions. And, employment opportunities in the oil and gas industry are not the only reason people are choosing to live in the area. It’s a combination of factors, including the lifestyle, affordability and access to nature Edmonton has to offer.”
This was clear in a recent survey by Royal LePage, which identified the 15 most affordable Canadian cities based on the percentage of income required to service a monthly mortgage payment. Edmonton topped the list of cities residents in Toronto and Vancouver would be willing to relocate to, if they could find a job or work remotely.7
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Edmonton will increase 6.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:

_______________________________7 Half of residents in Canada’s largest urban centres eyeing move to more affordable real estate markets, May 29, 2024


The aggregate price of a home in Halifax increased 3.7 per cent year over year to $513,700 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 1.1 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 4.1 per cent year over year to $582,500 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 2.0 per cent to $412,600 during the same period.
“On the whole, there doesn’t seem to be a sense of urgency among Halifax homebuyers at the moment, as many wait to see how falling interest rates will influence the market. The June interest rate cut by the Bank of Canada did not bring the wave of activity some may have been anticipating,” said Matt Honsberger, broker and owner, Royal LePage Atlantic. “The exception to this is the entry-level segment of the market, which remains highly active thanks to first-time homebuyers. High and fast-rising rental costs are pushing many tenants into the resale market sooner than they planned, given that the monthly carrying costs of home ownership are now less than or equal to leasing in some cases.”
Honsberger added that new resale inventory continues to rise from record lows, but remains below historical norms. New developments in areas surrounding downtown Halifax continue to pop up, with a wide variety of housing types being built. This will bring some much-needed supply to the region.
“If interest rates continue on a downward trajectory and housing affordability improves as a result, we could see a surge in buying and selling activity come the fall. Consumers who have been waiting out high interest rates will be motivated to move off the sidelines and into the market once again if the overnight lending rate comes down substantially. This includes move-up buyers, who have remained somewhat inactive – activity from this segment will bring more supply to the market,” said Honsberger. “A boost in transactions will result in upward pressure on home prices, but nothing like the intensity we experienced in recent years when borrowing rates were at all-time lows.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Halifax will increase 6.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. The previous forecast has been revised upward to reflect current market conditions.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
The aggregate price of a home in Winnipeg increased 4.3 per cent year over year to $403,400 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 3.2 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 3.7 per cent year over year to $442,300 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 4.8 per cent to $265,200 during the same period.
“Winnipeg experienced a robust spring market, with activity levels significantly ahead of this time last year,” said Michael Froese, broker and manager, Royal LePage Prime Real Estate. “However, the first few weeks of the summer have been uncharacteristically slow, signalling an early seasonal plateau. The interest rate cut did not factor much into our market nor buck any seasonal norms. Inventory levels still cannot satisfy the strong demand for housing, despite some buyers opting to wait for further interest rate drops.”
Despite a slowdown towards the end of the second quarter, the housing market in Winnipeg remains strong. Froese noted that demand is largely centred on single-family detached homes. However, there has been an increased interest in attached homes and condominiums of late.
“Buyers are eager to enter the market at any price point they can. Many developers are also adding secondary suites to properties, driven by demand from young buyers looking to offset their mortgage payments with rental income,” added Froese. “More than 40 per cent of homes sold over list price in June, compared to the third of properties that were sold over list in the same month last year. This suggests that the sellers’ market we’ve been experiencing will continue throughout the summer, keeping prices buoyant.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Winnipeg will increase 7.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. The previous forecast has been revised upward to reflect current market conditions.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
The aggregate price of a home in Regina increased 2.6 per cent year over year to $384,800 in the second quarter of 2024. On a quarterly basis, the aggregate price of a home in the region increased 1.3 per cent.
Broken out by housing type, the median price of a single-family detached home increased 3.9 per cent year over year to $420,400 in the second quarter of 2024, while the median price of a condominium increased 2.2 per cent to $231,200 during the same period.
“Regina’s housing market is currently facing significant inventory shortages, which has resulted in increased competition and multiple-offer scenarios. The market is highly active across all property types. This includes condominiums, which have typically stayed on the market for longer periods of time, but have recently been selling much quicker” said Shaheen Zareh, sales representative, Royal LePage Regina Realty. “I anticipate activity will continue to ramp up throughout the summer months, especially if interest rates continue to drop. This may drive home prices upward.”
Zareh noted that current market conditions are making it especially challenging for first-time homebuyers. However, driven by escalating rental rates and the looming prospect of higher housing prices from increased competition, these buyer hopefuls are still eager to enter the market.
“With rental prices pushing more residents towards home ownership, and interest rates set to drop further, I expect these trends to continue and even intensify as the year progresses,” Zareh added. “The wildcard factor that we are watching closely is mortgage renewals. If a large number of homeowners move to sell when their loans come up for renewal, inevitably at a higher rate, a surge of inventory could hit the market. Still, these sellers will continue to face ongoing inventory and affordability challenges.”
Royal LePage is forecasting that the aggregate price of a home in Regina will increase 6.5 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the same quarter last year. The previous forecast has been revised upward to reflect current market conditions.
Royal LePage House Price Survey Chart: LePage Forecast Chart:
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Thomson Reuters SYNERGY Conference Debuts in Dubai Bringing Customer-Driven Innovation to Legal, Tax and Finance Professionals




Thomson Reuters (TSX/NYSE: TRI), a global content and technology company, today brings its premiere SYNERGY conference to the Middle East and North Africa for leaders in the legal, tax and finance professions.  In an increasingly complex regulatory environment, Thomson Reuters is delivering a customer-driven innovation roadmap to empower professionals with the knowledge and technology to solve business challenges.
Ibrahim Abdel Rehim, Regional Head, Middle East & North Africa, Thomson Reuters said: “By bringing our global flagship conference to Dubai for the first time in 2024, Thomson Reuters is showcasing its continued commitment to investing in the region. Our aim is to provide the knowledge, connections and technology to help professionals understand today and navigate tomorrow with confidence.”
Announcements at SYNERGY MENA 2024 include:

The launch of our new Westlaw Middle East: The new and improved legal research application demonstrates major advances in legal search and collaboration tools, enabling Westlaw Middle East customers to complete legal research quicker and more effectively than before. Lawyers in the Middle East will be able to access both Arabic and translated English legislation and case law, supporting them to stay ahead of the complex legal landscape.Sonya Syan, Head of Knowledge Management, Al Tamimi & Company, said: “As a longstanding client of Westlaw Middle East, we are delighted to see significant enhancements being made to the platform. The new interface is clean and much more user-friendly, catering to the needs of bilingual lawyers while greatly improving research efficiency and accuracy. These upgrades are timely as the region has seen accelerated growth in recent years, driving an increased demand for faster, more informed legal insights.”
Practical Law unveils expansion plans to deepen legal know-how content offering in Middle East: For the first time, lawyers will have access to growing repositories of locally maintained content designed to help them keep pace with regional legal developments, compare jurisdictions across the GCC, and gain an overview of the legal system in minutes.
Continuous investment in tax offerings: As the region looks to diversify revenue sources and standardize the tax systems, we’ve seen e-invoicing mandates already confirmed across five countries in the region with four more likely to follow. Thomson Reuters is dedicated to ensuring tax professionals stay compliant while navigating changing regulations through our continuous investment in ONESOURCE and our recent acquisition of Pagero, a global leader in e-invoicing and indirect tax solutions.
Deep dive into CoCounsel, the professional-grade GenAI assistant: Immersing attendees into the AI technology strategy and demonstrating our commitment to and progress toward transforming the way legal professionals work.His Excellency Professor Dr. Ebrahim Alhajri, President, Khalifa University, said: “We are committed to staying in the forefront of innovation and providing our students, faculty, and researchers with the best tools to succeed in a rapidly evolving world. Partnering with Thomson Reuters to implement CoCounsel is a significant step in our journey to integrate advanced AI solutions into our academic and operational framework. We are delighted to see the transformative impact this will have on our community.”

Other key topics from the day include:

The UAE’s Shift to a Digital First Nation: The opening keynote by His Excellency Dr. Saeed Al Dhaheri uncovers how leaders in the UAE propelled the nation to the forefront of digital innovation, with a look ahead to their ambitious roadmap for continued digital success.
Forces Shaping Professional Work: Panel discussion with industry leaders from Al Futtaim, Gartner and Abu Dhabi University exploring how AI and digital transformation is rapidly reshaping the UAE’s professional landscape, including insights from The Future of Professionals report.
Navigating Compliance Complexity: Tax, finance and legal experts discuss the latest developments and strategic implications of new regulations on multinationals, including insights from the Ministry of Finance and the UAE Cabinet.
International expansion of strategic industries: In a panel hosted by Reuters, leaders from Emirates, Masdar and Gradiant delve into the opportunities and challenges posed by macroeconomic trends on international expansion plans in their industries.

Thomson ReutersThomson Reuters (TSX/NYSE: TRI) (“TR”) informs the way forward by bringing together the trusted content and technology that people and organizations need to make the right decisions. The company serves professionals across legal, tax, accounting, compliance, government, and media. Its products combine highly specialized software and insights to empower professionals with the data, intelligence, and solutions needed to make informed decisions, and to help institutions in their pursuit of justice, truth, and transparency. Reuters, part of Thomson Reuters, is a world-leading provider of trusted journalism and news. For more information, visit
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Clarivate Reveals Citation Laureates 2024




Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today unveiled the Citation Laureates 2024 list – used to forecast future Nobel Prize recipients. These 22 exceptional scientists and economists spanning six countries have demonstrated such groundbreaking impact in their fields that their work is considered of Nobel stature. Experts at the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) at Clarivate have identified 75 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel success – often several years before they received Nobel honors.
This year’s Citation Laureates have made significant contributions to advancing key areas, including clean energy, nanotechnology, 3D protein structures, the economic impact of corruption, heart disease, molecular dynamics, quantum computing, genetic imprinting and condensed matter physics.
The list highlights 22 individuals based at leading academic institutions and corporate organizations. This year, 11 are based in the United States, six in the United Kingdom, two in Switzerland, and one each in Germany, Israel and Japan. These individuals have authored foundational research papers in their fields that are exceptionally highly cited and have had a broad societal impact.
John M. Jumper, Director at Google DeepMind and a Citation Laureate 2024, said: “Being named a Citation Laureate is a recognition of the impact our work has had – it’s not just about our discovery, but about the groundbreaking science being done on top of our discovery. This award recognizes that we are the shoulders on which other researchers are standing to see further. I’m deeply passionate that we’re able to make the work of scientists faster so medicine and science can work better for society.”
Demis Hassabis, CEO and Co-Founder at Google DeepMind and a Citation Laureate 2024, said: “I’m deeply honored to be named a Citation Laureate for 2024. I’ve dedicated my career to AI because of its potential to advance science and improve billions of lives, and AlphaFold is the first proof point of this promise. AlphaFold has been used by over 2 million researchers to advance critical work, from enzyme design to drug discovery. I believe AI will be one of the most beneficial technologies ever, enabling cures for devastating diseases, delivering truly personalized medicine, and powering ‘science at digital speed’.”
Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President for Research & Analytics, Academia & Government at Clarivate said: “The Citation Laureates program is a tribute to the visionary minds driving innovation and societal impact across diverse fields of research. Their influence, evidenced by their extensive citation records, highlights the significant impact of their work on shaping future discoveries and contributions to societal progress. At Clarivate, we are proud to spotlight these pioneering individuals whose work offers transformative potential.”
Since 2002, analysts at the Institute for Scientific Information have drawn on publication and citation data from trusted journals in the Web of Science to identify potential Nobel Prize recipients in the fields of Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Economics. Out of nearly 61 million articles and proceedings indexed in the Web of Science since 1970, only 0.01% have been cited more than 2,000 times. Citation Laureates are selected from the authors of this group of papers.
The Citation Laureates 2024 are:

Physiology or Medicine

Jonathan C. Cohen, C. Vincent Prothro Distinguished Chair in Human Nutrition Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States, and
Helen H. Hobbs, Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States
For research on the genetics of lipid metabolism, which has led to new drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases

Ann M. Graybiel, Institute Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, and
Okihide Hikosaka, NIH Distinguished Investigator, Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, and
Wolfram Schultz, Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience, and Professorial Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; Visiting Research Associate, Division of Human & Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States
For physiological studies of the basal ganglia, central to motor control and behavior including learning

Davor Solter, Emeritus Director and Member, Department of Developmental Biology, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany, and
Azim Surani, Director of Germline and Epigenetics Research, Gurdon Institute; and Affiliated Professor, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
For the discovery of genomic imprinting, advancing our understanding of epigenetics and mammalian development



Rafi Bistritzer, Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, and
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, and
Allan H. MacDonald, Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Physics, Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States
For pioneering theoretical and experimental contributions to the physics of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene and related moiré quantum devices

David Deutsch, Visiting Professor of Physics, Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory, and Honorary Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, and
Peter W. Shor, Henry Adams Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
For revolutionary contributions to quantum algorithms and computing

Christoph Gerber, Professor, Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
For invention and application of atomic force microscopy



David Baker, Professor of Biochemistry, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, and Director of the Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, United States, and
John M. Jumper, Director, Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom, and
Demis Hassabis, CEO and Co-Founder, Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom
For contributions to the prediction and design of three-dimensional protein structures and functions

Kazunari Domen, Special Contract Professor, Institute for Aqua Regeneration, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan; University Professor, Office of University Professors, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
For fundamental research on photocatalysts for water splitting and the construction of solar hydrogen production systems

Roberto Car, Ralph W. *31 Dornte Professor in Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry and the Princeton Materials Institute; Director, Chemistry in Solution and at Interfaces Computational Chemical Science Center; Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States, and
Michele Parrinello, Professor Emeritus of Computational Science at the Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland; Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
For the Car-Parrinello method for calculating ab-initio molecular dynamics, a revolution in computational chemistry


Janet Currie, Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
For pioneering economic analysis of child development


Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
For integrating nature and its resources in the human economy

Paolo Mauro, Director, Economic and Market Research Department, International Finance Corporation, Washington, D.C., United States
For empirical studies of the effects of corruption on investment and economic growth

Notes to editors:To learn more about the list’s methodology and view our full list of Citation Laureates named since 2002, visit the Hall of Citation Laureates.
David Pendlebury, Head of Research Analysis at the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate is available for interview.
This year’s Nobel Prize announcements will take place 7–14 October. All the announcements will be streamed live at
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Camera Accessories Market to Reach $10.7 Billion, Globally, by 2033 at 11% CAGR: Allied Market Research




Allied Market Research published a report, titled, “Camera Accessories Market by Type (Lenses, Bags and Cases, Tripods, Batteries and Chargers, and Others), and Distribution Channel (Online and Offline): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2024-2033″. According to the report, the camera accessories market was valued at $3.8 billion in 2023, and is estimated to reach $10.7 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 11% from 2024 to 2033.
Download Sample Pages of Research Overview:
Prime determinants of growth 
The market for camera accessories is mostly propelled by the rising demand for excellent photography and videography. The demand for sophisticated equipment including tripods, lenses, and lighting solutions has increased due to the growth of social media and content creation. The industry is growing due to technological developments such as smart features and wireless connectivity. Furthermore, there is a greater need for appropriate accessories due to the increasing popularity of mirrorless and DSLR cameras. However, the market experiences obstacles including high costs and the presence of counterfeit products. The increase in photographs taken with smartphones presents another risk. However, possibilities present themselves as the e-commerce industry grows, providing camera accessories to a wider range of consumers.
Report coverage & details:

Report Coverage   


Forecast Period     



Base Year           


Market Size in 2023           

$3.8 billion          

Market Size in 2033


$10.7 billion


11 %

No. of Pages in Report        



Segments Covered

Type, Distribution Channel, and Region.                       


Rise of Social Media and Content Creation
Advancements in Camera Technology
Growth in Professional Photography



Expansion of E-commerce
Innovations in Product Offerings
Emerging Markets


High Costs
Market Saturation
Economic Uncertainties

Segment Highlights
The market for camera accessories is expanding significantly, especially for tripods, as more people get interested in photography as a recreational activity and as a profession. Demand is being driven mostly by growing disposable income and technological developments in cameras, particularly DSLRs and mirrorless systems. Both amateur and professional photographers are in high demand for tripods since they are necessary for maintaining stability when taking pictures. The market is competitive, with leading companies launching innovative devices like Zhiyun and more recent brands like Joby, Gitzo, and Manfrotto. The increasing number of travel photographers and vloggers is being served by the trend toward lightweight and portable tripods. The expansion of e-commerce platforms has also made it simple for customers to access a variety of tripod solutions, which is propelling market growth.
The market for offline camera accessories is still growing, driven by professionals and enthusiasts who want to experience products before they buy them. Customers may try products like tripods, lenses, and lighting equipment in physical stores since they provide a hands-on experience. For individuals in need of professional guidance and real-time troubleshooting, the advantages of personalized customer service and instant availability are noteworthy. Large electronics companies and specialty camera stores predominate in this market, frequently holding community engagement events like workshops and demos. An additional special offline benefit is the ability to compare various brands and models directly. The offline sector continues despite the growth of e-commerce since photography and videography require high-quality equipment to be considered firsthand.
Buy This Research Report (250 Pages PDF with Insights, Charts, Tables, and Figures) @
Regional Outlook
Global market outlooks for camera accessories vary by region. Leading manufacturers have a significant presence in the North American market, which is fueled by technological advancements and a strong culture of photography. As a result of photography’s increasing popularity as a hobby and profession, Europe is seeing consistent growth. Owing to rising disposable income and a growing interest in photography and videography, the Asia Pacific region, especially China and Japan are expanding quickly. Growing consumer awareness and better economic conditions are increasing demand for camera accessories, and Latin America and the Middle East & Africa regions provide unexplored opportunities. Altogether, cultural influences, economic variables, and technological advancements are reflected in the market’s regional dynamics.
Players: –

Canon Inc.
Elite Brands Inc.
Hitachi Ltd.
Kinefinity Inc.
Miller Australia Pty Ltd.
Nikon Corp.
Olympus Corp.
Panasonic Holdings Corp.
Panavision Inc.
RED Digital Cinema LLC
Ricoh Co. Ltd.
Rollei GmbH and Co. KG.
Sony Group Corp.
The Vitec Group Plc
Transcend Information Inc.
Koninklijke Philips NV
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.


The report provides a detailed analysis of these key players in the global camera accessories market. These players have adopted different strategies such as new product launches, collaborations, expansion, joint ventures, agreements, and others to increase their market share and maintain dominant shares in different regions. The report is valuable in highlighting business performance, operating segments, product portfolio, and strategic moves of market players to showcase the competitive scenario.
Inquiry Before Buying @
Recent Developments:

In October 2023, Manfrotto strengthened its presence in the Asia-Pacific professional photography industry by acquiring Lastolite, a firm that specializes in lighting management solutions. Manfrotto’s product line and market reach?grew as a result of this purchase.
In August 2023, Fujifilm aimed to cater to the increasing demand for travel and street photographers in the Asia-Pacific region by introducing a variety of innovative camera bags and protective accessories to its product portfolio. This addition is intended to meet the unique requirements of photographers who need high-quality, fashionable camera equipment.

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